Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by NinaSparrow »

Guys - if u are on telegram, please listen to this video. This guy is a whistle-blower who Lin Wood posted the video of & Lin Wood says there is sooooo much more regarding child trafficking. This video is 45min long & he says there is more coming.

Explains who killed Seth Rich + Stuff about Pence being compromised with under age boys as young as 13yo.
Iisten with headphones. It's easier to hear.
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Seth Rich lives ..

See Seth Rich neatly framed between Melania & Donald Trump in company with French President Emmanuel Macron, who achieved that office May 14, 2017 nearly one year after Rich's July 10, 2016 alleged assassination. Rich is seen again in the back seat of a limousine in the company of Rudolf Giuliani puffin' on a cigar in the front, with another big wig type similarly puffin' away to his right .. says he could have smoke inhalation but he's definitely alive.
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by Derpfroot »

He metions agent Rosati's scam. So I search his name and find people that posted in 2012 about his scam. Crazy fucks.
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by Snailracer »

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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by flyingcuttlefish »

I am posting some Lin Wood items because he was banned across most platforms.

I put the items here and in comments on the post -

I am against banning his opinion posts and tweets etc. It is very unconstitutional.
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by flyingcuttlefish »

alternate link to the telegram post

WHISTLEBLOWER: Rod Rosenstein and his Dirty Trick Squad
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by flyingcuttlefish »

I wonder if the reason they are after Lin Wood with the censorship is because he talks about Seth Rich....
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Re: Seth Rich Murder + Pence pedo stuff, etc. Please Listen!

Post by Joe10jo »

Boys as young as 13..... holy cow. Not like it’s the Fatherhood video, right, but just hearing it, 13 year old boys, kills me. Awww man, I’m gonna listen though. 😢. ....and thanks for sharing. 😊❤️👍
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