Just a friendly reminder -- pizzagate submissions need linked support

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

Moderators: Heisenberg123, Vindicator, EricKaliberhall, darkknight111

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Just a friendly reminder -- pizzagate submissions need linked support

Post by Vindicator »

Linked support for every major claim is what made v/pizzagate GREAT. Let's keep that same tradition here.

This is a good opportunity to make use of the terrific archives we have thanks to @SearchVoat and @MadWorld. If you don't already have a supporting link for the post you want to make here, first check the SearchVoat archive -- you can do keyword searches of both Voat submissions and comments.

You can also copypaste the Voat url into archive.is where it has likely also been preserved. A nifty trick there is to highlight the relevant information, then copy the archive.is url. It will contain the highlighted page coordinates and preserve the highlighting when someone clicks the url. Of course, archived urls of original primary sources are most desirable.

As always, it's also a good idea to post urls for archives of any and all evidence, as well as make an archive of your research submission itself.

If there is no supporting evidence you can link for your submission (i.e. it's a theory or pure speculation), please post it elsewhere -- such as the whatever subverse. You're welcome to ping fellow pizzagate investigators you want to make sure see it. Alternatively, you can discuss the topic in the replies to existing sourced research posted here in pizzagate.

Keep shining the light into the darkness!
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Re: Just a friendly reminder -- pizzagate submissions need linked support

Post by darkknight111 »

New users should take a page from my book when trying to work with original research.

In my trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Heather O’Rourke and Judith Barsi, I tend to use a lot of deduction and deductive reasoning (sound logic). I post sources and information to support said deductions
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Re: Just a friendly reminder -- pizzagate submissions need linked support

Post by flyingcuttlefish »

thanks for putting up this thread....
added to the sidebar of my blog about Epstein -
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