Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

This is official Instagram of Biljana Djurdjevic: [lesser known one]

She created this vile art with children and sadistic pedo themes: [ ... 4a259c.jpg ]

Among people followed by Biljana Djurdjevic is James Alefantis, from most interesting names ofc, so she has access to his private account: ... fce1a4.png

She is also following some Serbian guy named Jordan Cvetanović: ... 50cd91.png

He has very strange profile picture and weird sentence written there: "Give them what they never knew they want" Also one eye symbolism. ... ced297.png

Biljana Djurdjevic is also following Nadezda Kirćanski, and on profile of that user Biljana liked art showing cheese pizza: ... 773cb2.png ... aff73c.png

Other profile of Biljana Djurdjevic is this one, pretty much the same content, and first account of Djurdjevic is following second account: ... 679f10.png

Another account followed by Biljana Djurdjevic is Miron Mutaović: ... 2d78b1.png

This guy sometimes pictures boys (I assume from his family):

Some of these pictures liked by Djurdjevic: ... 9a9432.png

Among followers of Biljana Djurdjevic there is a.bramovic aka Ash user, I dunno if she has any relation to Marina Abramovic if that thought come into your mind: ... 79bab3.png

A.bramovic following Victoria Lynn Reis - friend of Tony Podesta, James Alefantis: ... c5d7d5.png

A.bramovic following Tony Podesta: ... 8dae14.png

Tony Podesta is following A.bramovic: ... 35ded9.png

Ofc it's not only Biljana Djurdjevic following James Alefantis (which is weird) but also James Alefantis following her Instagram profile: ... 3c895c.png

Also Jordan Cvetanović from before: ... 9d31b1.png

And Nadezda Kirćanski: ... 96f3c4.png

And Miron Mutaović: ... ef9455.png

Second lesser known Biljana Djurdjevic account is being followed by Jordan Cvetanović: ... 43b900.png

I believe this is Jordan Cvetanović:

Art person, so it makes sense for Djurdjevic to know people like that: ... -b-n-2008/

Belgrade, Serbia:

If you are Serbian I advice you to make some digging into this, and if you're not but you know some people from Serbia - advice them to do it. If not then we can still do a lot but we are little bit limited due to language limitations.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Biljana Djurdjevic stopped following James Alefantis on Instagram, maybe due to our spread of info about this:

But James Alefantis is still following her.

EDIT: She still follows him. Didn't saw him in the "following" of her, strange. Maybe that was a bug.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

IN this topic I've posted following:

She says her works deal with social problems:

My work deals with social problems.Those who condemn are usually those who are a part of the problem

Screenshots: ... e17b13.png ... 1cb9de.png ... f15c63.png

In the last screenshot it shows that she quotes this: ... e25779.png [ ... e25779.png ]

My daily reminder should be my finding from over one year ago under title "Biljana, favorite of Tony Podesta isn't just another innocent "artist"." in which I show that it's not only about her art being owned by Tony Podesta but also fact that she's friend of Tony Podesta and interestingly - James Alefantis:
And the article was translated here by IShallNotFear:
A couple months ago, @Heisenberg123 in, posted a screenshot of a Serbian magazine article about artist Biljana Djurdjevic ... e25779.png [ ... e25779.png ] No one posted a translation, and since I couldn't find a full text of this article, I made one myself typing up the text using and running the translation through Google Translate. Since I don't want anyone to have to re-type what I did, I will paste the Serbian text followed by my translation. If you have a better translation feel free to correct me in the comments.


Моји лични страхови

- Моји радови себаие проблемима у друцпву и, како то обичио оива они који вас напалају, који праве разне конструкције еа крајње проблематичнжх коитекстох к траоке да се уxлоне радовн јесу починжоци нлн саучесиици y иекој фопми злостављана, свакако вербалног злостабљана, што упорно доказују на друштвснин мрежама, где упиру прстом у оие који се проблемом баве, тражећн да престану да се баве проблемом.

Бидана Ђурђебић Фото Зоран Крџљачин

Често су починиоци ти који су најгдаснњн, који тржке да се јавно не говори о стану у друцтву, оин теже да вае застраше и да вам одузму способност да отворено говорнте о проблемима, које друштво често ставла под тепиx многи који сy поводљиви лако прнxвапају и даље дорађују тај шаблон понашања н постају саучесници.

Тнме је речено све, такви се злостављачн дако истичу на површини овог несрећног свега - каже Билана Ђурђевић за наш лиет.

Тонк Подеста видео је њене слике на 15.6ијеналу у Сиднеју 2006, где је српска уметница нмала велики излагачки простор, посвећен двема темаxа. Изложба Сејам смршпцx јреxоеа се бавила сгарнм запостављеним људима, за чије судбине ниxо није закнтересокан, и тек започетн цикауе Жцбош у заборабу, са централном гемом одрастања, сучедавања еа разнин непријатностима која су свакодневно била присутна током њеног детнњства.

