Pizzagate Part V video compilation - Sex cult and elite ties, Europe, Ping Pong symbolism decode

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Pizzagate Part V video compilation - Sex cult and elite ties, Europe, Ping Pong symbolism decode

Post by Heisenberg123 »

BitChute link: [Watch on monitor only due to low BitChute resolution, preferably turn vid on full screen, no portable devices, video has no sound, it's simple compilation of text/visual info, stop when you need to read something]

YouTube link: [preferably watch this one]

In this compilation I further focus on Cafritz family connections to James Alefantis/Podesta/Folger circles. I emphasize further on NXIVM - Cafritz connections. Then I show Podesta/Alefantis connections to countries in Europe where most prolific pedophilic "progressive" groups tried to normalize pedophilia. I decode "ping pong" symbolism and meaning, showing some older findings in new context.

0:00 - 4:35 - I focus on Jane Rosenthal Cafritz. She is found on Instagram of James Alefantis discussing invitation to dinner. She is on board of directors of The Washington Ballet together with Septime Webre who is another friend of James Alefantis. I've found New York Times article from 1983 about Jane B. Rosenthal, daughter of Robert and Marion Rosenthal being wed in capital to Robert Cafritz. I show Marion Rosenthal socializing at FAPE: Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies events, same time as Hillary Clinton. Marion Rosenthal is pictured with FAPE Board member Wilma Bernstein and FAPE founder and Board member Carol Price. On U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission site I've found further connection of name Jane R. Cafritz with Robert and Marion Rosenthal. The site mentions ownership in context of this family. I show Robert and Marion Rosenthals quick overview. Then I show Robert and Marion Rosenthals at gala event. Pictures are taken by Kyle Samperton who is friend of this family, friend of James Alefantis (as shown in previous compilation) and friend of many people suspected of some involvement in pizzagate alleged ring. Kyle was liking pictures of boys being set on fire by old men on Christopher Boutlier account (as shown in previous compilation) Kyle Samperton is commenting Jane R. Cafritz Facebook profile (same as the one on James Alefantis profile) further indicating that daughter of Rosenthals and the one from Alefantis profile is likely the very same person. Kyle Samperton is also picturing Ludmila Cafritz Birthday, Ludmila and her husband Conrad are friends of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta. Izette and Neil Folgers are present on birthday. Julie Cafritz is liking on Jane R. Cafritz profile. Julie was member of band Pussy Galore and is granddaughter of Morris Cafritz and daughter of Conrad Cafritz. Then I proceed to show James Alefantis socializing with Septime Webre of The Washington Ballet.

4:36 - 6:51 - This time I focus on another Jane Cafritz connected to same family, Jane Lipton Cafritz is Founder and Chair of the Board of Children's Museum in D.C. Jane Lipton Cafritz husband is Calvin Cafritz, son of Morris Cafritz and brother of Conrad Cafritz. James Alefantis is friend of Conrad Cafritz on Facebook. Tony and Heather Podesta are socializing at Cafritz Welcome Back Party, together with Jane Lipton and Calvin Cafritz. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was present. Brother of Morris, father of both Conrad and Calvin Cafritz, was Edward Alexander Cafritz, he is father of William Cafritz. Wife of William Cafritz was Buffy Cafritz, I show Buffy Cafritz socializing, holding hands with Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State back then). Daughter of William and Buffy Cafritz is Pam Cafritz - Pamela Cafritz who was partner of pedophile Keith Raniere. Pamela Cafritz was the one who was complicit in establishing NXIVM human trafficking cult dark side, she was also luring little girls for her partner Keith Raniere.

6:52 - 9:16 - Presentation of Tony Podesta Dutch friend - Margi Geerlinks. I show her suggestive photographs with children then I present some context for country she's from - Netherlands. Netherlands is country where "progressive" pedophile became so open that they've created their parties and public groups - and even if failed that already says something about strength of underground pedo world in that country. Among those groups there is Jon founded by Dutch Society for Sexual Reform in 1979. Also Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity (2006-2010) Party was restarted in 2020. Another group there is Vereniging Martijn founded in 1982, currently banned in Netherlands. Let's hope it stays this way.

