Pizzagate Part III video compilation - UK, Italy and Belgium connections

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Pizzagate Part III video compilation - UK, Italy and Belgium connections

Post by Heisenberg123 » [taken down by YouTube] [Working link on BitChute]

0:00 - 0:59 - I cover James Alefantis (accused in Pizzagate episode) trip to Axel Vervoordt (caught in Dutroux network accusations) exhibition in Venice in 2017, cooperation of Marina Abramovic (accused in Pizzagate episode) with Axel Vervoordt in general and his exhbitions in Venice going back some time before Pizzagate as well.

1:00 - 1:49 - I cover Marina Abramovic and Axel Vervoordt socializing with Robert De Niro who was once questioned as witness and occasional client of underage human trafficking ring. Robert De Niro is a client of Axel Vervoordt.

1:50 - 3:42 - I cover accusations against Axel Vervoordt and his closeness (and we know that thanks to Regina Louf testimony) to center of Dutroux network, I cover Michel Nihoul (accused of murder and trafficking of children) and his supposed connections to international human trafficking ring (according to Dutroux and other witnesses ) and perhaps even US counterparts of the ring. I cover Regina Louf - victim of that - and strength of her testimony.

3:43 - 5:26 - I cover testimony of Anneke Lucas who is the victim of the same network of pedophiles as Regina Louf. I cover how Anneke is friend with Nora Maccoby since 1991, Nora Maccoby whos family are friends with James Alefantis, Nora pictured with James Alefantis. Sister of Nora, Izette, worked at board of Innocents At Risks. I show how Anneke Lucas activities on Nora Maccoby Instagram profile align with activities of people close to James Alefantis, including Victoria Lynn Reis who with James Alefantis was busy promoting Marina Abramovic to visitors in Tony and Heather Podesta house. Victoria commented James Alefantis killroom picture in cryptic way. I don't know what's relation of Anneke with Nora and why exactly she met her in 1991 that's why I'm leaving this for speculation.

5:27 - 6:08 - I cover Tony Podesta collection of Katy Grannan photographs of naked teenagers that terrified visitors according to Heather Podesta as reported in Washington Post in year 2004. Also I cover Tony Podesta friendship with Margi Geerlinks who is taking picture of little naked children.

6:09 - 8:14 - I cover Tony and Heather Podesta home in Venice, WikiLeaks and DCLeaks covering Podestas and James Alefantis activities/traveling around Venice. Then I focus on Tamera Luzzatto (friend of Tony Podesta) family and how Maeve Chaim Luzzatto (possible victim of Pizzagate pedos) was named after occult Kabbalist from Republic of Venice, who was rejected by Jews as devil worshiper and heretic. Then I go into details of Hillary Clinton books, one of them showing Lucio Bubacco Erotics, that guy is from Venice and is making glass art very often depicting SM devilish themes. I show Heather Podesta necklace that looks a lot like Lucio Bubacco glass art however I couldn't confirm it comes from him for sure. In the last part of this section I show James Alefantis visit to Venice and ask - Is something up in Venice?

8:15 - 9:26 - I show new and old cooperation of Marina Abramovic with Axel Vervoordt in Venice and not only, Marina Abramovic is often mentioned as first artist in works edited/led by Axel Vervoordt. I show 5 emails mentioning Axel Vervoordt (with association in Venice) in Podesta emails WikiLeaks drop. Axel Vervoordt is also following Abramovic on Twitter.

9:27 - 9:59 - I show artist Biljana Djurdjevic, her being mentioned in list for some kind of event perhaps sent to John Podesta in year 2014, I show her being friends with James Alefantis and Tony Podesta, her observing James Alefantis on Instagram. I show her deviant "art" and compare it to some pictures of Marina Abramovic who also seems to be creepy around children, I mention obviously that both of them are Serbian and both are friends with the very same circle of people accused from the US and accused of pedophilia.

10:00 - 11:19 - I present texts from Dutroux X Dossiers showing how testimonies align with naming names and also some of them mention child hunts where children were hunted in secluded places like woods on properties of wealthy people in Belgium. Some children were hunted with dogs, I show New York Times article from year 1999 mentioning that X-witnesses other than Regina Louf mentioned child hunting with Dobermans. I show that Biljana Djurdjevic created paintings dogs on a leash being very angry at something and adult men standing beside them.

11:20 - 12:13 - I show ex boyfriend of James Alefantis, David Brock, and James Alefantis presence in Lynn Forester de Rothschild house in New York where David was presenting his new book. James took picture of Lynn and David Brock. I show how the same Lynn Forester de Rothschild was the woman who introduced Jeffrey Epstein (head of pedophile ring) to Prince Andrew. I show article indicating that most likely it was Lynn Forester de Rothschild who sold her house to Ghislaine Maxwell, partner of Epstein (arrested now, accused of child trafficking). Lynn Forester de Rothschild was also mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. I show Dershowitz claim that he was introduced to Jeffrey Epstein by Lynn Forester de Rothschild at Martha's Vineyard. Then I show letter of Lynn Forester de Rothschild to Bill Clinton in 1995 where she talks about using her "fifteen seconds of access" to discuss Jeffrey Epstein.

