Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

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Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

Post by Nosferatjew »

Educate yourselves about what could be coming:

Gun Gripes #275: "Joe Biden's War on the 2nd Amendment"
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Re: Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

Post by 1moar »

Yeah, if you thought it was bad's about to get real dicey af.
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Re: Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

Post by registereduser »

I've been shopping for guns last 3 - 4 days via websites with local actual stores. This AM all of them are suddenly massively out of stock.

I've also called three local mom and pop shops today, same story.

Why did I invest in fishing gear with that covidhoax check last year? FUCK.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Too bad we can't attach voice notes here because I'd love to give you a brief explanation of how ((they)) disarmed White South Africans, but it's too long to type out.
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Re: Some pretty severe gun control is on the horizon...

Post by Splooge »

I've stopped paying any attention to whatever specific motions, measures, bills, laws, etc. they're trying to put into place. It's all hair-splitting at this point, and to discuss any of it is a waste of time at best.

The only thing anyone needs to know is this: They want you completely disarmed.

That's all. I know that's not a revolutionary take, but the fact is that if that's the end goal, whatever happens leading up to it is irrelevant, because the end result will be the same if it continues in any vein. All of it simply has to stop.

In fact, I think that all these various groups, personalities, channels, etc. that post regular updates on various attempts toward said end goal are doing more harm than good. It causes people to start looking for loopholes to exempt themselves (as was the case with bumpstocks), it causes people to start bargaining for a retarded goal (as we've seen with pistol braces), and so on.

The overall message should be that ALL of it affects EVERYONE, PERIOD. Forget what caliber or capacity they're pursuing, forget about where you can and can't carry what, what paperwork or permit is "required," ALL of it is RELEVANT TO EVERYONE.

To that end (and on a side note), I despise all the pro-gun/pro-2A rhetoric. It is self-defeating because again, in terms of messaging it causes people to exempt themselves (or look for loopholes that disapply the concept to them). The messaging should be pro or anti self-defense. Regardless of what tool (i.e. arm) you choose, or if you choose none at all, it's your right. That message is far more applicable to the masses than any of this "red blooded gun toting MAGA patriot #glock" shit we see. I've convinced far more people to swap their stances when I explained that the pepper spray or (((krav maga))) training they picked up to protect themselves is thanks to the protection of 2A than I have with the typical "hurr durr bad guy wid gun stahp only by good guy wid gun" lines, simply because the concept is far more universal and relatable.
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