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Re: Hell

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

January 14, 2022 .. in about October I decided to update the identities file as per the images above, it is a fairly laborious task and I only get it done when I am not doing something else .. thus when I started at line thirty two planning to map the identities in next eight rows, I encountered a nest of ppl who were well known to me not counting Joseph Goebbels and former long term Australian PM Bob Menzies.

Bearing in mind there were only one thousand & twenty three souls in the eternal part of Hell, Julius Caesar and his nemesis Marcus Tullius Cicero being the longest term inhabitants, while Donald Rumsfeld, the D of E Prince Philip and Michael Aquino were the last celebrity entries. One at least of the others I knew was an assh*le certainly, however he never at any time had the scope to commit wickedness at the level of Caesar, Hitler or Napoleon et al .. a couple of others similarly.

One was a carpenter turned minister of religion, ok we know many churchmen are big fornicators and that where there is fornication and adultery there is abortion, another was a notorious philanderer who had a "thing" about other men's wives so maybe he was murdered, another was someone I knew who committed suicide, one more was a fellow who was as far as I knew blameless, another was a Jew I knew .. whatever he got up to on his day off is not known but that is where he was.

You will read above how the souls in the fire all are eventually released albeit some go into a deeper level of Hell first .. we that is myself and the Almighty discussed the situation and came to the conclusion, that all things being considered there was no useful purpose keeping these souls in Hell so he said "let 'em out." Yes Aquino, Rummy and the Duke got off easy but that is what happens at the fire, the ones who arrive at the start of the sequence are there for a lot longer than the ones who go in near the end.

So after that removal the Fire and the Outer Darkness were both emptied, so the only ones going in went in thru the four gates and as we have seen they are only within the precincts of Hell for minutes .. as from this date things have returned to normal, there is a line of giants forming against the wall in the OD, souls are tumbling into the fire and the OD as per normal, while the unluckiest soul in the place is a Sri Lankan aged in his twenties who has found himself as the only inhabitant in the eternal part of Hell.
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Re: Hell

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Hell - At 8 Yrs Old in 1959 My Father Choked & Battered Me to Death, I met Jesus who gave me the option of staying with him or returning where after God spoke and said he would grant one wish, I asked for a guided tour of Hell - Betty Battenberg, Elizabeth Windsor, QE II the latest hi profile entry.​[/b]


There are numerous different levels in Hell .. the Queen is in the lowest level from whence there is no return, makes her the third member of her immediate family to go into that place, Prince Philip the D of E went in in April 2021, Earl Mountbatten entered August 1979.

Feedback: "Sent to the depths of Hell just for being Queen .."


Canadian researcher Kevin Annett alleges Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip murdered up to ten indigenous children near Kamloops BC in October 1964, they allegedly did the same in Australia post HRH's visit to the Royal Flying Doctor Base in Alice Springs March 29, 1963.


Questions were raised in the Australian Federal Parliament in 1963, re what had occurred at a remote aboriginal community shortly after Queen Elizabeth visited the Flying Doctor Base in Alice Springs in March that year. Some time later images that appeared to have been taken with modern circa 1963 photographic equipment, which were in a buff manila envelope and resembled official police photographs, were passed from hand to hand at Port Augusta High School.

The one I saw was of an aboriginal girl of about 8 yrs whose body was severed completely in two, from about her breast bone one side to her kidney region the other. The Norther Territory politician who raised the matter on a number of occasions in the face of hostile criticism, is thought to have met his demise at the height of the controversy .. check Hansard.

At a game of football in Alice Springs in 1966 a middle aged aboriginal man approached the group I was with and told an identical story, that the Royal Party including the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had carried out a massacre at his home community. His story evoked memories of the photographs that had gone around at school three yrs before, and of the news reports re the questions in Parliament.

He wandered thru the crowd telling everyone the same tale, a local bloke said he was on about the same thing all the time, that he repeated the same material to everyone with whom he came in contact, the local consensus was it was true but in the absence of an official inquiry what the Hell are you gonna do about it.
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Re: Hell

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Update March 31, 2023 - Things continue to evolve in Hell, as things stand there are no souls in either the fire or the Outer Darkness, there are two women in the eternal "boat section" above the OD being Queen Elizabeth and one other, as well there are seventeen souls including Pope Benedict in the re inhabited Zuqqum Tree region adjacent to the OD.

