Meanwhile On

Moderator: Thisismyaccount

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Meanwhile On

Post by antiliberalsociety »

I got back on the wagon just to annoy the shit out of that kike pedo AussieLuke. Once again the mods side with him.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point 52 minutes ago +1 / -0
All that wall of spam and still no proof. Oy Vey!

Blergaderg 0 point 29 minutes ago +1 / -1
Your actively seeking out and commenting on it more then 24 hours afterwards is honestly quite sad.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point moments ago +1 / -0
I just got on after weeks of hiatus and saw him still not "leaving" as he said he would. Piss up a rope, you still felt the need to criticize my criticism of him.
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Re: Meanwhile On

Post by antiliberalsociety »

I waste too much of my IRL time online, but this gives me keks. ... OcQsTzkUYy
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