The Jerusalema Dance Challenge, Freemasonry, the New World Order and the Nazis at WEF

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The Jerusalema Dance Challenge, Freemasonry, the New World Order and the Nazis at WEF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So the latest inane dance challenge Jerusalema has all of Ireland talking about it after the bizarre performance of frontline workers on the Late Late Show ... -challenge
On Friday, Gardai, members of the fire service and other frontline workers performed the dance once more on the Late Late Show, dividing opinion on Twitter between those who felt the display was heartwarming, and those who cringed.
Some people were picking up on the freemasonry symbology ... 9732573185

Image The Jerusalema challenge performance put on by frontline workers on RTE’s Late Late Show on Friday

Jerusalema? Jerusalema in Gematria code is 630 ..

The Jerusalema Challenge is being taken up by uniformed personnel all over the globe.
"Jerusalema" is a song by South African DJ and record producer Master KG featuring South African vocalist Nomcebo. The upbeat gospel-influenced gqom song was initially released on 29 November 2019 after it garnered positive response online, with a music video following on 21 December...

An accompanying dance challenge, attributed to a group of Angolan friends performing the choreography in a candid video,[9] helped the song go viral online.[15] The #JerusalemaChallenge, which has been compared to the Macarena,[16] spawned dance videos from many countries, including Israel, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Spain, France, Jamaica, Canada,Ireland and the United States.[17][6][13] In Germany, workers paid tribute to Berlin’s Tegel Airport by dancing to Jerusalema on the tarmac and in the now-shuttered terminal. Switzerland police force challenged the Irish police force an garda siochana to Jerusalema dance challenge in which they accepted and the video was well perceived in the two countries with the Swiss police flying Irish flag at there headquarters for the day .. ... anthe.html
In February the Angolan dance troupe Phenomenos do Semba created the viral #JerusalemaDanceChallenge video that showed off their dance moves to the South African hit song Jerusalema ... The challenge videos were swept along in a message of hope condensed in the single word “Jerusalema” and amplified through an electronic beat that its creator, Johannesburg-based musician and producer Master KG , describes as “ spiritual ”.

..What they call “alegria da dança” (the joy of the dance) can also be read as “alegropolitics” or joy pressed out from trauma and dehumanisation. Historically, enslavement, colonialism, commodification and a continuing threat to Black life brings forth Afro-Atlantic expressive culture ...

This gift to the world is the secret of moving collectively. Not in cookie-cutter unison but through individual response to poly-rhythmic Africanist aesthetic principles that are held together by a master-structure. Dancing in this way is resistance, incorporating kinetic and rhythmic principles that circulated initially around the Atlantic rim (including the Americas, Europe, the Caribbean and Africa). It connects and revitalises by enacting an embodied memory of resistance to enslavement...

..Instead of understanding the Jerusalema dance challenge as an intra-African phenomenon, it's maybe more useful to understand it in terms of ongoing creolisation processes – a mixing of cultures – that spiral around the Atlantic rim...

Ananya Jahanara Kabir receives funding from the European Research Council, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and King's College London.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ... Foundation
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (German: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) is a foundation established by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and funded by the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as other national and international partners; it promotes international academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from Germany and from abroad..

The Foundation was initially established in Berlin in 1860 in order to provide support to German scientists to do research in other countries. During the 1923 high inflation the Foundation has lost most of its capital and had to close. It was re-established by the German Reich in 1925,
The Humboldt Foundation and its role in the Third Reich ... -3-en.html
“The study shows how, from 1933 onwards, the Foundation of the time was increasingly instrumentalised for propaganda purposes and was ultimately placed in the service of the Nazis’ racial fanaticism,” said Secretary General of the Foundation, Enno Aufderheide, at the launch of the publication in Bonn. “These findings are a warning to be on the alert for any attempts to abuse even such positive measures as academic exchange,” he said. If there were one positive conclusion to be drawn from the depressing and shameful overall picture, it would be that the Nazis had failed in their attempt to manipulate many Fellows’ image of Germany, added Aufderheide. “Many returned home disillusioned and had certainly not become friends of the Nazis. Only after the war did they become bridge builders for a democratic Germany.”

Just one of many documents that link WEF, Klaus Schwab and the Humboldt Foundation ... the-planet

More to come about the occult links of the NWO ....
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Re: The Jerusalema Dance Challenge, Freemasonry, the New World Order and the Nazis at WEF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Zedekiah's Cave—also called Solomon's Quarries—is a 5-acre (20,000 m2) underground meleke limestone quarry that runs the length of five city blocks under the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It was carved over a period of several thousand years and is a remnant of the largest quarry in Jerusalem, stretching from Jeremiah's Grotto and the Garden Tomb to the walls of the Old City.[1] The cave has great historical importance in Freemasonry.

..The most revered legend about the cave is that it served as the quarry for King Solomon's First Temple. However, there is no historical or archeological evidence to support this.

