On Sunday February 28, 1993 at around 9:30 am agents from the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, with arrest and search warrants went to the Branch Davidian ranch at Mount Carmel around six miles outside of Waco Texas, a gun battle ensued that left six Davidians and four agents dead.
Three of the four dead agents had been part of Bill & Hillary Clinton's security detail, and had nearly identical shots to the head, the other was shot through the heart. Link.
Film footage from the initial siege in "Waco, the Big Lie", shows an ATF agent throwing a grenade and shooting an automatic weapon into the room where three other ATF agents have just entered thru a window. In other words this footage appears to show these agents were assassinated. Link.

The subsequent standoff at Mt Carmel was broken on April 19, 1993 - a date that features prominently in the Satanist Calendar - when the FBI under the tutelage of AG Janet Reno sent tanks which fired incendiary shells into the compound, as many as eighty eight died .. the whole thing was a massive conspiracy involving virtually every level of the US Govt.
At least seventy six people including about two dozen teens and children died that day, the exact number couldn’t be stated because of the extensive burning and commingling of bodies, at least twenty including Koresh and some of the children died of gunshot wounds, a 3 yo was stabbed to death. KWTX.com.

Maybe Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh supremo of the Branch Davidian operation who was a firearms aficionado who bought and sold guns, who disclosed the ppl he led thought of him as the "Son of God." Could have been an FBI / CIA asset who had in "their" eyes become unstable, whose op at Mount Carmel had become a law unto itself so they decided to eliminate him and all of his followers in one fell swoop!

April 19, 1993 Moon Occult Venus in Aries - The Astrology of the Branch Davidian Fire.