-Управо са слиxом Сусшемашскц цпејлеч, која је прваи пуг била приказана у Кулурном ценгру Београла 2005, баВнла сам се својим страxом, а верујем не само својим страxом од огољеностн, без залгтите, у том најбаиаднијем стајању пред другима у реду код школског лекара чекајући на снстематски преглел, без могућиости да бирам, Сам назив је био довољан да се плашим а потом и преглеа свн смо то прошлн. Кала сам сликарски сазрела, било је бреме ла сублимирам све те страxове из детнљства, све туге које су ме притискале и дајавно истгупнмо проблему одрасгаља. Hнкада не кориетим моделе, емаграм да моје геме не емеју битх засноване на правим особама, јер тиме не постижем да се моја реч/слика чује и вилx.

Не знам шга ти тужни људи xоће, нктк ме то нитерецује, алн знам пгга ја хоћу, а то је да се бавим темама које су вжие за мене, како пребродитн страх од насила, од нелагоде, од патње, ја се бавим проблемима с којнма се сучељавам - каже нам Биљана Ђурђевић.

На интернегу кружи и филм Разшкрпеале (Out of Shadows), у коме, најхраће речеко, бивши холнвудски каскадер открива како Сатанини љуан влалају Xолвудом. Лик Марнне Абрамовић гакође је некоришћен као један од снмболау овој прнчи, а дегаљн из њениx перформана нзмонтнпанн су н уклопљени у жељенн контекст.

Интернетом, међутнм, кружн н нсечак нз стрипа Алана Форда, тачније, цитат Броја 1: "Ето ти цад! Нетко је рекао: "Што мање знају. то више лају.' И имао је право."


My personal fears

- My works deal with problems in society and, as usual, those who attack you, who make various constructions and extremely problematic ways to take away work, are perpetrators of complicity and some form of abuse, certainly verbal abuse on society, which persistently proves that society is persistent. networks, where they point the finger at the eyes that deal with the problem, asking them to stop dealing with the problem.

Bidana Đurđebić Photo by Zoran Krdžljačin

It is often the perpetrators who are the most obnoxious, who want you not to talk publicly about your apartment in society, and tend to intimidate you and deprive you of the ability to speak openly about problems that society has often put under the rug. they refine that pattern of behavior and become accomplices.

Everything has been said in a nutshell, such abusers stand out on the surface of this unfortunate thing - says Bilana Đurđević for our summer.

Tonk Podesta saw her paintings at the 15.6 annual in Sydney in 2006, where the Serbian artist had a large exhibition space, dedicated to two themes. The exhibition Sejam smršpcx jrexoea dealt with a lot of neglected people, whose destinies no one is interested in, and the just beginning of Žoboš's oblivion, with the central game of growing up, dealing with various inconveniences that were present every day during her childhood.

-It was with the image of Sussemašskc cpejleč, which was shown for the first time in the Cultural Center of Belgrade in 2005, that I dealt with my fear, and I believe not only with my fear of nudity, without hesitation, in that most miserable standing in front of others at the school doctor waiting for systematically reviewed, without the possibility to choose, The name itself was enough to scare me and then reviewed everything we passed. I matured as a painter, it was a burden to sublimate all those fears from my childhood, all the sorrows that oppressed me, and let's get rid of the problem of adults. Sometimes I don't use models, I say that my gems don't have to be based on real people, because that doesn't make my word / image heard.

I don't know what these sad people want, no one bothers me, but I know what I want, and that is to deal with topics that are closer to me, how to overcome the fear of violence, discomfort, suffering, I deal with problems with I am facing each other - Biljana Đurđević tells us.

The movie Out of Shadows is also circulating on the Internet, in which, to put it bluntly, the former Hollywood stuntman reveals how Satan's people are roaming Hollywood. The character of Marnna Abramović is also unused as one of the symbols in this story, and the details from her performances are not fitted into the desired context.

On the Internet, however, there is a circular excerpt from Alan Ford's comics, more precisely, the quote from Number 1: "There you go! Someone said:" The less they know. the more they bark. ' And he was right. "
This on the other hand caused this finding by ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS:
These findings are a result of digging further into @IShallNotFear 's 🔎New Evidence🔍 Translation of Biljana Djurdjevic Article and the research therein.