A Masonic ceremony was held in the cave in 1868, led by a past grand master of the state of Kentucky.[11] The first Masonic lodge in the Holy Land, known as the Royal Solomon Mother Lodge No. 293, met in the cave on May 7, 1873.[12]

The Freemasons of Israel hold an annual ceremony in Zedekiah's Cave, and consider it one of the most revered sites in their history. (Masonic ritual claims that King Solomon was their first Grand Master—and some Freemasons feel that the cave is definitely Solomon's quarry.[1]) According to Matti Shelon, head of the Israeli Freemasons, "Since the 1860s we have been holding ceremonies in the cave".[1] According to the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Israel, the site "has special meaning for Mark Master Masons and the Royal Arch Masons in particular". Starting in the days of the British Mandate (1920s), the cave was used for the ceremony of Mark Master Masons. Although this practice was temporarily suspended between the years 1948 and 1968, the impressive ceremony of the consecration of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Israel was commenced again in the spring of 1969, and ever since then the Mark degree has been performed in the caves once a year on average.[13]

On May 10, 2015 a Masonic initiation was held in the cave on the occasion of a visit of a delegation of Masons from the Grand Lodge of California to the Grand Lodge of Israel. Long time members of the Grand Lodge of Israel indicated it was the first time they could remember such a degree being held there
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Re: The Jerusalema Dance Challenge, Freemasonry, the New World Order and the Nazis at WEF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Three Magical Books of Solomon: The Greater and Lesser Keys & The Testament of Solomon by Aleister Crowley ... 194677409X


The Key of Solomon the King was originally researched and translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from ancient manuscripts in the British museums. Included by Mathers is the Order of the Pentacles of Solomon, the Ancient Fragment of the Key of Solomon, The Qabalistic Invocation of Solomon, and 15 plates full of figures, seals and charts, as well as the original text giving detailed instruction for spells and invocations.

The work is traditionally divided into two books detailing the Key of King Solomon. Book One explains the operation of conjurations, curses, spells and other magical works. Book Two instructs the practitioner on the proper attire, purification rituals and other means of obtaining the goals of the Goetia. Between these two books is the list of plates that contain numerous illustrations and secret seals of Solomon, including the Mystical Seal of Solomon, the Pentacles of Solomon, and the Mystical Alphabet, which impart the mechanisms and requirements for the invocation of spirits and demons.

The Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Clavicula Salomonis Regis, or Lemegeton, is a compilation of materials and writings from ancient sources making up a text book of magic or “grimoire.” Portions of this book can be traced back to the mid-16th to 17th centuries, when occult researchers such as Cornelius Agrippa and Johannes Trithemisus assembled what they discovered during their investigations into their own great works.

As a modern grimoire, the Lesser Key of Solomon has seen several editions with various authors and editors taking liberty to edit and translate the ancient writings and source material. In 1898, Arthur Edward Waite published his The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts, which contained large portions of the Lemegeton. He was followed by Mathers and Crowley in 1904 who published The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon.

In the preface to this edition, it is explained that a “Secret Chief” of the Rosicrucian Order directed the completion of the book. The original editor was a G. H. Fra. D.D.C.F. who translated ancient texts from French, Hebrew, and Latin, but was unable to complete his labors because of the martial assaults of the Four Great Princes. Crowley was then asked to step in and finish what the previous author had begun.

The Testament of Solomon is a pseudepigraphical work attributed to King Solomon the Wise of the Old Testament. Written in the first-person narrative, the book tells the story of the creation of the magical ring of King Solomon and how Solomon’s ring was used to bind and control demons, including Beelzebub. In this book of King Solomon, the discourses between the King and the various spirits are told, and the story shows how Solomon uses his wisdom to withstand the demons’ tricks and guile and enlist their aid in the building of his temple.

The manuscripts from which this work was discovered date from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. All were written in Greek. This dating makes most experts believe that the work is medieval. But some scholars, including D.C. Duling, argue that it is likely that the work comes from the 5th or 6th centuries.

No matter the date, the text provides an immensely interesting description of how King Solomon tamed various demons to build his temple. The text includes predictions of the coming of Christ, as one demon explains to Solomon that while he may be bound, the only thing that can truly take his power away is the man born from a virgin who will be crucified by the Jews.
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Re: The Jerusalema Dance Challenge, Freemasonry, the New World Order and the Nazis at WEF

Post by argosciv »

I'm not an anti-mason person, but even I had to sit here and say "what the fuck is this shit?" when I saw that blatantly choreographed scene (with the deliberate lighting/shadow and camera angles).
Something super fucky about that scene and the way they made sure it showed a certain "symbolism" even through the movement over at least 4 seconds.
On top of that, the inorganic popularity of a song called Jerusalema... I mean.... talk about deliberate "symbolism"...
Last edited by argosciv on Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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