I'm so tempted to ask you to give a brief summation of the video, but I won't, suffice it to say that pigs were doxed /s :P
Seriously though, thank you for posting the video; I confess I didn't listen closely to it (yet), but the topic of PEGs is one that I read about when the vax rollout started. :)
I know, it would be nice. I often don’t print a summary because all the publisher is getting is clicks (if that) but this is also one of those cases where there is quite a lot of detail and nuance that I would struggle to do any justice to.
Basically it’s about PEGs (PolyEthylGlycol) an additive used in a lot of food and medicines (including gene modifiers) and anti-freeze, that definitely triggers some allergic reactions even in the ‘for human consumption’ formulations, but may be more problematic than has yet been confirmed (or admitted)
The devil really is in the detail, but I seem have been steering clear of PEGs as a part of my dietary choices for a long time now.
I have found over the decades one after another food source becoming inedible for me, and after checking my pantry I seem to have already eliminated PEGs.