💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

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💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by doginventer »

💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02
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Re: 💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Why would the jesuits create an industry full of jews that promotes anti-catholic and anti-christian ideas?

The whole jesuit conspiracy is based on the protestant belief that the catholic church is the whore of babylon with the seven hills, wearing scarlet and purple, the pope is the antichrist, etc. Therefore, they must twist reality to fit the "prophecy" (Martin Luther himself doubted the canonicity of the book of revelations).

Jesuits were gnostics infiltrating the church. That's why today they promote theology of liberation and other marxist crap.
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Re: 💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by doginventer »

There isn’t really a short answer to these questions because it is such a huge subject, and is (imho as well as many many others) the underlying story of the last two millenia. I would possibly start with these lectures:

The Papacy is the Antichrist. A Demonstration - (The Papacy is the Antichrist by J.A.Wylie
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An Examination of Preterism & Other Things from an Historicist’s perspective - Karl Tester.
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Total Onslaught - Walter Veith (Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?)
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Re: 💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

I'mfamiliar with Walter Veith's work. It's very enlightening. But he seems fixated on the jesuits and his evidence against them is based solely on false claims like the "extreme oath"; no source for that one. The power of the papacy is being diminished as we speak; there are less christians (not just catholics) in the world, and they're importing muslims into catholic countries. Flat-earthers like SouthernIsraelite and Veritas Aequitas, who think jesuits are dominating everything because someone attended Georgetown. CIA, though founded by a knight of Malta, is flooded with mormons. He thinks that jesuits pulled the french revolution... which targeted catholics! They dominate hollywood, through jews... But when was the last time you saw a pro-christian hollywood film? Let alone pro-catholic. The church is always depicted as corrupt, bishops are villains and cardinals are almost always evil. Why would jesuits undermine the very institution they seek to empower?

They make up all this crap to maintain the dogma that the pope is the antichrist and the problem is the catholic church. Zero mention of the jews; and Veritas Aequitas is also zionist. I'm not saying jesuits are good; they are known conspirators and are infiltrates in the catholic church who push marxism, but the conspiracy is not helping the papacy at all.

I have been asking them for an answer and the only thing they did was insult me, ban me or, in the best case scenario, show me a link to a two-hours-long video which hardly address the question. If you want to discuss it, I'm all ears. I'd rather have catholics or pagans than jews in power, to be honest.
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Re: 💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by doginventer »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:41 pm I'mfamiliar with Walter Veith's work. It's very enlightening. But he seems fixated on the jesuits and his evidence against them is based solely on false claims like the "extreme oath"; no source for that one.
I think Walter presents a huge amount more evidence than the oath just in Total Onslaught.

The power of the papacy is being diminished as we speak; there are less christians (not just catholics) in the world, and they're importing muslims into catholic countries.
The real trick of the catholic church (the Roman State powers) was to take over the powerful movement of the believers in Christ who were threatening to overthrow the empire, and turn it into a thinly veiled pagan/gnostic religion. This is why the tens of millions of murders over the subsequent centuries as the the real followers of Jesus the Messiah tried to hold on to, and practice their faith.
The jesuits have an even more radical vision which supersedes the papal version and was actually disbanded by the pope but survived and may well now have overcome the papacy with the reign of the jesuit Francis.

Flat-earthers like SouthernIsraelite and Veritas Aequitas, who think jesuits are dominating everything because someone attended Georgetown. CIA, though founded by a knight of Malta, is flooded with mormons.
It seems reasonable to assume that the ruling powers would use proxies to hide behind. The ‘court’ jews seem to have been willing and able participants in this exercise, but a deeper dig reveals that the pivotal and most powerful groups and individuals do very much tend to have strong jesuit connections.
He thinks that jesuits pulled the french revolution... which targeted catholics! They dominate hollywood, through jews... But when was the last time you saw a pro-christian hollywood film? Let alone pro-catholic. The church is always depicted as corrupt, bishops are villains and cardinals are almost always evil. Why would jesuits undermine the very institution they seek to empower?
Because they don’t seek to empower it, they serve a god who uses many groups to achieve his aim of supplanting the authority and power of Jesus the Son of God.
They make up all this crap to maintain the dogma that the pope is the antichrist and the problem is the catholic church.
I haven’t found any of these guy’s assertions to be crap?
Zero mention of the jews; and Veritas Aequitas is also zionist.
I have heard plenty of individual criticisms and the implicit criticism of a rock solid faith in Jesus (who they despise) and the laws of Moses which the talmudic jews have abrogated.
I haven’t come across Veritas Aequitas’ zionism so I can’t answer to that.
I'm not saying jesuits are good; they are known conspirators and are infiltrates in the catholic church who push marxism, but the conspiracy is not helping the papacy at all.
Pope Francis is a jesuit.
I have been asking them for an answer and the only thing they did was insult me, ban me or, in the best case scenario, show me a link to a two-hours-long video which hardly address the question. If you want to discuss it, I'm all ears. I'd rather have catholics or pagans than jews in power, to be honest.
Sorry to hear of this experience which I would likely attribute to the heat of the battle though I personally chose to take a gentler approach I appreciate the nature of the energy generated in pursuit of difficult achievements. The whole ‘taking flak when you're over the target’ thing seems to fit them at least as much as anyone calling out jewish power. In fact I think that Southern Israelite’s analysis of a neo-Dreyfus affair is looking more and more likely by the day.
As a Bible believing believer in Christ I will likely not fare well under catholics, pagans, or jews (if any distinction exists there :p ) but I also don’t believe that they will be able to exercise power to anyone’s benefit since they do not serve the Almighty God.
Always happy to talk RealSkeptic. Blessings.
Last edited by doginventer on Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 💡 The Jesuit Contribution to Theatre & Why It Matters – Unlearn 02

