I finally figured out my password

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Re: I finally figured out my password

Post by antiliberalsociety »

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were Dr. William Luther Pierce

https://archive.org/details/DrPiercesBr ... ForWar.mp3

Always write down your thoughts, opinions, and predictions. If nothing else, for someone else to find after you're gone.
I'll let you know if I am or not after I listen to him for a while, thanks for the respository! I already really like what I listened to of Rockwell. How did these guys stand up to the unbelievable pressures they experienced as a result of getting out there and saying the things?
Easy, people had more balls back then vs. today.

I've never read through my 61 journals dating back to 1984, if I ever try, I get heavily smacked around by what's in there, it's very punishing to relive your life from the future. I wrote a book - it took me from 2005 to 2017 including the final edit. It's an email correspondence between me and a former professor that tells a story, it ends up being my memoir/autobiography up til I was 40, written with the professor as a silent partner, so he could cloak his identity as much as possible, because he's someone in his world. I don't talk about Jews or anything but even what's in there is so not of our politically-correct time that I have no intention of dealing with what I can predict would be a shitshow, and I decided a few years ago that that would be a posthumous publishing. It's called, "What?!" because that's been my reaction to so much of what I've seen in my life. People who know I've written it can't understand why I won't publish, but to me it's kind of like Mark Twain holding the publishing off of his autobiography until 100 years after his death so his family would not have to deal with the fallout after he named names and said exactly what he thought of the people in his present. Even though I used a nom de plume, anyone who knows me knows where I went to school - the story writers can be easily doxxed.

I will tell you, my father was my tormentor in life and I stopped dealing with him in 1994, we only spoke twice before he died in 2009 (bad bone cancer, I feel like his psychosis got him). I'm an only child and made out to be a villain all my life, while just standing my ground against his attempt to MK Ultra me. Years after his death my stepmother said casually, "Your father had some journals, would you like them?" I said, "WHAT?! YES!!!" It. Is. Insane what is in his 27 journals. He confirmed my entire outrageous past at his hands, the inside story of my mother's and his divorce, everything. It's pretty fucking wild and a massive gift to get the inside of the head of your tormentor who you've been really worried about turning into because you share DNA. Even if I never wrote another word, I've left plenty behind.

Edited for clarity
Dr. Pierce made predictions in the same manner. He predicted in his book "The Turner Diaries" a rise in crime and terrorism. People didn't bat an eye till they started coming true. That's the origin of the phrase "Day of the Rope". He freely named the jews. I'm into the 60's of that Broadcast list, I'm hooked. He was taught by one of George Lincoln Rockwell's top Nazis.

I have another collection, this one is smaller but goes back earlier. He has a clip of a white supremacy leader speaking about the white power movement who ended up gunning down a Jewish columnist for what he was putting out, then met a firey death at the hands of feds. It's interesting to say the least.

https://archive.org/details/william-pie ... lanche.mp3

Can I ask, off the top of your head, what did you predict 20 years out?

Book looks interesting!
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Re: I finally figured out my password

Post by antiliberalsociety »

DawnRazor wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:53 pm
Can I ask, off the top of your head, what did you predict 20 years out?
On a macro scale - every bit of mental and physical fuckery I experienced at my father's hands - intrusion and attempted control of my mind - is replicated and expanded by everything Edward Snowden told us was happening at our government's hands. I have the distinct displeasure to have spent the first 45 years of my life at war with and trying to recover from the effects of being raised by people with an agenda and no love for me. I feel like I got out from under my father's thumb only to discover the government hammer behind it. I'm like Fuckin Hell, I can't keep on with this same fight another 45 years, I'm exhausted and still haven't won any door prizes from the first leg of my battle.
Thank you for the detailed responses! Most would never admit to such things. I find the Yoga part interesting, it was used by the Communists in Russia to dissuade people from uniting and fighting oppressive governments. (((Record companies))) sent the Beatles there to experience it, then bring it back to host nations they wanted to subvert to push the idea and make it catch on.

The Billy Idol thing was hilarious lol. Coincidentally, there was a write up from a cosmetics company employee who said they were approached by the CIA to push women's cosmetics in order to launch the trans movement. He said they wanted every trait of femininity purchasable in stores.

On Cher: That reminded me of someone I ran into on Ruqqus. I wonder if its him...

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Re: I finally figured out my password

Post by Vindicator »

DawnRazor wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:03 pm 6 - Yoga and "spirituality". I'd done ballet and gymnastics as a child and I didn't like conventional exercise. I was interested in yoga and I started looking into it. Every circle that ever claimed an association with either one has turned out to be some form of evil and control. I put Bikram into that category - jesus fucking christ, what treachery and charlatanism I've seen in these circles. Now my poverty keeps me in shape!!
What would you think if I told you it's well known among exorcists that yoga is demonic and designed to lead to demonic possession?

That fact is one of the most interesting nuggets I've gleaned in my four years of researching pizzagate and globalist corruption. This is why it has been pushed so hard in the West.

I am now of the opinion that elements of our intelligence apparatus weaponized demonic possession as a means of spying on enemies and consolidating their power and control over events.
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