The horrors of St. Anne's

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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The horrors of St. Anne's

Post by brwn »

The horrors of St. Anne's ... documents/

Ontario Provincial Police files obtained by CBC News reveal the history of abuse at the notorious residential school that built its own electric chair

What she needed to escape, she told investigators, were the constant strappings and whippings, and the sexual assaults by a man she knew only as “the gardener.”

“This shouldn’t have happened to us. They’re God’s workers, they were to look after us.”

St. Anne’s Indian Residential School in Northern Ontario was a place of horrific abuse and crimes against children that took place over decades. For years, records detailing the abuse were kept hidden — from survivors who needed them for their compensation claims. In Reconciliation Betrayed: The Horrors of St. Anne’s, we show how CBC News obtain thousands of those very documents which expose the fuller picture of the abuse than was previously acknowledged. ... -1.5039150
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