Biden & NWO

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Biden & NWO

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


Trump’s foreign policy missteps seem innumerable. He left the Paris Climate Agreement, costing America’s image as a bastion of innovation and scientific progress and setting us back years in our battle with climate change. He not only threatened to withdraw us from NAFTA, but he also withdrew us from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the proposed Obama era trade agreement that would have involved countries from Peru and Chile to Japan and Vietnam. The TPP would have also gained the United States new trading partners, many of which currently depend on China for trade. This is the kind of soft power that furthers America’s interests on the world stage and it goes to show how much Trump’s lack of diplomacy is harming our position.

The president also withdrew America from the Iran Nuclear Deal. However flawed the agreement may have been — and there is certainly an argument that it was — Trump’s decision to pull out with no replacement plan has left America and her allies in more danger. Iran is closer to developing a nuclear weapon than ever before.

Additionally, Trump has left our North Atlantic alliances in shambles. Whether it’s Canada, France or Germany, the president's words and actions over the past four years have tarnished America’s reputation on the world stage. He has insulted our allies and embraced our enemies, seemingly having more of an affinity for Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un than Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron.

He’s even gone as far as threatening to leave NATO — and this has real, serious implications. NATO — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization — was created in the early days of the Cold War. The organization, which includes the United States, Canada and much of Western Europe, was intended to be the bulwark of democracy against the new threat of communism. But even though the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc belong to the history books — and some former communist countries have actually joined NATO — there is still [i]an urgent need for multilateralism amongst the world’s democracies.[/i]

The forces of authoritarianism in this world have never been clearer. It's been less than a decade since Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula and to this day they support the war criminal Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, who famously used nerve gas against his own people. Iran is funding terror groups throughout the Middle East, fueled by the Ayatollah’s religious fundamentalism. Possibly the most dangerous is China, which is actively committing genocide against its ethnic Uygher minority in East Turkestan. Over one million Uyghers have already been detained in re-education camps.

America must regain its place on the world stage because we are the only country capable of leading the new world order. We are the only nation with the sheer size, the population, the industrial capacity, the military might and the strategic geographic location to stand up to the bullies and autocrats of this world and to really address the issues that we as a species need to reckon with.

That's why I cast my vote for Joe Biden. He understands that America can be a force for good when we dedicate ourselves to it. ... -rejoin-it

While the enduring global camaraderie of the ‘new world order’ may have suffered greatly as a result of Donald Trump’s disruptive ‘America first’ mantra, the incoming political guard appears ready to restore the valued tradition of building consensus through networking and negotiations between Washington and its allies. As reckoned by Biden, the notion of America first pursuance by Trump nearly turned the country into a pariah sovereign as “America alone”.
(BTW; article does mention his "indulgence" towards Israel as one of his mistakes). ... rld-order/

"I believe we and mainly you have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the twenty-first century in a way consistent with American interests and common interests,” Vice Pres. Biden said to the 995 members of the class of 2014, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported this week.

"There was an overwhelming desire of our grandparents and my parent's generation to bring home every single one of the 12 million forces stationed in Europe and Asia," he said. "They knew they had to lay a foundation for a new world order, an order that brought the longest period of sustained and peace in Europe and Asia.

The vice president’s remarks are expected to generate controversy among skeptics who associated the phrase “new world order” with the theory that a secret global power elite is plotting a system of international rule to take over the world.

Indeed, Biden made similar comments last year and quickly caught the attention of anti-globalists as a result.

The affirmative task before us is to create a new world order because the global order is changing again,” Biden said at a conference in Washington, DC last June.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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