David Icke Dumps a Bucket on the British National Health Service

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David Icke Dumps a Bucket on the British National Health Service

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

This Disgusting Organization is Systemically Killing Your Loved Ones.
Icke talks of "death by Government policy," empty hospitals delayed treatments & mass murder to the tune of 150,000 to 200,000 killings each year, he says "we've been lied to about the supposedly "safe and effective Covid vaccine," which has in fact taken an enormous number of lives and destroyed the health of even more."
He defines murder and talks of the Government ordering vast quantities of the execution drug Midazolam and says thousands of old ppl were taken down in the spring of 2020 with a mix of that substance and Morphine, he says no one has ever proven there has ever even been Covid. Icke lambasts Brit PM Boris Johnson, Health Minister Matt Hancock and UK Chief Medical Officer Christopher Whitty who he says "over saw mass murder using this drug."

He talks of "death protocols" against ppl who did not have to die .. he pours scorn on the doctors & nurses defense "they are just following orders," and says they remain "accessories to mass murder" and that the deaths are put down to Covid, and of "do not resuscitate" orders being distributed like confetti and that ppl of all ages are being taken down.

That the victims are held incommunicado in hospitals and nursing homes allegedly because of Covid, which means "no one is "watching their back," he says it is going on in "many other countries." He talks of "God" doctors, and brings the murderous "Liverpool Care Pathway" which he calls the liverpool death pathway into the debate.
The one thing David Icke left out is these "God Doctors" as he calls them who make life and death decisions against Britons are wogs, all the more reason to expel the Asians from the British Isles.
As well the traditional penalty for murder under Common Law is death, on which basis expect a death toll from lawful execution commensurate with the Covid genocide killings, anticipating the demise of virtually every member of the entire British medical and political establishments, with the police who have neglected their role as state employees, to investigate & prosecute crimes against humanity genocide/ abortion /euthanasia, then let us just see who gave them all the right to cull the population.
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Re: David Icke Dumps a Bucket on the British National Health Service

Post by TFS »

David Icke is a paid shill and so are you.

Take a hike, kike
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Re: David Icke Dumps a Bucket on the British National Health Service

Post by Thisismyaccount »

Still shilling for the jews i see.

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