Biljana Djurdjevic is one of the morbid artists identified in our research, whose paintings display children bound in swimming pools, dentist chairs, butcher/doctor "dentist society" characters, and death. She is a favorite artist of the Podesta's, and has the same dead R Chandler eyes as the 'subjects' in her paintings, leading many to believe she is in on these crimes, and knowingly perpetuates their sick fantasy. ... 922.pngPNG

Below is the part of the original translation that led me to investigate the "school" angle / Art Academy and their alumni; namely Marina Abramović. Could Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, potentially be involved in this 'cult' activity?
I dealt with my fear, and I believe not only with my fear of nudity, without hesitation, in that most miserable standing in front of others at the school doctor waiting [to be] systematically reviewed, without the possibility to choose, The name itself [review?] was enough to scare me and then reviewed everything we passed.
I read this to mean her first trauma to be experienced at SCHOOL with ("WE") her classmates, in which they were naked and "reviewed" by a Doctor. The images of school girls lined up, as well as the doctor looking character she paints, lead me to investigate her past SCHOOLING as a potential institutionalized predator/ MK situation.
Biljana Đurđević born 1973.

in Belgrade, Serbia,

1997. Finished Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

2013. Received DA at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade on theme Hypnerotomachia Poliphili or Yearning for Love in the Dreams.
Marina Abramovic

Nationality Serbia

Vocational training Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb

Formation Academy of Fine Arts, Belgrade (in) (-1970) Academy of Fine Arts (in) (-1972)Translate
Also worth noting, Within a mile radius of the School: There are multiple consulates (French and European), the Serbian government building, modern art galleries, historic military and religious sites (containing 'relics'), a star-fort with underground infrastructure, and a full on shipping port with containers. Sounds like a traffickers M.O.

Is something rotten in Belgrade? Are there institutions part of it?

Serbian Translation: Универзитет у Београду Univerzitet u Beogradu

Faculty of Fine Art: ... fine-arts/

University of Arts in Belgrade:

This is a fairly fresh lead so I would appreciate everyone who can to help me dig and archive: the area, school, alumni, history, potential cult control, and whatever else you may see that I didn't catch. I will update and organize as best I can along the way.


Other notable connections to Belgrade and the Academy :

Alumni Ana Ljubinković designs MK ultra Doll style and dress for accused transhumanist celebrity Paloma Faith ... 4%87-again

The Rothschilds in Serbia
The second lane of Nathaniel Rothschild's progress in Serbia is occupied by investment funds from Virgin and other exotic islands, which are seemingly owned by "Russian Jews" (in fact, Khazars). The most important one is Salford, from Virgin Islands, behind which stand Boris Berezovski (a Khazar) and Rothschild capital.
Biljana Djurdjevic Comes to Washington D.C.
Did you have Biljana Djurdjevic as your professor? I didn’t but she is legend. She has completed TWO YEARS as a guest professor at Parsons School of Design (2010 & 2011). This was AFTER she visited us in Washington D.C., featured in the group exhibiton On Normality: Art in Serbia 1989–2001 at American University Museum – Katzen Arts Center May 6 – June 7, 2009. Perhaps it is from this exhibit that Heather and Anthony Podesta as well as his brother John Podesta purchased many pieces. One of these pieces is the beautiful synchronized swimming featuring girls in a pool displayed in a circle. Most of the pieces from this series depict groups of children, whether clothed or not, with or without red shoes, against a wall of square white tiles.
I recently participated in a session in a conference at the University of Belgrade about the esotericism of Marina Abramovič. ... nd-magick/
Devil worshippers using ashes of legendary inventor Nikola Tesla for 'Satanic ritual'
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... nic-ritual

Clinton Podesta and Serbian Bombing
British professor Philip Hammond noted that the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorize the country into surrender.” ... ndictment/

Archives thanks to @IShallNotFear : ... ović-again ... nd-magick/ ... nic-ritual ... ndictment/
Which eventually caused this thread [edited a bit because YouTube vid about Luzzatto was taken down so I link Voat archived topics instead]
Djurdjevic has some interesting connections, same circle as both Podestas, Luzzatto ... Alefantis, and probably not just selling art to some of these people.
To be done with it, Tamera Luzzatto is her: ... 7133681664 Described in many threads: ... atto&co=on

According to this email:
Tamera Luzzatto was one of the people at list for this fundraising event:
1 attended under Dennis Lucey's money Tamera Luzzatto 1 $500.00 David Leiter 1 attended under Tamera Luzzatto
So were Podesta brothers:
Tony Podesta 1 $500.00 Mae Podesta Mary Podesta 1 STAFF John Podesta
And ... Biljana Djurdjevic:
under Leslie Dach's money Biljana Djurdjevic 1 artist Beth Donovan
Biljana Djurdjevic creates art depicting abused children: ... rtwork.jpg

James Alefantis is friend of her on Facebook:

She liked his picture of pizza posted in June of 2016:

Biljana and James follow each other on Instagram, so Biljana has access to private profile of James. ... 9a700f.png ... d120f0.png

Archive of James Alefantis Facebook friends from November 7 2016 ( back when Pizzagate was reavaled ) proving that they're longtime FB friends:

She is friends with Tony Podesta on Facebook:

Tony Podesta owns some of her art from this very sick collection at his house: ... 430_48.jpg [ ... bdc00e.jpg ]

This link leads us to exhibition description of Djurdjevic art and it talks about pedophile ring and pedophiles in context of this collection: ... jurdjevic/

Admitting something sinister appears to have happened to children and even mentioning a pedophile ring.

