1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

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1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by HennyPenny »

Disney using WW2 psychology in Chicken Little to warn people about dangers of losing your head :

1) to influence the masses aim for the least intelligent
2) if you tell a lie, don't tell a small one, tell a big one
3) undermine the faith of the masses in their leader
4) by the use of flattery, insignificant people can be made to think of themselves as born leaders
5) don't believe everything you read, brother
6) Dinner is served!

https://lostmediawiki.com/Chicken_Littl ... med;_1943)
https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/th ... vid-lesson
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by Vindicator »

Wow. I just was telling someone on Twitter that the propaganda and mass-mind control from Hollywood goes all the way back to WW2, if not before. He was going on about the "Golden Age of Hollywood" as if it was good back then. I linked him to Shirley Temple's first film War Babies. Yeah...right!
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by HennyPenny »

Disney using Mein Kampf before Paperclip. Here's one view of the Golden Age of Hollywood: Lew Wasserman of MCA in bed with the Mafia and both financing Reagan and fellow Nazi leaning opportunists into political arena https://spitfirelist.com/news/reagans-nazis/
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by 2017Fallout »

Just watched it and it is tje same playbook now for covid1984
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by Lets_talk »

Hey I'm a covid believer here to understand how you guys are thinking about this.

I can imagine thinking this is all a big hoax, though it seems really hard to pull off.

Can you imagine this being a legitimate virus that no one planned or is in control of? I'd love to hear how you think the country should respond in the case of an actual pandemic, even if you don't believe we're in a real one right now. Would you support masks and lockdowns?
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by PeaceSeeker »

Lets_talk wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:00 pm Hey I'm a covid believer here to understand how you guys are thinking about this.

I can imagine thinking this is all a big hoax, though it seems really hard to pull off.

Can you imagine this being a legitimate virus that no one planned or is in control of? I'd love to hear how you think the country should respond in the case of an actual pandemic, even if you don't believe we're in a real one right now. Would you support masks and lockdowns?
The ends do not justify the means.

It doesn't matter how noble the end is. If the proposed solution causes evil at all, it is not justified.

Ruining businesses, transferring wealth to big corporations, sky-rocketing mental health, diminishing freedoms - these are evils. It doesn't matter if these measures are saving lives (and there is scarce evidence that they are). What matters is that the means are evil, and thus cannot and should not be employed.

I don't care if it's the bubonic plague. People can take personal responsibility and hide themselves in their homes like hermits if they so please. Anyone who goes out to shop for groceries during a "pandemic", real or imaginary, is tacitly accepting the risk of possibly being infected. It is not the state's place to compel mask wearing, social distancing, or the lockdowns of businesses and churches.
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by Lets_talk »

I understand that you really value personal freedom but I think you're assuming that your actions are more independent from the rest of society than they are.

To me it's like arguing that you should be able to smoke at a gas station - if anyone's afraid of gas explosions they should just stay home! You're the only one taking on risk right? But you aren't - if you get sick you'll take up a hospital bed that someone else might need for a heart attack or car accident. By not wearing a mask you're actively making places dangerous for other people who also need supplies and want to live their lives.

What do you think about places like New Zealand, where they worked together and got cases down quickly so that they can now live more normal lives? Do you think that's a hoax, or that they paid a price that's not worth it to you to accomplish that?

Thanks for answering my questions!
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by PeaceSeeker »

Lets_talk wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:45 pm I understand that you really value personal freedom but I think you're assuming that your actions are more independent from the rest of society than they are.

To me it's like arguing that you should be able to smoke at a gas station - if anyone's afraid of gas explosions they should just stay home! You're the only one taking on risk right? But you aren't - if you get sick you'll take up a hospital bed that someone else might need for a heart attack or car accident. By not wearing a mask you're actively making places dangerous for other people who also need supplies and want to live their lives.

What do you think about places like New Zealand, where they worked together and got cases down quickly so that they can now live more normal lives? Do you think that's a hoax, or that they paid a price that's not worth it to you to accomplish that?

Thanks for answering my questions!
I do wear a mask, because I have enough humility to acknowledge that I might be wrong.

Smoking at a gas station could cause property damage in addition to damage to oneself.