12:14 - 13:59 - I show Ghislaine Maxwell (currently arrested for child trafficking) at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles for a lunch in honor of Marina Abramovic. Marina Abramovic is present. That hotel (turned for private members only in 2020 but I do not mentioned that in vid) is owned by Andre Balazs who is mentioned multiple times in contacts of Jeffrey Epstein. Then I proceed to show Andre Balazs socializing with Dasha Zhukova, Katherine Keating, Ghislaine Maxwell, once again with Ghislaine Maxwell, Nathaniel Rothschild, daughter of Prince Andrew Beatrice, Courtney Love (also in Jeffrey Epstein contacts), Marina Abramovic. Katherine Keating (daughter of former PM of Australia Paul Keating) socializing with Andre Balazs obviously but also with Ghislaine Maxwell. Dasha Zhukova socializing with Andre Balazs and Ghislaine Maxwell, Rachel Chandler - worked as agent for at least two models from MC2, modelling agency of Jean-Luc Brunel, partner in crime of Epstein and Maxwell, MC2 was accused by Virginia Giuffre of child trafficking. Dasha Zhukova also socializing with Marina Abramovic. Nathaniel Rothschild socializing with Ghislaine Maxwell at Perelman Ronald party (mentioned in Epstein contacts), Andre Balazs, Princess Beatrice (daughter of Prince Andrew), Rachel Chandler, Naomi Campbell (mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein contacts). Marina Abramovic socializing with father of Nathaniel Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Marina also socializing with Naomi Campbell, Ghislaine Maxwell, Andre Balazs and Waris Ahluwalia. Rachel Chandler socializing with Waris Ahluwalia, Dasha Zhukova, Paris Hilton (sister married to James Rothschild), Nathaniel Rothschild, Bill Clinton. Ghislaine Maxwell is pretty much socializing with most of them.

14:00 - 18:56 - Perhaps the biggest part of video focused on one theme. NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children which is organization based in UK and connected to lots of these accused pedos like Maxwell, Epstein and MANY, not just few of their contacts. I start with Prince Andrew being contact in Jeffrey Epstein black book. I show accusation of Virginia Giuffre (victim of Jeffrey Epstein) against Prince Andrew. I show NSPCC location. Then I proceed to showing of Prince Andrew cooperation with NSPCC. I focus then on Peter Mandelson, British politican, former secretary on Northern Ireland. He became friends with Prince Andrew through NSPCC campaign, both were guests at weeding of Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Evelyn de Rothschild, Prince Andrew and Mandelson were invited to be witnesses at the ceremony. I show cooperation of Mandelson with NSPCC, I show Jeffrey Epstein with Peter Mandelson. Then I proceed to showing Prince Andrew and his accuser Virginia Giuffre, Virginia Giuffre does not forgot about Naomi Campbell who as we know is connected to many people from this circle.

Then I show Daphne Guiness socializing with people like Ghislaine Maxwell on NSPCC gala in 2004, then Daphne Guiness with close friend of Maxwell, Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

Andre Balazs with Uma Thurman at NSPCC party. Hannah Rothschild and her father Jacob Rothschild listed as supporters of NSPCC. Hannah Rothschild appears in Ghislaine Maxwell contacts. Sarah Ferguson who is friends with Epstein and Ghislaine - is socializing with Joanna Lumley, Evelyn Rothschild and Mark Shand. Jumley, Evelyn, Sarah, Geordie Greig (will come back to him later) working on The Elephant Family co-founded by Mark Shand. Worth to mention that sister of Beatrice (daughter of Prince Andrew) is also cooperating on that Mark Shand initiative (however not mentioned in my vid)

Then I show Geordie Grieg with his wife Kathryn at NSPCC charity gala. Kathryn Grieg also socializing with Ghislaine Maxwell, Nicholas Coleridge (present in black book), Piers Morgan (ex business partner of Ghislaine's black book associate Matthew Freud) Geordie Greig socializing with Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Evelyn de Rothschild.

Tim Jeffries socializing at NSPCC events, also socializing with Alexandra von Furstenberg (will mention again later) Ghislaine Maxwell, Evelyn and Jessica de Rothschilds and David de Rothschild.

Tom Ford socializing at NSPCC event. Same Tom Ford owns the ranch next to Epstein in New Mexico (where Hillary and Bill Clinton visited Epstein, however I'm not mentioning that fact in vid) In October 2005 message was captured by the police in raid of Epstein Palm Beach mansion. It was message from Ghislaine Maxwell from August 2005 and mentions that they were hosting Tom Ford in Palm Beach.

Alexandra von Furstenberg at NSPCC (same as with Tim Jeffries earlier) from family of Tatiana von Furstenberg who was one of the people with whom divorced Princew Andrew mingled at house of Ghislaine Maxwell according to New York Post. Partner of Alexandra is prince Alexander von Furstenberg. Mother of prince Alexander and Tatiana von Furstenberg is Diane von Furstenberg (mom in law of Alexandra) Diane von Furstenberg is socializing with Naomi Campbell (Epstein black book) and Sarah Ferguson (who is friends with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell)

Bill Clinton socializing with Prince Andrew at 2002 NSPCC ball. Hillary Clinton at Childline conference in 1999 with Esther Rantzen. Childline is a service for children provided by NSPCC. Then I show Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein - chief of pedo international pedo operations.