According to this finding both Marina Abramovic and Djurdjevic are alumni of Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in Serbia:

And this finding indicates that she possibly used real life models for her art:

And finally - this absolutely amazing finding connecting Djurdjevic art to Biltmore/Vanderbilt estate:

So we are likely dealing with something more sinister than her just selling her art to rich pedophiles.

EDIT: Great finding of @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS here down below in this comment section:

Biljana Djurdjevic admitting in 2007 she makes her art based on seeing "an other victim of pedophilia".
https://thethermostatandthegreendragoon ... jevic.html
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Interview with Biljana Djurdjevic
q) How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?
a)I read a lot, from junky novels to pure art novels, am addicted to TV who works 24 hours per day, I hardly watch but I need to have it in the room, maybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day like seeing some old man struggling with his poverty and starting to fade from the face of earth without being seen at all, or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

This bring me to newest post I've made about this, trying to sum it up all, it wasn't posted on Voat but was posted in other places. This is it.

So, people have thought this is suspicious: - Godchild of James, Caris. - Empty walk in refrigerator with creepy comments about murder and #killroom. Location undisclosed.

But what's interesting when it comes to accusations against James - and what people didn't talk about much back in time - was that he is friends with author of paintings showing reality of pedophile torture ring.

Biljana Djurdjevic is author of this art: [ ... 4a259c.jpg ] ... n-oblivion [ ] ... d-behavior [ ] ... 4_2016/320 ... jevic.html [ ]

When you go to her profile on Instagram, you will find that she follows James Alefantis, and he follows her, so she has access to his now private profile:

Just when Pizzagate broke out around November 7 2016 Biljana Djurdjevic was spotted in Facebook friends of James Alefantis, meaning they knew each other before accusations/suspicions started to be public:

In 2019 I've made my own screenshot:

I've found her liking business side of James on his Facebook profile:

And screenshot of Tony Podesta friends, she's in there:

In 2007 Biljana Djurdjevic said for interview that she made her pedophile paintings based on seeing victims of pedophilia, without need for imagination:

https://thethermostatandthegreendragoon ... jevic.html
q) How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?

a)I read a lot, from junky novels to pure art novels, am addicted to TV who works 24 hours per day, I hardly watch but I need to have it in the room, maybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day like seeing some old man struggling with his poverty and starting to fade from the face of earth without being seen at all, or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.
This verified email from WikiLeaks shows list sent to John Podesta, likely for an event, it shows that among people like Tony Podesta or John Podesta, there was also an artist - Biljana Djurdjevic:
1 attended under Leslie Dach's money Biljana Djurdjevic 1 artist Beth Donovan
Leslie Dach was traveling with Tony Podesta, James Alefantis and Catherine Chieco to Venice Biennale in Italy where alleged child trafficker Axel Vervoordt cooperates with Tony Podesta friend - Marina Abramovic. Which is described in those specific posts:


And image summarizing how Djurdjevic potentially fits into that puzzle through that email:
Image: ... JgEXTYnPKt
Alternative link:

This 2006/2007 exhibition of her art had description on site that directly referred pedophile ring: ... jurdjevic/
It is precisely this uncertainty about what has occurred that makes the paintings interesting. Our mass mediatised world is characterised by various kinds of sensationalism, preferably those that concern children and teenagers. I recognise the eyes in the paintings from newspapers and television. Hardly a day goes by without a paedophile ring or a child labour scandal being exposed somewhere in the world. Are there more paedophiles and more child workers today than before? Or could it be that the mass media is more willing to report from a world that is also shrinking?
Tony Podesta had some paintings from her collection, and all of them depicted young girls, and they seem to come from same themed paintings of Djurdjevic that show victims of pedo ring:

All of those paintings above were indeed at his home as proved by this Washington Life Magazine issue from June 2015: ... de_homes/3

And that issue even mentions his strong friendship with James Alefantis by saying "He regularly opens his house to casual pizza parties co-hosted by his friends James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong." ->

This Washington Post article from year 2004 mentions this " Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes. ": ... e1bd1e0e0/ [Visitors were horrified according to his now ex wife]

Article mentions Margi Geerlinks who is friends with Tony Podesta, she is known for photographing children: - Screenshot of Podesta Facebook friends. - If you scroll down you'll find stranger and stranger stuff ...