9:17 - 12:20 - James Alefantis and Tony Podesta have common friend in Denmark, another country where pedophilia was normalized publicly through pedophile advocacy organizations. One such group called Danish Pedophile Association operated between 1985 - 2004, however their site operated years after that. To this day things are happening around kids in Denmark that are very strange. Children TV shows about man with giant penis stealing ice-cream from children (wtf?) or adults parading naked in front of children. James Alefantis pictured Tony Podesta in Uofficiel: noma restaurant in Copenhagen. Pingout user asks James if he's up for a game of "ping pong" during the same trip to Denmark. James Alefantis visits Royal Palace in Copenhagen, under picture he had conversation with user jealindm, he pings her and says "invitation accepted". Name of jealindm is Jeanette Lindholt Madsen, she lives in Denmark, Copenhagen. James Alefantis doesn't like pictures on her profile very often but when I've found his activity I've found him liking picture of crying kid standing with adult. In another picture on Jeanette profile she is pictured with her kid(?), Tony Podesta and James Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong. In yet another picture she has James Alefantis and Tony Podesta in restaurant Amass in Copenhagen, Denmark, then pic of James in same restaurant. Scrolling through her Instagram I've found many pics of kids which is normal, but also painting from Balthus showing suggestive pose of young girl. Balthus was sometimes accused of being pedo because of his paintings. She also posted "Happy Easter" and picture of creepy bunny holding crying kid. On Facebook Jeanette is friends with both Tony and James. She currently works as director at a Danish Gallery (Galleri Bo Bjerggaard). Program of gallery focuses on contemporary art by established national and international artists. She is full blown "progressive" according to her Facebook claiming that gender is in brain, not between legs. Among her favorite movies on Facebook there is Eyes Wide Shut which is basically movie about secret elite sex cults and pimping out kids to wealthy and powerful.

12:21 - 13:09 - I start with showing pingout user (Anders Find, not mentioned in video, he is friend of James Alefantis) asking if James Alefantis is up to game of ping pong before he leaves Copenhagen (Denmark). Then I just go straight to bizarre definition of ping pong posted in year 2004/2005 on urbandictionary as wayback machine proves. It shows very unpopular definition and yet proves that someone associated "ping pong" with rape of defenseless children as it states that ping pong is exactly that - rape of defenseless children. Then I show Lolita 1962 beginning showing pervs playing game of roman ping pong. This is exactly how Lolita 1962 starts, movie about sexual attraction to underage ... Interestingly if you go to first pictures posted by the Anders Find/pingout user you will see that he posted mostly little children and ping pong tables, very bizarre.

13:10 - 16:14 - Another lead goes to Berlin, Germany. Place where the most prolific pedophile groups and biggest number of them existed. Wikipedia states as many as 13 of pedophile groups operating in Germany. Some pedophile operations were even backed by Berlin authorities for 30 years by placing homeless children with pedophiles assuming they would make ideal foster parents in so called Kentler Project. Such perverted notion goes back to 1960s and sexual liberation. Remember user pingout? We've just discussed him. Pingout (Anders Find) is associated with Dr Pong of Oliver Miller (business partner and friend of James Alefantis) Miller posted teddy bear with cut stomach and cash inside, James liked that picture. James Alefantis posted some pictures of Oliver Miller, some of them liked by the usual suspects like Kate Damon, Jeff Smith, Izette Maccoby Folger. But here I would advice to focus on #pppp hasthag which means People's Ping Pong Party, and user nicknamed People's Ping Pong Party (there will be two accounts mentioned opertated likely by the same man) So keeping that name in mind I go further showing The Washington Post article from 2013 talking about Oliver Miller and James Alefantis coowned business Nalu Diner in Berlin. Nalu Diner was promoted in 2012 on their Facebook by showing little girl and mentioning "Nalu nights" till 22:00. Oliver Miller was also owner of Dr Pong (that's why people call him Dr Pong) On site of Dr Pong at least two sub-sites had imagery of children and weird word associations of "child" in German language" and "fuck" in English language under. Inside of Dr Pong someone wrote "I eat babies" in two places.

16:15 - 27:01 - In this part I show many connections between these groups of people. I start with pingponproject account on Instagram following pingout of Anders Find and following dr.pong of Oliver Miller. Pingpongproject account once posted image of adult man playing ping pong with young boy, someone commented "creep" and "pedo", that was before pizzagate broke out, interestingly person who made that comment still liked that post.

