Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

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Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Background info which connects to the "alternative media" network (of intelligence services operatives) currently supported by mainstream platforms like Twitter and Youtube.

Israeli Man Busted on Koh Phangan for Drug Trafficking
One of the pioneers of cannabis cultivation in Israel and founder of Israeli Better Cannabis, has been arrested in Koh Phangan, Thailand. He was arrested at a luxury house in Ban Tai, Koh Phangan. Gild was arrested with other Israelis for being involved in the sale of cocaine, ketamine, cannabis and other drugs. In addition to also attempting to bribe Thai police officers.
After a search of the home police found ecstasy, ketamine, cocaine and also marijuana in the bedroom. They also found scales and plastic bags for distributing the drugs. He admitted at the police station that it was all his.

Gild then allegedly asked to see an officer in charge and offered to pay one million dollars to be freed.
When the police refused, he started to show signs of stress and began to make trouble, Thai media reported. He allegedly threatened about how a Mr Big who would be informed.
Police had investigated the suspect after he appeared to be living a flamboyant lifestyle. However he didn’t appear to have a job. Pol Lt-Col Thanawat Sukhata said this was no ordinary suspect in a drugs case. He was a big player.

Meanwhile, Better Cannabis that was founded in 2008 by Gild noted in a statement that “Yohai is a private individual. He has had no executive or management role in the company for several years.
The controlling stake in the company is held by Yohai Gild’s mother. He has nothing whatsoever to do with the company or with the deal being put together with the Thai investor.
I think it is quite possible he was involved with other things too. Here with Czech PM

His cannabis company :
His mother is on the board : Professor Galia Golan Gild

On the Advisory Team : Dr. Dedi Meiri - Head of Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Cannabinoid Research, Technion

Rick Doblin (misspelt on website) Chairman of MAPS .. Rick Doblin, Ph.D., is the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). He received his doctorate in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where he wrote his dissertation on the regulation of the medical uses of psychedelics .. He also conducted a thirty-four year follow-up study to Timothy Leary’s Concord Prison Experiment. Rick studied with Dr. Stanislav Grof and was among the first to be certified as a Holotropic Breathwork practitioner..............................Connections with WEF ... 9244483585
So how did I get to this Koh Phangan story? > Because of a number of similar FB accounts of Russian women in that area who are "fitness instructors" and linked to the "Creative Production Agency"

Looking through the website one gets another vibe from it, if you know what I mean. And the person of interest who led me to that website is Rach Lewins Transformational Coach *cough* ... /158531134

She was interviewing Sacha Stone .. and there I will leave it for now because Stone will get a post of his own and is part of the Robert David Steele, Charlie Ward .. spook intelligence ring currently doing the alternative media rounds on Twitter and FB.

This all feeds into the Great Reset btw. Once I've done a series of posts I'll put them all together and explain how.
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Re: Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

Post by MercurysBall2 »

More about MAPS

John Gilmore, Chairman of the Board
John Gilmore is an entrepreneur and civil libertarian. He was an early employee of Sun Microsystems, early free software and open source author, and co-created Cygnus Solutions, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Cypherpunks, the DES Cracker, and the Usenet’s “alt” newsgroups. He’s spent 40 years doing programming, hardware and software design, management, advocacy, philosophy, philanthropy, and investment. Along with being a board member of MAPS, he is also on the boards of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Marijuana Policy Project. He is trying to get people to think more about the society they are building. His advocacy on encryption aims to improve public understanding of this fundamental technology for privacy and accountability in open societies. His advocacy on drug policy aims to reduce the immense harms caused by government attempts to control the mental states of free citizens.
Gilmore is mentioned in this post : On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture
How the 'open government' movement was co-opted before it even got started... The Sunlight Foundation was founded by Ellen S. Miller and Michael R. Klein..The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an international non-profit digital rights group based in San Francisco, California. The foundation was formed in July, 1990 by John Gilmore, John Perry Barlow and Mitch Kapor
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Re: Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

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MAPS - Vicky Dulai
Vicky Dulai is the cofounder and executive director to Compassion For Addiction, a non-profit dedicated to a trauma informed and compassionate approach to treating addiction. This includes psychedelics as a modality to treat addiction. She is also a board member of the George Sarlo Foundation. Vicky is a graduate of the inaugural cohort of California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) psychedelic assisted psychotherapy program.

A first generation American child of Punjabi Sikh immigrants, Vicky joined the MAPS Board of Directors in August 2018 to help expand access of psychedelic medicines to diverse populations while fostering more women leaders in this field. Vicky lives in Mill Valley with her husband James and their two sons, William and Bennett.
George Sarlo attends the 2010 International Rescue Committee Freedom Award reception at The Waldorf=Astoria on November 10, 2010 in New York City ... =2048x2048

The Psychedelic Revolution Is Being Led by a 79-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor - ... enaissance
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Re: Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

Post by MercurysBall2 »

MAPS - Victoria Hale
Dr. Hale is a pharmaceutical scientist/executive and global health social entrepreneur. She currently has a consulting business focused on global health and integrative medicine. She was founder and CEO of two successful nonprofit pharmaceutical companies, OneWorld Health (2000) and Medicines360 (2009). ..

