Bronfmans, a company called Space Research and Canada's involvement with Apartheid

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Bronfmans, a company called Space Research and Canada's involvement with Apartheid

Post by MercurysBall2 »

From the book: Trafficking in Apartheid: The Case for Canadian Sanctions Against South Africa ... sa&f=false
With the active collaboration of the Bronfmann dynasty and the CIA, the 155mm Howitzer technology developed by Canadian Gerald Bull and based on research funded by Canadian tax dollars, was quietly transferred to South Africa between 1976 and 1978.
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Re: Bronfmans, a company called Space Research and Canada's involvement with Apartheid

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Space Research Corporation-Quebec was started in 1968 in Highwater, Canada. On 1st January 1969 Space Research Corporation- U.S. on directly adjacent land in North Troy, Vermont. While distinct legal entities, the two firms operated as one. Since the Canadian government considered the operation to be entirely a US concern and vice versa for the US government, exports from the Canadian side were technically from either nation. The scope for illegal shipments was enormous.
1973 NASA files show Space Research (SR) technical capabilities to include nuclear weapons..Major clients were Taiwan, South Korea, Israel. In 1975 despite the UN's arms embargo, the CIA set up contracts between SF and ARMSCOR to supply arms to South Africa for use in Angola. The ports of Canada, Spain and Antigua were used.

in 1973, the Bronfmans sold their shares in SR-Quebec to a family trust controlled by Bull but they retained control of SR-US. In jan. 1977, the holding company Edper controlled SR-US which in turn ran a subsidiary in Barbados...which oversaw a highly secretive testing range on nearby Antigua. SR "bought" the Antiguan government for $500,000 a year for complete customs clearance on all its shipments and the right to set up a testing range protected by its own security service.

Space Research International - located in Brussels. Half owned by PRB in turn owned by Societe Generale. This secretive company has extensive holdings in mining ventures across Africa. .. In 1977 ARMSCOR secretly purchased 20% of Space Research's stock.
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Re: Bronfmans, a company called Space Research and Canada's involvement with Apartheid

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Plessey (SA) has been collaborating with the South Africam military and ARMSCOR for years.. Plessey (UK) has a record of breaking the arms embargo..

Plessey sold its operations and the rights to produce and market PDX 2000 to the Canadian subsidiary of T.I.E. Telecommunications of the US in 1983.
The Plessey Company plc was a British-based international electronics, defence and telecommunications company. It originated in 1917, growing and diversifying into electronics. It expanded after the Second World War by acquisition of companies and formed overseas companies.

The majority of Plessey's defence assets were amalgamated into BAE Systems in 1999 when British Aerospace merged with the defence arm of GEC, Marconi Electronic Systems (MES). A small portion of the defence market, mostly embedded electronic systems and circuitcards remained with GE, formerly GE Fanuc and GE Intelligent Platforms (GE-IP) and now Abaco Systems based in Huntsville, Alabama, and in Towcester, Northamptonshire. The bulk of Plessey's telecommunications assets were acquired by Ericsson through its 2005 acquisition of Marconi Corporation plc, a successor company of GEC...

During the 1920s Plessey began to diversify into electrical manufacturing. Important contracts included the manufacture of early radios[1] for Marconi and the production of telephones for the General Post Office. In order to increase production, Plessey moved to Vicarage Lane, Ilford, in 1923.[1] In 1929, the television pioneer John Logie Baird had his first production televisions made by Plessey.[1] The company also produced the first British-made portable radio in the same year.

In 1961 Plessey merged with the British Ericsson Telephone company and Automatic Telephone and Electric (AT&E) of Liverpool, to become Britain's largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, including the majority of the country's crossbar switches..Plessey were partners in the development of the Atlas Computer in 1962 and in the development of digital telephone systems, including System X, from the late 1970s.[1] In 1988, Plessey's Telecommunications Division merged with that of GEC to become GEC Plessey Telecommunications. Plessey Naval Systems was formed in 1986 by the merger of Plessey Marine with Plessey Displays, which had been part of Plessey Radar.

The South African roots of Plessey can be traced to the acquisition of AT&E and Ericsson in 1963, and a Cape Town-based company, the Instrument Manufacturing Company (IMC), acquired in 1964...In 1988, GEC and Siemens AG set up a joint holding company called GEC Siemens plc, to launch a hostile takeover of Plessey.
Voat posts for John Logie Baird :

Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF viewtopic.php?f=50&p=7951#p7951
Aleister Crowley .. At the age of 8, Crowley was sent to H.T. Habershon's evangelical Christian boarding school in Hastings, and then to Ebor preparatory school in Cambridge, run by the Reverend Henry d'Arcy Champney, whom Crowley considered a sadist.... Crowley returned to Hastings later in life where he ended his days...Hastings is also known in the UK as birthplace of TV...

In 1922, John Logie Baird set up residence in Linton Crescent in Hastings, following a bout of illness. As a student, Baird had already experimented with the idea of television, however it was during his time in Hastings that he was able to develop and investigate the idea further. After appealing for help in The Times, Baird was approached by the BBC, who supported his quest to invent the television. By the end of 1923, Baird had successful transmitted a shadowy image with the receiver and transmitter still connected.
A video from Baird, REALLY worth a watch.. sort of explains why TV was invented..
A segment used in the first testing of broadcast television....Staring Stooky Bill. The dialogue between inventor John Baird and his dummy is interesting to say the least.
'Stookie / Stooky Bill' ventiloquist's dummy head. From The Plessey Museum. https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.o ... ists-dummy
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Fri Mar 19, 2021 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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