Hotmail email addresses don't work

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Hotmail email addresses don't work

Post by SearchVoat »

Just noticed that notification emails to hotmail addresses bounce. Thanks Microsoft. Please use a different email provider.
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Re: Hotmail email addresses don't work

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Does this mean that hotmail doesn't work anymore, or is it something else? What do notification emails do? Are they something
i should be doing? I rarely look at email, like once a year, maybe.
Why do corporations suck so damn much?
Also, this is to test and see if comments are showing on SVA. they weren't, only OPs original post.
Edit: It's all messes up
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Re: Hotmail email addresses don't work

Post by SearchVoat »

Hi SWMBO, sorry I missed your post until today. Hotmail won't accept emails from mail servers that aren't gmail/apple/hotmail/someotherbigtelco which means they bounce from mine.

Notifications are for things like, someone replied to my post, sent me a PM, perhaps they upvoted/downvoted my post.

Now I will go and check whether comments/posts are appearing on SVA...
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