Remember People's Ping Pong Party? On their Facebook profile they are thanking James Alefantis, Sasha Lord, Comet Ping Pong, Transformer Gallery (will be important later on), Victoria Reis and Lisa Marie Thalhammer. People's Ping Pong Party mentions events going down at Comet Ping Pong and PPPP taking over backroom from 10p-2am. They are also thanking Rocky Wang (friend of James Alefantis) on this profile. Rocky Wang and James Alefantis are captured on video about so called "pongress" where they talk about their passion of ping pong to point when they travel to different contintents/countries, and traveling to different cities in those countries - all this in just few nights just to play "ping pong", quite ping pong fanatics they are right? According to Alefantis it really just takes traveling from D.C. To Europe to play ping pong ... Same Rocky Wang is in video called People's Ping Pong Party 2013, this video is showing game of ping pong turning into something very creepy with placing ping pong ball on some kind of altar and later showing image of toddler. Very strange video. Interestingly similar themes connecting ping pong and toddler topics are on Avi Gupta aka brownisgood profile, friend of James Alefantis, he was discussed in previous compilation. Avi Gupta placed ping pong ball in toddler shoe, he posted this in June 2013. One of the people who liked this picture is Morgan Hungerford West from pandaheadmorgan account, she is friends with pizzagate crew. I show her archived site, she says she had partnership with Obama White House. Morgan cooperated with Nilay Lawson (friend of James Alefantis) within their Panda Head organization. Same article shows doors in Morgan house, she has pizza sticker placed there just beside 666. Coincidence? Another picture posted on Avi Gupta aka brownisgood profile is pong pong ball nesting, this one liked by Rock Wang of peoplespingpong and Juliane E. Min aka nabiya. Juliane also liked picture of first edition of Lolita book (story about pedo) on Justin Barrows aka jabbaroos profile - the creepy carpenter who build Comet and is friends with Alefantis. Juliane mentions on her site that 3/4 of planet is oceanic, could be interesting lead to look into in context of TerraMar of child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell.

Juliane accounts are protected now however I've managed to take screenshots of Nilay Lawson (in cooperation with Morgan Hungerford West) following her on Twitter back in 2019, another follower of Juliane is Barack Obama official account.

Nilay Lawson and Victoria (who was thanked by FB People's Ping Pong Party account) commented so called "killroom" of James Alefantis in very suspicious way. Interestingly both Victoria and Nilay also liked picture of child being eaten in half by Mr Burns (inspired by Saturn devouring his son) on Justin Barrows aka jabbaroos profile. Interestingly another user liking this picture and picture of toddler shoes hanging in creepy place on jabbaroos profile is community__outreach. Community__outreach's pic of ballooon is liked on by People's Ping Pong Rocky Wang account. Community__outreach account also posted what looks like a scared boy turned back from camera standing in front of wall, this picture is liked by Justin Barrows aka jabbaroos.

Justin Barrows aka jabbaroos is one of the men who build Comet Ping Pong together with James Alefantis and Scott Cummings. Scott Cummings daughter Caris is pictured with him on James Alefantis profile, James hashtags it "chickenlovers" which also means a pedophile in pedo language. James also pictures his daughter Caris taped to table, Kate Damon is commenting this picture saying "#carisjames". Scott Cummings even though he changed nickname is still captured by me as one of the people liking jabbaroos creepy instagram activities which includes already mentioned creepy picture of toddler shoes hanging from ceiling or adoption day from November 2014 - also liked on by James Alefantis.

I proceed to show Llewelyn Hinkes-Jones who is " a Washington, D.C.-based writer whose work has also appeared in the Toronto Star, Morning News, Washington City Paper, and the Awl." according to The Atlantic website. Jones commented James Alefantis #killroom picture. He said "drunk tank". On his profile he posted his children, and Scott Cummings children pictures. James Alefantis commented some of them joking about "ping pong". Other man liking those Llewhinkes pictures is Mhollamby who is long time friend of Hinkes-Jones. On James Alefantis account Hollamby is pictured with Oliver Miller aka Dr Pong, both on bikes in United States Capitol. Both Hollamby and Kate Damon pictured separatedly by James Alefantis on what looks like The Washington Ballet event. James Alefantis pictured Hollamby, pings him and Septime Webre of The Washington Ballet.

On his profile James Alefantis mentions Dr Pong in the article and says "yum ... baby" in context of baby Caris (daugther of Scott Cummings). Llewhinkes on his profile posts picture from Fire Island, New York and talks about secret retreat only for the Mafia elite, another user says he knows who the mafia is. James Alefantis pictures golden showers on his profile, Victoria Lynn Reis asks "Are you in the mafia?" Are they hiding in plain sight.

