Partner of Victoria Reis - friend of James Alefantis - said that James reminds him of capital of hell - pandemonium

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Partner of Victoria Reis - friend of James Alefantis - said that James reminds him of capital of hell - pandemonium

Post by Heisenberg123 » ... c23757.png [alternative link]

So there's this picture blasted throughout the internet with screenshot of Victoria Lynn Reis Instagram post showing pan and how she says that pan reminds her of jimmycomet. It shows definition of pan which is not 100% accurate, it is only half accurate I believe because I never saw any established definitions attaching all those traits to pan, like yeah it's frivolous god and it could definitely mean something in context of James. But that's not why I'm here.

Under Victoria Reis there is her partner Brian Baker under nickname brianbakers saying James Alefantis reminds him of "pandemonium". It's interesting how all people pointed out "pan" but not this one? Because it's even more interesting.

In John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost it is literally a capital of hell: ... dise_Lost)
"Pandæmonium" (in some versions of English "Pandemonium") stems from the Greek "παν", meaning "all" or "every", and "δαιμόνιον", a diminutive form meaning "little spirit", "little angel", or, as Christians interpreted it, "little daemon", and later, "demon". It thus roughly translates as "All Demons", but can also be interpreted as Παν-δαιμον-ειον, Pandemoneios or "all-demon-place".[1]
John Milton invented the name for the capital of Hell, "the High Capital, of Satan and his Peers", built by the fallen angels at the suggestion of Mammon at the end of Book I of Paradise Lost (1667). It was designed by the architect Mulciber, who had been the designer of palaces in Heaven before his fall. (In Roman times, Mulciber was another name for the Roman god Vulcan.) Book II begins with the debate among the "Stygian Council" in the council-chamber of Pandæmonium. The demons built it in about an hour, but it far surpassed all human palaces or dwellings; it was probably quite small, however, as its spacious hall is described as being very crowded with the thronging swarm of demons, who were taller than any human man, until at a signal they were shrunk from their titanic size to less than "smallest dwarfs". It was also reputed to be made of solid gold.
This is Brian Baker profile:

Brian is guitarist of Bad Religion, band with anti-Christian imagery:

They claim they are not anti religion but imagery says otherwise:

Here he pictured his wife Victoria Lynn Reis:

Here he is with Victoria, James Alefantis and few other people of interest in pizzagate, on Transformer DC auction: ... er-20-2011

Here I assume from 2002 with Victoria: ... ovinda.php

Here again he pictured his wife Victoria:

Here at Transformer Auction 2016 with Victoria:

Here he posted this few weeks before pizzagate broke out "please don't leave bad-ass children unattended"

Here few weeks before pizzagate broke out he posted art showing men with bunny outfits and teddy bear, author is Alex Podesta, this art was under fire during pizzagate research: ... men-13024/

Again he pictured Victoria in French ambassador's residence in Washington:

Here with Victoria, commented by Izette Maccoby Folger:

Here in Transformer:

Here with Victoria at Collector's View 2015: ... -view-2015

Post of van from Brian commented by mama.doolittle, that woman sometimes liked James Alefantis pictures:

Like the ones with "panda joke": ... ee42f1.png ... -instagram
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