Similarities Between Stone Age Petroglyphs From Siberia, the Sahara & Gobi Deserts, Africa & North America Dated to the "Upper Palaeolithic" - Say they were produced by the same hand a la space faring, time travelling aliens .. as well we say various European "Cave Paintings" are by schooled artists.

Petroglyphs Near St George Utah.

Petroglyphs Near St George Utah 2.

Petroglyph in Siberia.

Petroglyphs in the Gobi Desert.

Ancient Rock Art in Niger.

African Late Stone Age Pictos.

Iranian Rock Art.
Ok to make stone cut engravings like we see above you would require a diamond chisel and hammer stone, we can see no reason to suppose widely disparate "Paleolithic" peoples would each have the same tools and possess the same artistic acumen and patience to get it done.

Alien Rock Art.

Alien Rock Art.
Only leaves space travellers, maybe they left self portraits as in the "spaceman" type figures that appear on the carving tableaux, like the ones above from Sego Canyon Utah.

Mysterious Cave Paintings.

Chauvet Cave Lions.
We have a problem with the "cave art" as well, and say the sweeping lines on the bison and leonine depictions from Chauvet Cave more particularly show a schooled hand.