Lady Carina Frost at NSPCC, Lady Carina Frost socializing with Evelyn de Rothschild and Evelyn's daughter, Jessica de Rothschild. Then I show Dasha Zhukova at NSPCC gala.

Johan Eliasch at art gala in London in aid of NSPCC. He is in Jeffrey Epstein black book of contacts. Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell were partying on his yacht. Prince Andrew also celebrated Ghislaine Maxwell birthday with Johan Eliasch (one of guests). Johan Eliasch is also socializing with Evelyn de Rothschild. As you can see, something is up at NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

18:57 - 19:59 - I proceed to show Naomi Campbell (Epstein black book) socializing with Bill Clinton. Naomi Campbell socializing with John of God - alleged child trafficker. Naomi Campbell socializing with Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey socializing with John of God. Marina Abramovic socializing with John of God. Marina Abramovic socializing with Naomi Campbell. James Alefantis wishing happy birthday to Oprah on his Instagram.

20:00 - 23:27 - I show picture of headless sculpture in Tony Podesta house pictured by Michael Giacalone, Italian guy in D.C. US, who worked at embassy of Italy in D.C. He calls Tony Podesta his friend. James Alefantis pictured the same place on his Instagram. Tony Podesta and James Alefantis are presenting something to people in the very same place. Nickname of Michael Giacalone celadon61 sounds a lot like nickname used by someone associated with pedophile site - celadon. Michael Giacalone is cooperating on issues of Haiti orphans with Maccoby family (Max, Michael, Izette Maccoby Folger (sister of Nora Maccoby - friend of Anneke Lucas) friends of James Alefantis) One of the people cooperating there is Kate Damon, she commented taped Caris picture "#carisjames". Giacalone is observing Victoria Lynn Reis on Instagram, same Victoria who commented killroom of James Alefantis. Giacalone calls Izette Maccoby Folger (from Innocents At Risk) his best friend in D.C. Giacalone calls Victoria Lynn Reis and Izette Maccoby Folger his dear friends. Michael Giacalone is pictured with Izette Maccoby Folger and James Alefantis at Collector's View 2016 as shown on Transformer DC site - James Alefantis is board president there and Victoria Lynn Reis "is the Co-Founder, Executive & Artistic Director of Transformer, founded in 2002 in Washington" (Source: Transformer DC site, not shown in video)

I show James Alefantis being friend with Giacalone aka celadon61 on Facebook. I show Giacalone being Migrations Operations Officer at UN Migration Agency between October 1992 and November 1994 - Washington D.C. and Rome, Italy. He was also Assistant to the Head of Migrations at UN Migration Agency between June 1990 and September 1991. I show then James Alefantis suspicious picture of woman and child in Topkapi Sarayi in Turkey, woman and child are never mentioned in James Alefantis Turkey trip in 2015 and James Alefantis pings his two male friends. One of them is nicknamed jscottdesign2. The very same jscottdesign2 is being observed by Michael Giacalone (celadon61) on Instagram. Same jscottdesign2 is taveling with James Alefantis to Venice for Axel Vervoordt's exhibitions.

And that's it basically.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:14 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Pizzagate Part III video compilation - UK, Italy and Belgium connections

Post by Vindicator »

Thanks for the great content summary, Heisenberg!
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Re: Pizzagate Part III video compilation - UK, Italy and Belgium connections

Post by Truthseeker3000 »

Don’t forget the other aristocrat families involved in this shit. Pavlos of Greece and wife Marie Chantal of Greece in tight circles around the Epstein crew as well as pictured vacationing at Nygard compound with princesses Beatrice and Eugenie when they were young. Very secretive couple but highly involved. They also have their own compound in Harbour Island with the other billionaires on the row. Anything goes over there.
Alexander Von Furstenberg and Alexandra (Miller) were divorced shortly after marriage and their second kid. Alexander has a penchant for young models. His new wife allows him an open marriage. His mom Diane Von Furstenberg is married to Barry Diller who everyone knows as Barry Diddler. This is her second marriage to another gay man. How satisfying and “In Charge”. Interestingly, Diane was born and raised in Belgium of all places.
Astrid and Alexander Von Liechtenstein are close friends with Ghislaine Maxwell and it has been said that Robert Maxwells stolen money was locked away in banks in Liechtenstein.
Axel appears to have sacrificed his beloved pet dog on February 22, 2021 02-02-21 he needs all the strength and power he can muster.
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Re: Pizzagate Part III video compilation - UK, Italy and Belgium connections

Post by Heisenberg123 »

My account has been taken down by evil YouTube even though I was trying to make it as stealthy as possible by making vids unlisted and not visible without link, either someone (some shill) reported it or YouTube was very very aware of my vids.

Here's part 3 on bitchute although in lower resolution:

Part 2:

Part 1:

I'll be doing everything to get it back on YouTube or some other place where I can put it in high resolution.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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