Interestingly same article mentions Patricia Piccinini, another choice of Podesta when it comes to art, allegedly Podesta favorite, Patricia created some sculptures with monsters creeping around children's bed: ... estas.html

At least according to this article from year 2004, Patricia is favorite of Podesta: ... dxsnd.html


It certainly seems strange to see James Alefantis and Tony Podesta being so close to each other given suspicious and creepy interests of both: ... 1fcb2f.jpg [ ... bcaf69.jpg ] ... cd58c4.png ... 290fb5.jpg [ They are even traveling to Denmark together, August 2014, just go back in time, time stamp 115 weeks before November 2016 (oldest archive of Jimmycomet profile) and you''ll see they were there in August 2014)

And this is who they meet in Denmark, Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen aka jealindm [August 2014]

Here's Jeanette with James and Podesta in Comet, she visits Podesta and James in October 2014, few months after they visited her in Denmark:
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

And this quote from above post could be interesting connection:
At least according to this article from year 2004, Patricia is favorite of Podesta: ... dxsnd.html
and Patricia Piccinini, a Podesta favourite who represented Australia at the Venice Bienniale last year.
Once again. Venice Biennale theme reappears.

So lets look at how Tony Podesta fits in there with James Alefantis, Abramovic ... and perhaps even Axel Vervoordt.

Post number 1 on this:
While reading this amazing article (minus pretty close minded on pizzagate part but I can forgive that part) I've found this interesting part of it. While I don't see any indication yet (to my limited knowledge) of Tony Podesta/Podestas relationship with Vervoordt - that would be a bomb - there's still some interesting context to look at in there.
Is Tony Podesta similarly friends with Vervoordt? The answer almost certainly is yes. For the longest time a first tiny little hint was that Susan Kleinberg, a New York City-based artist who considers herself a "pal" of John Podesta, also announced a performance at Axel Vervoordt's Palazzo Fortuny in an email to Podesta.

Then another hint popped up: Tony Podesta and wife Heather have maintained a summer home in Venice. Still a long shot, right? Then it turned out that the Podesta couple has been visiting this villa for more than a decade and up to a dozen times a year. Leading lobbyists as they are, they have hosted at least 20 members of congress here, including Ted Kennedy. [70] Still a long shot, right? Then it turned out that Tony and Heather Podesta never, or almost never, miss the Venice Biennale, the leading annual art show in the world in which much of Venice is transformed into an art circus. They extensively take part in the festivities. [71] According to Tony Podesta in 2013, "I've been coming [to Venice Biennale] for more than 25 years, so I guess that makes me a regular." [72] You know who else is a regular at Venice Biennale? Axel Vervoordt. In fact, he has been hosting the show annually at his Palazzo Fortuny, where he combines it with his own art show. [73] So, while there is no absolute proof, it appears Podesta and Vervoordt, both giants in the art world, know each other very well through Venice Biennale. Quite possibly their relationship goes back further than with their mutual friend Marina Abramovich.
Susan Kleinberg emails:

Susan Kleinberg is friend of Tony Podesta: ... d40ebf.png

Podestas linked to Venice - they've had apartment there ... illiamson/

Tony Podesta likely still returns to Italy after Pizzagate broke out: ... 485ed5.png

Tony Podesta is regular when it comes to Venice Biennale: ... ny-podesta
In a 2-part conversation with Julia Draganovic of LaRete Art Projects, American lobbyist and art collector Tony Podesta shares his insights on the discoveries and observations regarding the 2013 Venice Biennale. ... /
Today, he reckons, he and his wife have the world's biggest collection of Anna Gaskell ("maybe second to Anna Gaskell"). Other contemporary favourites include Gillian Wearing, Marina Abramovic, Sam Taylor-Wood and Olafur Eliasson, whose work Podesta discovered 10 years ago, when the artist was still at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen.

They are always looking out for little-known artists. Asked to come up with a handful of names that are in the second rank now, but that will one day be in the first, they offer a list that ranges across the world: Britain's Darren Almond, Janaina Tschape from Brazil, Mads Gamdrup from Denmark, the Italian artist Loris Cecchini and Patricia Piccinini, a Podesta protegee who is to represent Australia at the Venice biennial.

Here's email (DCLeaks) from James Alefantis where they discuss (in chain of messages) about Podesta presence in Venice, Italy (San Marco is place in Venice):

Interestingly if you go to James Alefantis archived IG you'll see instantly (or just if you look more closely) that he's linked to Venice:

Some user says to him to "come back to Venice": ... 7e7f02.png

And here he is during/at Venice Biennale: ... 0db4dd.png ... 9a3d13.png ... de9376.png ... 7e8d76.png ... ad28dd.png

Which is type of events in there but also an art organization based in San Marco - one of the districts in Venice - discussed in earlier mentioned DCLeaks email.