OneWorld Health was the first nonprofit pharmaceutical company in the U.S., focused on leishmaniasis, malaria, and cholera; Meds360 developed a hormonal IUD for contraception, approved by the FDA. She has raised $230M in philanthropic funding, primarily from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oneworld Health ... anization)
PATH (formerly known as Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) is an international, nonprofit global health organization based in Seattle, with 1,600 employees in more than 70+ offices around the world. Its president and CEO is Nikolaj Gilbert, who is also the Managing Director and CEO of Foundations for Appropriate Technologies in Health (FATH)...

OneWorld Health was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit drug development organization founded in San Francisco in 2000 by Victoria Hale.[5] In December 2011, OneWorld Health became a drug development program of PATH.[6] What was the Institute for OneWorld Health has become PATH's Drug Development program.
PATH voat posts:

A very large wildfire has broken out next to the Hanford Washington Nuclear Waste and reactor test site.. Here are the Epstein and NXIVM connections..
Isaac Kappy was related to Tamara Engoron Veneruso... She is married to Tony Veneruso of Veneruso Technical Consultants LLC and connected to Sculpture Ranch, Santa Fe..the Veneruso family is very involved with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.. [Also involved with that foundation is] Gordon W. Perkin , the founder of Program for Appropriate Technology in Health. .. He was also involved with Oak Ridge .. which is connected with Los Alamos National Laboratory.. The President of Keith Raniere's company Global Technologies is from Los Alamos...

Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH
Century 21 President Joseph E. Gandy with Planned Parenthood executive director Lee Minto and Richard M. Nixon at the U.N. Pavilion, Seattle World's Fair, August 10, 1962 - https://digitalcollections.lib.washingt ... e/id/3402/

PATH is an international, nonprofit global health organization based in Seattle, with 1,600 employees in more than 70+ offices around the world. Its president and CEO is Steve Davis....

Gordon W. Perkin is the founder of Program for Appropriate Technology in Health. In 1968 (at least) he worked at the Ford Foundation as a program advisor in their Thailand and Regional Southeast Asia (Bangkok) department. [1] In 1977 (at least) he worked under Oscar Harkavy at the Ford Foundation as a population program officer. [2] In 2001 he was director of the global health program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation...."In 1995, Perkin was approached by Bill Gates Sr., who was seeking advice and information on family planning issues for his son's new philanthropic outlet, the Gates Foundation. Perkin offered his thoughts but also told the Gateses about the growing crisis in childhood immunizations. He didn't ask Gates for money or for a job.

PATH was one of the first agencies to address the problem of AIDS in developing countries, starting in 1987 with a project aimed at increasing condom use by sex workers in Thailand. In the past decade, PATH has managed AIDS projects in over 35 countries...
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Re: Israeli drug ring arrested in Thailand.. more about spooks and the alt media infiltration

Post by MercurysBall2 »


Supporters include Open Society Foundation, ESMÉE FAIRBAIRN FOUNDATION...
voat post on ESMÉE FAIRBAIRN FOUNDATION : European Commission Is Putting Paedophiles' Privacy Ahead Of Fighting Online Child Abuse .. ... ation&b=on

TDPF did a blog on the WHO Cocaine Report.. seeming to support the legalization of this Class A Drug , in the blog they mention Ben Goldacre's Guardian article also supporting this : ... o-see.html

Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US by Ben Goldacre ... aine-study
Goldacre is on Matt Hancock's health tech advisory board and is an associate of Nicole Junkermann.. more Israeli connections?
It's almost as if they don't want to hide it - NHS, Nicole Junkermann, Carbyne911, Matt Hancok, WEF -
So, how did I get to TDPF? Well, via British occultist Julian Vayne aka James Hind.. and he needs his own post..

Mentioned in these voat posts : ... ne%22&b=on including this Hampstead one: Children interviewed - Talk about killing babies and drinking their blood. And making leather shoes out of baby skin. (Remember the red shoes?)
Psychic TV's lead, Genesis P-Orridge, was/is a chaos magician as shown here

All throughout the Hampstead case, since the videos went online, there have been other chaos magicians defending the father, on social media platforms. The first I noticed was a profile called "Satanicviews" who was on Hoaxtead Research, Twitter, Youtube and on Facebook he was known as "James Hind". "Satanicviews" also has a Wordpress blog of the same name.

I wrote this blog post about him https://dearmandoeshampstead.wordpress. ... f-the-iot/
And that's the topic of the next post.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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