Souls continue to tumble into Hell at the rate of about one every four seconds thru the four gates .. thus the devil in situ which is a giant spider, grabs them by the ankles and drags them thru an opening in the wall and casts them into Hell proper .. in the case of truculence demons whose role it is to keep things moving swarm him or her, while the spider comes in thru the hole, wraps them up in web and drags them in.

They land on a stone shelf which gives way to a slide whereas they tumble downward and their body disintegrates in a shower of glittering shards .. there are a few hundred alien giants in this section but no humans. I negotiated the release of the ones that were there previously numbering 1023 of whom Julius Caesar was the longest term resident, about a year ago on the basis that in the absence of Earthly response they would take orders from the messenger .. I've heard nothing since.
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Re: Hell

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

MartinTimothy1 wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:03 am Update March 31, 2023 - I negotiated the release of the ones that were there previously numbering 1023 of whom Julius Caesar was the longest term resident, about a year ago on the basis that in the absence of Earthly response they would take orders from the messenger .. I've heard nothing since.
Neither have I, however there has been another readjustment in Hell in that out of the 1023 I released in 2032 about two hundred or so including Napoleon - who is now as far as I can see the longest serving resident - Franco, Hitler, Winston Churchill and Philip the Duke of Edinburgh have reentered,thus about nine hundred including Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Roy Cohn and Meyer Lansky have stayed away with plenty of others too numerous to list, Michael Aquino is gone Anton LaVey remains. There are now three sufferers in the permanent women's section above the OD, the latest is an Indian woman placed beside HRH QE - making both the patriarch and the matriarch of the current Royal line in Hell to stay - and one other.


Whereas at this time there are no souls in the fire of Hell the last ones numbering about twenty were released after only a few weeks a few weeks ago, there are giants in the main body of Hell along with those who tumble in thru the four doors as per the description above who are in there for about an hour, and the permanent human residents who have been removed from the now empty "Zaqqum Tree" place .. the "Pit of Hell" the circular region formerly the home of fallen angels is now occupied by a single alien resident who more than anything resembles "The Incredible Hulk." Edit.
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Re: Hell

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Update 2025 ..
Ok things are vastly different since the last update .. men are entering the fire of Hell thru the upper gate, as described with its two demon guards who turn into Cerberus the three headed demon dog, at the rate of around 70,000 per day, while it takes about six months for the fire chamber to reach capacity when entries cease while "Four Arms" does his thing before getting underway once more.

The giants we have spoken of before are now seldom seen, while as well as humans there have been quite a fair number of aliens entering thru into the fire .. some are "humanized" animals horses, dogs, pigs and deer, others are metallic colorful creatures whose mouths open wide from their jaw hinges both sides, others are sturdy, fat overweight souls

Each day the lower four gates process around another 20,000 souls made up of 12,000 or so men and 8,000 women .. for the most part these 20,000 will only be in Hell for about two minutes counting from when they first appeared at any of the four entry points.

Around 100 woman enter the Outer Darkness each day, the make up is about 60% Asian being Chinese, Indian or South East Asian, 30% or so are African or African / American types, about 8% are Gypsy or Maori while Europeans are the smallest ethnic group at about 2% .. these women will be in Hell for about a week until they go to the "Second Judgement" .. the same four women eternals as last time including QE II are still in place above the OD.
The men eternals remain in the "New Chamber," whereas since they rejected the terms of the last amnesty they have been joined by another 30 or so man souls including Willie Pickton, Henry Kissinger and former US President James Carter .. the rows below them are the ones just gonna be there for minutes, thus the demon guard takes them in and as soon as he places them they dissolve into a mist of glittering shards.
People should be aware of my claim to have been spoken to by God and that he told me he had "chosen me as his messenger" it's all true, as well as that he dictates all of the text in all of my internet posts .. mostly when I see him it is like a lantern whereas the central part the wick is a bright light surrounded by concentric rings of angels.

Lately he is appearing as a human figure aged about 50 yrs with white skin and platinum yellow hair within the light, while the resemblance to artistic representations of Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Odin and Posiedon dating back to antiquity is extreme .. for that reason I believe that in those olden times God himself chose reciters, remembrancers, and prophets who outlined all of the characterizations including the astral designations of the entire European Pantheon .. that study of the Pantheon is as valid as study of the Koran or the Pentateuch for instance .. that it is all from God.


He appears fully robed as per above left or with an "off the shoulder" look above right, he does not look quite as severe as in this image in that he has a quite good humored visage ..
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