Palazzo Fortuny where James Alefantis was at Axel Vervoordt exhibition and where Marina Abramovic was pictured by Axel Vervoordt is in the same district: ... 2cf870.png ... 24d7c3.png
Source for James pic: ... w-comments

Here again James at/during Venice Biennale: ... 3f92a0.png ... 6f9fc2.png

Axel Vervoordt operates there during those "events":
This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Intuition, the exhibition in Palazzo Fortuny during the Biennale di Venezia curated by Axel Vervoordt and Daniela Ferretti, en suite to the highly acclaimed exhibitions from the past Artempo (2007), In-finitum (2009), TRA (2011), Tàpies, lo sguardo dell’artista (2013) and PROPORTIO (2015). Organised by the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, the exhibition examines what role intuition plays in an artist’s creative process?
Since the early ’80s, Vervoordt has been combining objets d’art together in masterful ways at the Biennale des Antiquaires in Paris. In 2007 he also started curating exhibitions at Palazzo Fortuny as part of the Venice Biennale. And in 2008, the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation became a reality. A non-profit organization that emerged out of the exhibitions Axel curated in the past. The foundation is a way to set up exhibitions and preserve the objects’ integrity for the coming generations.
Post number two:
Chain of email messages from James Alefantis/Catherine Chieco/Tony Podesta/ Leslie` Dach

I don't know what kind of situation this describes and what kind of context for each message there is but it goes like this:
From: James A (Personal) <>
Sent time: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 12:23:23 +0200
To: Catherine Chieco <>
Subject: Re: This morning

Missed you all!

...sent from my handheld...

> On Oct 11, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Catherine Chieco wrote:
> On my way
> Kids. Still asleep
> Have italian phone
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 10:50 AM, Tony Podesta wrote:
>> I'm on the 2 toward San Marco
>> Start on without me
>> Will catch up
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Leslie` Dach wrote:
>>> We are headed to your coffee place to be there 1005 or 1010.

Look at the date -> Sun, 11 Oct 2015 12:23:23 +0200

And now look at the timestamps on Instagram posts of James Alefantis when he was at Venice Biennale: ... 0db4dd.png ... 9a3d13.png ... ad28dd.png

55-56 weeks (12.6 months) before his Instagram was archived (Beginning of November 2016) so that means that James Alefantis was at Venice Biennale around time when Tony Podesta said he is heading towards San Marco (Venice district) So we not only have Tony Podesta long connection to Venice Biennale where Axel Vervoordt and Marina Abramovic are cooperating but also James Alefantis presence around time when Tony Podesta was there in October 2015.
Post number three: ... 3f92a0.png ... 6f9fc2.png

Here James Alefantis again present at Venice Biennale, this time timestamps say 107w and 108w (weeks) before November 2016 meaning 24.6 months meaning October 2014. That means James Alefantis is regular at Venice Biennale, just like ISGP pointed out with Tony Podesta being regular there.

And here James Alefantis in Palazzo Fortuny on Axel Vervoordt exhibition in October 2017, he pings Axel (which is weird because he is pinging accounts of famous people when he posts smth about them) ... QW1TmJ.png [ ... 2e46de.png ] ... w-comments

That leaves us with with three visits.

October 2014, October 2015, October 2017. But there must be more than what's visible on the surface at first glance.
Post number four on this:
Additionally, when you analyze that people involved in October 11 2015 email messages leaked by DCLeaks you will see that persons involved are: James Alefantis/Catherine Chieco/Tony Podesta/ Leslie` Dach - From which James Alefantis and Tony Podesta for sure were at Venice Biennale around that time, however it seems from the message that two other persons were there too

Leslie Dach is mentioned just beside Biljana Djurdjevic on this list in email sent to John Podesta:
Biljana Djurdjevic is author of this art: [ ... 4a259c.jpg ] ... nknown.png [ ... 75c30b.png ]

The email has big list and beside Leslie Dach there is Biljana Djurdjevic:
1 attended under Leslie Dach's money Biljana Djurdjevic 1 artist Beth Donovan
We already know that Djurdjevic who is author of pedosadist "art" is friend of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta:

Additionally this email about "small gathering few days before pizza extravaganza" was sent from another person who was likely in Venice at Vennice Biennale with James Alefantis/Podesta/Leslie Dach, that person is Catherine Chieco, among receivers of the message there was wife of John Podesta - Mary Podesta, James Alefantis and Leslie Dach so definitely a close circle and connected to Venice Biennale events ->
> From: Catherine Chieco <>
> Date: October 20, 2015 at 6:22:49 PM GMT+2
> To: Mary Podesta <>, Mary Dickie <>, Leslie Dach <>, Alan Kriegel <>, James Alefantis <>, Paula Dailey <>, Brian ARS <>, "" <>, Rhett Workman <>, Amy Weiss <>, Peter Kadzik <>
> Subject: friday night at posto for Tony's birthday...
> Will you join us?
> Small gathering a few days before the pizza extravaganza
> Time TBA but probably 7:30 ish

> RSVP please!
Also there is strong connection between John Podesta/Tony and Marina Abramovic with Axel Vervoordt exhibitions mentioned under the message:

Leslie Dach context here and his son: ... donor-dad/ ... ed-up.html
The Obama aide (and top donor's son) accused of having Colombia prostitute in his hotel room during 'hookergate' scandal – and White House KNEW he was implicated all along
Jonathan "Jonny" Dach (born May 26, 1986) is an American best known for his alleged involvement in the Summit of the Americas prostitution scandal and subsequent allegations a U.S. Department of Homeland Security report on his alleged involvement in the incident had been covered-up by sources high in the government.
And this image once again explaining it so much easier how Biljana Djurdjevic potentially fits into bigger picture, not only listed beside Leslie Dach in WikiLeaks email (which could be something .. or nothing) but also linked to same art circle as Abramovic who goes around Venice Biennale with alleged high profile pedo trafficker.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Up to date screenshots, she changed her profile picture and her profile is blocked from commenting.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Among followers of Biljana Djurdjevic there is a.bramovic aka Ash user, I dunno if she has any relation to Marina Abramovic if that thought come into your mind: ... 79bab3.png

A.bramovic following Victoria Lynn Reis - friend of Tony Podesta, James Alefantis: ... c5d7d5.png

A.bramovic following Tony Podesta: ... 8dae14.png

Tony Podesta is following A.bramovic: ... 35ded9.png
A.bramovic goes today by Ashley Fehring. Too late I guess.

Shes following Tony Podesta and Biljana Djurdjevic: ... d04b29.jpg

You can confirm this from Biljana Djurdjevic own account:

Here you can see she is following Biljana Djurdjevic, Victoria Lynn Reis (self proclaimed moon worshiper, friend of Maccoby Nora and Izette, James and Podesta): ... 439f11.jpg

Above you can also see Karina Akopyan. Absolutely filthy account: ... 318aff.jpg

Ashley is following Giorgio Furioso (friend of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta) and Axel Vervoordt and Axel Vervoordt company accounts, she is also following Marina Abramovic Institute. ... d832af.jpg

You can confirm these from Axel Vervoordt accounts and Abramovic Institute accounts but it will take a lot of time to scroll if quick search option is disabled (on Abramovic account, on Axels its possible):

Tony Podesta is following Ashley: ... 6d165b.jpg

You can confirm this from Tony Podesta account:

Giorgio Furioso is following Ashley: ... 6c33db.jpg

Confirmed from Giorgio account:

Maria H Marshall who was accused by Pizzagate researchers over her abuse like art involving her own kids is following Ashley: ... 88288b.jpg

Ashley is following her: ... 0dc556.jpg

You can confirm this from Maria account:

Giorgio is liking Ashley posts: ... 0f058f.jpg ... 165d16.jpg

Source: [on private, but shes changing from private to public at the moment]

Giorgio following James Alefantis so Giorgio has access to private account of James: ... e802dd.jpg

James Alefantis following Giorgio: ... b8e6bc.jpg

Giorgio following Tony Podesta: ... ee52ae.jpg

Tony Podesta following Giorgio: ... 4592e2.jpg

Source for Giorgio following/followers:
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Additional finding was made here, Biljana Djurdjevic is friends with Kate Chieco:
Heisenberg123 wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:06 pm Catherine Chieco:
Catherine Chieco
A freelance writer and consultant with extensive nonprofit experience, Catherine continues to be involved in helping with CCIJ’s larger organizational strategy.

Over the course of her career Ms. Chieco has written reports, articles and proposals for a wide range of non-profit organizations and foundations. She has graduate degrees from Columbia University in social work, where she was selected for an internship at the Columbia University Business School’s Institute for Non-Profit Management, and journalism, where she received a Newsday Jaqueline Radin Award for Promising Women Journalists.

Originally from New York City, she directed an alternative to incarceration program for the Legal Aid Society, worked as a special assistant to the Deputy Mayor for Criminal Justice, and as a program officer with The New World Foundation, The New York Community Trust, and the Aaron Diamond Foundation. As a program officer, her areas of philanthropy included: peace and disarmament, public education, arts and culture, youth and children’s services, as well as a portfolio funding advocacy, healthcare and community organizing in the coal communities of Kentucky and West Virginia. While at these foundations she also maintained a freelance writing and consultant practice, which she continued after moving to Washington, DC in 1991. Clinical work included counseling with pre-adolescents at Children’s Village, a residential foster care facility in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and with incarcerated youth and their families.

She is the primary author on three major studies: a nationwide survey of community groups for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development titled: Initiatives for Community Self-Help: Efforts to Increase Recognition and Support, and a report: Mission Possible: 200 Ways to Strengthen the Nonprofit Sector’s Infrastructure for the Union Institute’s Office of Social Responsibility, as well as a 1989 study entitled: AIDS, Community Needs and Private Funding: A Needs Assessment for New York City commissioned by The New York City Aids Fund.