As for masks, we could make the same argument for any other aerosol spread disease. If we just wear masks *all* the time, we can reduce flu deaths annually! The point is that diseases are a part of life, and part of living life is accepting those risks. It is unreasonable to impose restrictions on normal living in order to merely diminish risk, *especially* when their are negative consequences to those impositions in addition to just an infringement of freedom. The effects of oxygen deprivation or breathing in higher amounts of one's own CO2 long-term are not well-known. The discomfort and breathing difficulty caused by mask wearing, especially for long periods, is not trivial. If a vulnerable person goes shopping in pre-COVID world, they are still at risk of getting the flu and dying - flu deaths are also not trivial. Should we therefore force the entire population to wear masks everywhere so these vulnerable people don't "miss out" on normal living, if they would be otherwise afraid to go shopping lest they catch the flu?

The measures just are not reasonable, and are not demonstrably effective, given the insignificantly higher mortality rates in places like Sweden that did not lock down at all. Again, the ends don't justify the means, period.

As for New Zealand, "cases" are not necessarily meaningful when there is no Standard Operating Procedure for the use of PCR tests throughout the world. The cycle threshold chosen will have major impacts on how many cases are picked up. If NZ has a lower Ct value than other nations, then cases will naturally decrease, and then the unreasonable measures can be removed and life can go on as normal, with a few vulnerable people nonetheless catching some bug and dying. I'm not saying this was done knowingly or with malevolence; but if it happened to be the case that they had a lower Ct value, then that might just as readily explain their "good fortune".
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Re: 1943 Disney war propaganda cartoon foretold covid ploy

Post by Vindicator »

Lets_talk wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:00 pm Hey I'm a covid believer here to understand how you guys are thinking about this.

I can imagine thinking this is all a big hoax, though it seems really hard to pull off.

Can you imagine this being a legitimate virus that no one planned or is in control of? I'd love to hear how you think the country should respond in the case of an actual pandemic, even if you don't believe we're in a real one right now. Would you support masks and lockdowns?
My mother and stepfather both currently have Covid. He is 86, and has multiple risk factors. Odds are against his survival. We will see what happens. Covid is clearly real and dangerous to the vulnerable.

But experience proves @PeaceSeeker is correct: the ends do not justify the means. The extreme over-reaction of governments, the healthcare system and other institutions like the Church has had a truly TERRIBLE impact even on the "ends". Those who enter the hospital for any reason are being subjected to the most inhumane isolation and neglect. It's 100x worse for those who enter WITH Covid.

My stepfather went into the small town ER with a fever due to a UTI, which he gets occasionally because he has a catheter. They separated my mother (who was not ill) from him despite his inability to stand up on his own. He tested positive for Covid. He refused treatment and asked to be sent home due to having just been trapped alone in the hospital for several weeks due to vascular problems (where they failed to change his catheter and thus caused the UTI).

Instead, they drugged him up, put him in an ambulance, and drove him almost two hours away to the big city hospital where they isolated him in the place he had just returned home from. Neither he nor my mom gave permission for this. The only way they would allow him to return home was if he went into hospice, at which point they would not treat him for the UTI or the Covid and would only give him morphine.

Just what you need with a severe upper respiratory illness...if you want to shorten someone's life.

He was terrified he was going to die alone in the hospital without getting to say goodbye to anyone.

So we transferred him to hospice to get him out of there, and used a telemedicine doc to get a prescriptions for HCQ and azithromycin. That was two weeks ago, and he's still hanging in there.

To make matters worse, they refused to allow him to see a priest to receive the sacraments either at the hospital, or at home. Because they closed up all the churches again, their small-town pastor decided to take an extended vacation back to his home country.

His only son and daughter-in-law were too terrified of Covid to come in the house to see him when they flew from thousands of miles away to be there for his death. They are not high risk, and had PPE. But they couldn't be persuaded to do anything but knock on the outside of the window and wave at him through the glass because they have been so brainwashed by health terrorists.

All these people who have treated him with such callous disregard have shown themselves to be worse than dogs, thanks to the vaunted "end" of safety. It's made him want to die as quickly as possible.

Disease -- even actually dire disease like Plague or Ebola -- does not absolve human beings of the need for mercy.

And if this WERE a truly deadly contagion, the requirement for "face coverings" -- the vast majority of which are equivalent to using a chain link fence to keep out mosquitos -- would merely lead to massive spread of the disease, as they concentrate the virus right exactly where people will inevitably touch it with their hands and then spread it to every door handle, credit card reader, handrail, bannister, piece of silverware and any other thing they touch. All they do is give people a false sense of security and righteousness.

It's evil.
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