House wife destroys reparations

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House wife destroys reparations

Post by antiliberalsociety »

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Re: House wife destroys reparations

Post by 4725gvtr »

What's wrong with negro slavery? Negroes in Africa enslave, or at least used to enslave, each other. Children are enslaved to their parents, we don't let them loose on the streets. Perhaps the free negro in a white society is an absurdity, see crime stats for instance, and the low self control nature of most negroes would do well to be enslaved under a white master. Perhaps it would help maintain order and perhaps it actually is the natural relationship between the races since it's said that negroes are more subordinate in general.

An interesting website on the subject:
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Re: House wife destroys reparations

Post by MadWorld »

My future is based on reparations!! --nigger :lol: :lol:
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