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

It seems reasonable to assume that the ruling powers would use proxies to hide behind. The ‘court’ jews seem to have been willing and able participants in this exercise, but a deeper dig reveals that the pivotal and most powerful groups and individuals do very much tend to have strong jesuit connections.
They also have strong jewish connections, for that matter. With that mindset, anyone could be "the proxy". His only assertion is that since there is a jesuit or knight of Malta in power, it must mean a jesuit conspiracy of false catholics. How does he know that the jews are being the proxy? Just because there were court jews who did business with the Pope centuries ago it must mean that they are being proxies right now? With all the jewish media, how come no one came out and said "We are being manipulated by jesuits"? Not a single one of them was afraid of the antisemitism and pogroms that could potentially happen if they acted as proxies for the Vatican, which is allegedly so antisemitic?
I haven’t come across Veritas Aequitas’ zionism so I can’t answer to that.
It's in the video "Do jews own the federal reserve?" A compilation on every catholic that took part in finance, apparently. He fails to mention how overrepresented jews are in the Federal reserve; founding it, being chairmen and members of the board and being overwhelmingly represented in the financial sector in general. He also claims Israel is dominated by catholics based on the claim that Netanyahu wanted to give the Pope the Tomb of David and the Mt. Zion complex (https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News ... spx/180149). This appear to be legit, but it's been more than 6 years and it isn't close to happening at all.
Because they don’t seek to empower it, they serve a god who uses many groups to achieve his aim of supplanting the authority and power of Jesus the Son of God.
So? If their power and influence depends on people believing the "false religion" of catholicism... Why would they promote anti-christian propaganda? Why would they seek to undermine the institution which they use to gain power? Shouldn't they portray themselves positively in the media, so as to manipulate people into trusting them? Instead, we see very few pro-christian movies and catholic priests are often shown as corrupt. Why the millions of muslim migrants which are hostile towards the catholic church?

If they obey the pope without question... Why is it claimed that they poisoned Clement XV, who outlawed them?
As a Bible believing believer in Christ I will likely not fare well under catholics, pagans, or jews (if any distinction exists there :p )
Really? No difference between catholics and jews? When was the last time you saw catholics advocating for degeneracy, abortion, multiculturalism, etc.?

In spite of the atrocities and massacres, the catholic religion and culture have been pivotal to the development of Europe and the conquest of America. Not to mention that the whole inquisition thing was a myth; the Inquisition established fair trials and humane treatment of prisoners (seriously. They advocated for torture methods that were non lethal and only caused temporary pain; certainly humanitarian in an age where such things were common). They did sponsor science and culture; from the art of the Renaissance and gothic cathedrals to preserving the works of ancient philosophers. The whole "Galileo affair" is a myth, considering how they themselves protected Copernicus from the flat-earther protestants (who, like the catholics, did commit massacres and burned heretics). Hospitals and universities are catholic inventions. The jesuits even started schools where there were none (and not all jesuits are gnostic, only the upper echelons. The rest are catholics deceived by their masters).

Catholicism has been the driving force behind the crusades and fought the jew openly. Before WW2, catholicism was against globalism and socialism. It is after WW2 and the victory of globalism, freemasonry, liberalism and marxism that they church was "persuaded" to change its views on jews, globalism and socialism. That's when the sex abuse scandals began.

If the problem were the catholics, what took them so long? The world was overwhelmingly catholic for centuries... Why didn't they implement their plan for the Third age of Joachim de Fiore or whatever they were planning when most of the world was under their control, at least in religious terms?

Like I said, the only thing happening here is protestants cherrypicking the data that suits the prophecy of the book of revelation, which Martin Luther had doubts about. Martin Luther, mind you, mistranslated the Bible in order to fit his view of sola fide. King James was a known student of kabbalah, aided by freemasons in his translation of the Bible. He also wrote a book on demonology. You could argue Martin Luther did more damage to christianity by causing wars between christians and giving rise to hundred of protestant denominations. In fact, protestantism was more judaizing than catholicism.
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