In the past several years she has worked as a Middle and Upper School counselor at Washington Latin Public Charter School, and as an expository writing consultant for the St. Albans school. She is also a potter whose work has sold at the gift shops at the Phillips Gallery and the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Past and current board memberships include the American Initiative for Italian Culture, Appalshop, The American Forum, and the Educational Video Center.
She is in good contact with Podesta brothers:

Some other connections were described in this nice thread from @MercurysBall2

Kate Chieco is connected to Biljana Djurdjevic on Linkedin: ... -128346a5/ ... bbaea6.png

Kate Chieco experience, includes schools, criminal justice system and New World Foundation that is mentioned by ISGP article on liberal CIA networks: ... 7175fb.jpg ... b4a187.jpg ... foundation
New World Foundation Founded in 1954 with the fortune of the McCormick industrialist family. Key founder Anita McCormick Blaine also was a sister-in-law of Edith Rockefeller, in turn a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder, Gil Harrison, controlled The New Republic magazine from 1953 to 1974 and was closely tied into the liberal CIA clique of CIA officer and CFR member Cord Meyer. Executive director 1957-1974 of the NWF was CFR member Vernon Eagle, who shared the board of the American Veterans Committee (AVC) with MEyer and Harrison.
Screenshots: ... 3762a2.jpg + ... a0c505.jpg

Kate Chieco education once included "Intern at Columbia Business School, Not-For-Profit Management Institute. Clinical placement at Children's Village, a residential treatment center for foster children placed through NYC Bureau of Child Welfare.": ... 6c2c36.jpg

Kate Chieco recommending Leslie Dach writing about January 6 Capitol protest and media: ... 870bc8.jpg

What about Tony Podesta and Leslie Dach mailling about pizza night and if son of Leslie can come? Weird:

ec7d5c0a178dc1f63e147c1cea2249c382c13779 [ Copy: ... YPPJtyMZhj ]

Lets remember WikiLeaks email that potentially connects Biljana Djurdjevic with Leslie Dach? ... iIiNnkCIgb

Tony Podesta on his way to Mogadishu, January 17 2014: ... AaCXYhFYYF [ ... 041cee.jpg ]

Confirmation from Podesta Group Twitter, Tony Podesta in Mogadishu, January 30, 2014, he is at school with kids, creepy: ... 1236163584?
Podesta Group
PG at work. Tony Podesta & Mark Tavlarides meet w/Somalia president & visit

Go-2 school in Mogadishu.
Dach family and Barack Obama ... ... 8b48e0.jpg ... -2012.html ... 952#p26952
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some interesting accounts among followers and followed by Biljana Djurdjevic + "coincidences"

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Among followers of Biljana Djurdjevic there is a.bramovic aka Ash user, I dunno if she has any relation to Marina Abramovic if that thought come into your mind: ... 79bab3.png

A.bramovic following Victoria Lynn Reis - friend of Tony Podesta, James Alefantis: ... c5d7d5.png

A.bramovic following Tony Podesta: ... 8dae14.png

Tony Podesta is following A.bramovic: ... 35ded9.png
A.bramovic goes today by Ashley Fehring. Too late I guess.

Shes following Tony Podesta and Biljana Djurdjevic: ... d04b29.jpg

You can confirm this from Biljana Djurdjevic own account:

Here you can see she is following Biljana Djurdjevic, Victoria Lynn Reis (self proclaimed moon worshiper, friend of Maccoby Nora and Izette, James and Podesta): ... 439f11.jpg

Above you can also see Karina Akopyan. Absolutely filthy account: ... 318aff.jpg

Ashley is following Giorgio Furioso (friend of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta) and Axel Vervoordt and Axel Vervoordt company accounts, she is also following Marina Abramovic Institute. ... d832af.jpg

You can confirm these from Axel Vervoordt accounts and Abramovic Institute accounts but it will take a lot of time to scroll if quick search option is disabled (on Abramovic account, on Axels its possible):

Tony Podesta is following Ashley: ... 6d165b.jpg

You can confirm this from Tony Podesta account:

Giorgio Furioso is following Ashley: ... 6c33db.jpg

Confirmed from Giorgio account:

Maria H Marshall who was accused by Pizzagate researchers over her abuse like art involving her own kids is following Ashley: ... 88288b.jpg

Ashley is following her: ... 0dc556.jpg

You can confirm this from Maria account:

Giorgio is liking Ashley posts: ... 0f058f.jpg ... 165d16.jpg

Source: [on private, but shes changing from private to public at the moment]

Giorgio following James Alefantis so Giorgio has access to private account of James: ... e802dd.jpg

James Alefantis following Giorgio: ... b8e6bc.jpg

Giorgio following Tony Podesta: ... ee52ae.jpg

Tony Podesta following Giorgio: ... 4592e2.jpg

Source for Giorgio following/followers:

This user changed nickname again to a.bramovic: ... ae645e.jpg

New York City, Washington DC and Kansas City? Notice IP logger link. Dont click on it.

Also interesting new profile picture, looks very occult: ... sid=8fd12b

Archives of profile: - as a.bramovic - as ashley.fehring

Facebook profiles:


James Alefantis is btw liking new pics of Giorgio Furioso (associated with Ashley aka a.bramovic) from Venice Biennale: ... f639b2.jpg ... 85c8aa.jpg
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