James Alefantis posts picture of cash and Alprazolam tablets. Eyespeak user (guy from Israel likely) comments "ping pong in London sounds tempting". Ping pong and sleeping medicine? Doesn't add. I show Alprazolam being used as one of the drugs in rape. Kate Damon who pictured Alefantis and Tony Podesta and big pizza behind them also commented little Caris taped to table by saying "#carisjames". Same Kate Damon is involved in efforts to "help the children" in poor countries together with Maccoby family who are friends of James Alefantis. That earlier mentioned eyespeak profile is being commented on by Kate Damon, she pings James Alefantis so he comes to comment this profile back in year 2013. Interestingly eyespeak account activities from 2012 are being liked by peoplespingpongparty another account. That peoplespingpongparty (who created vid with toddler and ping pong) another account is being followed by James Alefantis and Kate Damon. Do you remember pingout of Anders Find (friend of James Alefantis)? That account is being followed by main Rocky Wang profile (peoplespingpong) On this profile Rocky posts "ping pong ruined my life" (huh?) picture and pings another user pongroad and Breck Omar Brunson Interestingly pongroad account and account named pingpongruinedmylife are following that older peoplespingpongparty account that is linked to eyespeak user and Kate Damon together with James Alefantis. Pongroad follows pingpongruinedmylife. Pingpongruinedmylife is being followed by Breck Omar Brunson and community__outreach profile - you know, the one who is liking on scary pics of jabbaros and jabbaroos is liking scary kid pics of outreach.

27:02 - 34:21 - I start by pointing out that James Alefantis background Facebook profile picture is Hillary and Bill Clinton playing ping pong game. Then I show their connections with Epstein - child trafficker - their visits at his ranch, Bill receiving massages from Epstein victim, Bill Clinton visiting pedo island with 2 young girls according to victim of Epstein - Virginia Giuffre. Then I show picture of a picture taken in White House by James Alefantis, this one shows Barack Obama playing ping pong with young boy, another picture posted by James show Michelle Obama playing ping pong. Yet another picture posted by him shows Hollamby and James kissing Obama image.

Interesting and weird article was posted in July 2016 about having ping pong game with pope Francis. Francis is involved in cover up of child abuse in the Church and he hangs out with boy love spirals at Catholic events. At Tony Podesta party there's image of pope praying, it's in attachments in Podesta emails as well as pictured by James Alefantis. Pope Francis is currently forging cooperation with Lynn Forester de Rothschild in order to bring ... new world order that will be more "just", they call it "inclusive capitalism" She is pictured by James Alefantis with David Brock in her house in New York. Brock is ex boyfriend of James. Lynn Forester wanted to use her access to president Clinton in 1995 to discuss child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Prince Andrew who abused Virginia Giuffre - victim of Epstein - was introduced to Epstein by Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Another man - Alan Dershowitz - who abused Virginia Giuffre was introduced to Epstein by Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Lynn Forester de Rothschild is Board Director at Bronfman Rothschild, Matthew Bronfman is Board Chairman there, Edgar Jr Bronfman, brother of Matthew, is mentioned in Epstein black book contacts. They are children of Edgar Sr Bronfman, ex president of World Jewish Congress. Matthew and Edgar Jr sister is Clare Bronfman and Sara Bronfman, both of them were involved in NXIVM human trafficking scheme and sex cult run by Keith Raniere. Clare pleaded guilty. Woman who established slavery aspect of NXIVM and was one time at the top of NXIVM's harem was Pam Cafritz [later replaced by Allison Mack] - Pamela Cafritz from the family of Cafritz who are connected to James Alefanits, Folgers and Podestas. Pamela was partner of pedophile Keith Raniere and was luring little children for him. Parents of Pamela Cafritz are William and Buffy Cafritz. Buffy Cafritz seen holding hands with Hilllary Clinton (back then Secretary of State) William Cafritz, husband of Buffy Cafritz and father of Pamela Cafritz, is son of Edward Alexander Cafritz who is brother of Morris Cafritz. Son of Morris Cafritz, Conrad and his wife, are friends of James Alefantis. Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation is named after Morris and his wife Gwendolyn. This foundation is main source of money for Transformer DC non profit art organization, Transformer is co founded by Victoria Lynn Reis, James Alefantis is Board President at Transformer DC. If you go back to who thanked Victoria Reis, James Alefantis and Transformer DC it was none other than People's Ping Pong Party Facebook account, the one associated with network of suspicious "ping pong" players.

One user comments on newer leaked James Alefantis posts that "pingponggate" would've been a cuter name.

James pictures Hillary Clinton on CNN saying that "worst made-up story was Pizzagate". James says it really isn't the worst but maybe the best - as far as made up stories go - he adds. #Whatmoredoyouwant he hashtags in striking contrast to his public statements about Pizzagate where he nearly cries.

I don't know what would be "best" in story about him abusing, torturing and murdering children.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:39 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Pizzagate Part V video compilation - Sex cult and elite ties, Europe, Ping Pong symbolism decode

Post by brwn »

would you consider posting the wikki links? I went to wikki leaks and couldn't find anything
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Re: Pizzagate Part V video compilation - Sex cult and elite ties, Europe, Ping Pong symbolism decode

Post by Heisenberg123 »

brwn wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:20 pm would you consider posting the wikki links? I went to wikki leaks and couldn't find anything
Sorry for late response. Here it is.
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