Protecting women's rights is incompatible with defending gender self-ID

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Protecting women's rights is incompatible with defending gender self-ID

Post by kestrel9 »

Sexual objectification is not a human right, boundaries of physical sex are. ... er-self-id
I finished reading Heather Brunskell Evans' critique of Kathleen Stock's new book, Material Girls, which is a critique of gender identity ideology.

"Gender identity," or "transgenderism" by its shorter euphemism, is an umbrella term for normalizing, among other things: body dissociation, fetishes of adult men, the concept of myriad human sexes, disorders of sexual development, self-expression through medical amputations of people's healthy sex, the medicalization of children's healthy bodies and natural processes, and eugenics carried out on young people who are same-sex attracted. It is not a fixed term and yet it is being legally instituted globally.

Brunskell-Evans is an academic philosopher with an interest in medicine and a radical feminist who has published significant and brilliant works on the dangerous constructs of "transgenderism" and "transgender children."

Kathleen Stock is another academic, also philosophy, and a feminist.

Brunskell-Evans, in her critique, suggests that "it is important we pause, take a breath, and reflect on Stock's broad thesis." Her critique establishes that Stock acknowledges that dimorphic sex is an immutable biological reality and that this matters for women socially and politically. This is good. On the other hand, she assesses that Stock's main thesis of the book helps reproduce rather than resist their deleterious material consequences for the lives and bodies of women and children."

The problem is, Brunskell-Evans goes on to manifest the same thing in her critique of Stock's book.

Nearing her conclusion, in an otherwise astute assessment of Material Girls, Brunskell-Evans writes, "The fiction that men who identify as women are female may indeed ease the distress of some men, as Stock points out, but it constructs a lie to which the law and public policy have adhered to the detriment of the lives and bodies of women and children." This is a very big problem that Brunskell-Evans gets right. A lie of such magnitude, embedded in law, is unfathomably bad. She then adds, "I agree it is important to examine the psychology of autogynephilic men and that their rights to self-identify as women must be defended."

Why? Why must this "right" be defended? And what makes it a "right?"

She adds, further critiquing Stock, "my points here are, firstly that for a man to claim he is a woman, whilst it might be psychologically relieving, is also delusional and it is not the mark of a healthy society to collectively participate in the delusion; secondly, and something to which Stock never refers, is that autogynephilic men (obviously not all) are the most explicitly violent to women on social media, in the workplace and elsewhere, as well as the most vociferous in claiming alleged rights to occupy female single-sex spaces."

That some autogynephilic men are "the most explicitly violent toward women" and that "it's not healthy for us to support people's delusions as a society," contradict what Brunskell-Evans says about defending men's rights to identify as they wish, unless she is simply saying that men can call themselves whatever they want and we're free to ignore them, the same way we would anyone else who was talking nonsense. Brunskell-Evans hasn't made this clear and the placement seems odd, after a lengthy critique of Stock's book.

Furthermore, and more importantly, it misses the broader picture of normalizing the sexual objectification of female biology which is at the root of all iterations of "gender identity" and which systematized, is literally dismembering women. This is the material reality of what is being done by this ideology as it is institutionalized. This is not about individual men and their identities. The "female spaces" being doggedly guarded by feminists only has to be done, because men have already collapsed the boundary between male and female by identifying as us.

It is also no surprise that autogynephilic men are, oftentimes, the most explicitly violent toward women when the roots of "gender identity" are drenched in woman hatred. To objectify the sex of women, which is where all of this started, to the point of making a costume and performance out of our biology for their own needs, whatever they are, is the height of misogyny, male sexual entitlement and sexual objectification. That feminists fighting this, continually miss this, shows how deeply entrenched we all are in woman hatred.

You cannot have both of these things. You cannot support the violation of the boundary between male and female, as an identity that should be defended, even if it is just a little eugenics performance through surgery and drugs, and then grieve for the lost rights of people and children to have physical boundaries.

Sexual objectification is not a human right, boundaries of physical sex are.

This knee-jerk strike of authors and activists to support, what they're alternately condemning, that even the most staunch critics of this ideology continue to make is a deadly affair. It is deadly because the state has come for human sex the same way it came for our land, our water, our communities, our rituals and our kin in other species. We are the last hoorah, the thing that stands between the state and all that is left of the natural world.

There is no more time for fence sitting. You either condemn this scourge that would violate the boundary of human sex, you do so unequivocally, or you waffle and we fail.
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Re: Protecting women's rights is incompatible with defending gender self-ID

Post by 29again »

So I know that one should not mix religion and politics, however this particular topic demands it.

2 Thessalonians 2
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Between the viruses and the new version of the sexual revolution, I shudder to think of what delusion could be worse!
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Re: Protecting women's rights is incompatible with defending gender self-ID

Post by doginventer »

Between the viruses and the new version of the sexual revolution, I shudder to think of what delusion could be worse!
Possibly something that will just slip by in all the fuss.
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Re: Protecting women's rights is incompatible with defending gender self-ID

Post by kestrel9 »

doginventer wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:34 pm
Between the viruses and the new version of the sexual revolution, I shudder to think of what delusion could be worse!
Possibly something that will just slip by in all the fuss.
It's easy for something to slip by when people are reeling under an assault of mass delusion and Alinksy/Marx inspired corporate activism.

This should be something to pay attention to...

Chile: Pioneering the protection of neurorights ... eurorights
In 2021, Chile’s Senate(link is external) unanimously approved a bill to amend the constitution to protect brain rights or “neurorights”. The Chamber of Deputies reviewed and approved the amendment in September that year. It is now expected that the bill will be signed into law by the country’s president.

Once the process is completed, Chile will become the world’s first country to have legislation to protect mental privacy, free will and non-discrimination in citizens’ access to neurotechnology. The aim is to give personal brain data the same status as an organ, so that it cannot be bought or sold, trafficked or manipulated...

While the development of neurotechnology offers hope for many patients – including those with paralysis or degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's – it could lead to the manipulation of the human brain.

“Regulations must evolve quickly,” warns Guido Girardi, senator and president of the Commission, and one of the initiators of the legislation. "There are already technologies that can directly read the brain, decipher what people are thinking and feeling, but also implant feelings that are not one’s own.”

More than the technology itself, it is the potential applications that are of most concern. “If we wait for the technology to mature, we may never be able to control it,” warns Carlos Amunátegui, professor at the law school of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and one of the experts appointed by the Commission to draft the legislation.

“It would be naive to think that these advances will not translate into commercial applications,” says Pablo López-Silva, a psychologist and professor at the University of Valparaiso. “While the development of these technologies is not a problem in itself, it can cross dangerous boundaries if there is no regulation.”

Such applications, he explains, could be hacked or contain “neuro cookies” that would allow them to identify a consumer's preferences, and eventually, to implant new ones.
Last edited by kestrel9 on Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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