New Jersey Model Curriculum: ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons for 1st and 2nd Graders

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New Jersey Model Curriculum: ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons for 1st and 2nd Graders

Post by kestrel9 »

EDIT: Have to cut to the chase, the curriculum and the video series are coming from Social Justice (Marxist) Queer advocacy groups, . Read about what they've accomplished over 40 years..

I'll post info on PG regarding this group.
EDIT #2 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7697&p=23388#p23388
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A model New Jersey state curriculum provided to parents in the Westfield school district and released by State Sen. Holly Schepisi (R-39) suggests that students should begin learning about gender identity as early as the first or second grade.

Transgender activists believe that gender identity is different from biological sex, and that individuals may switch genders. While there is growing tolerance for that idea among adults, including in Supreme Court decisions, many Americans believe it should not be introduced to young children, for whom discussions of sex, gender, and sexuality are inappropriate.
As Breitbart News reported earlier this week, Sen. Schepisi released the curriculum materials publicly, as reported by
“Although I voted against the legislation mandating certain sexual education classes for even the youngest of children I’ve taken a measured approach and have waited to further comment until I saw what was proposed,” Sen. Holly Schepisi said in a story posted on the Save Jersey website. “Today I reviewed all of the model school instruction materials and I truly think New Jersey has lost its damn mind.”

“While some of the lessons I agree with, many are completely overboard with cringy detail for young kids and some go so far as unnecessarily sexualizing children further,” Schepisi said. “For me the most outrageous part are teachers are instructed to promote a website Amaze and its YouTube channel to kids as young as 9 for them to get additional information on sex ed.”

“I encourage all parents to take a look and decide if this is something they deem appropriate for kids this age,” she said.
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Schepisi posted the materials on Dropbox for the public to peruse.

While some materials might be considered broadly acceptable — such as telling kindergarteners that it is OK for some kids to have two mothers or two fathers — others cross into more sensitive topics.

In one set of materials for first grade, students are to be taught to “Define gender, gender identity and gender role stereotypes.” In another, for second grade students, students are to be taught that “there are some body parts that mostly just girls have and some parts that mostly just boys have. Being a boy or a girl doesn’t have to mean you have those parts, but for most people this is how their bodies are.”

In addition, Schepisi pointed to materials for students in fifth grade, which includes a link to a website called Amaze.
The program targets children as young as 10:
AMAZE… is a partnership between Advocates, Answer and Youth Tech Health and harnesses the power of animation and social media to provide young people, ages 10-14, their parents and educators with an age-appropriate, sex education playlist. These short, engaging, and often funny videos cover topics including puberty, relationships, consent, sexual orientation, gender identity, body image and much more.

The Amaze YouTube channel includes a separate video (not linked in the materials) promoting pornography:

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This "Are you ready to have sex?" video mentions [2:06] "in many places there are laws on who can have sex with whom, especially if you're underage"

Maryland Teaches Kindergartners Sexuality and Gender Ideology ... -ideology/
The Maryland Department of Education ensures kindergartners will be taught “gender identities and expressions” as part of its “Family Life and Human Sexuality” curriculum, according to a report released Wednesday.

The state’s Comprehensive Health Education Framework, as given by the Department of Education website here, appears to begin a narrative toward sexual identity education in preschool, teaching three- and four-year-olds that “people express themselves in many different ways,” which quickly turns into recognizing “a range of ways people identify and express their gender” by the time they reach kindergarten. The guidebook is dated July 2020 and June 2021.

PDF: ... _Final.pdf

Maryland’s gender ideology curriculum becomes more intense as grades progress.

By fourth grade, the schools are instructed to change from teaching “gender identity and expression” to “sexual orientation and identity.” Therefore, nine- and ten-year-olds are being taught to “identify sexual orientation as a person’s physical and/or romantic attraction to an individual of the same and/or different gender.”

Sixth grade instructions distinguish “sex assigned at birth” as separate from “gender identity, and gender expression,” but by seventh grade, children learn to “compare sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”

Also in seventh grade, students are taught as part of “sexual health,” masturbation, as well as anal and oral sex “along with possible outcomes of each.” Further, Maryland’s 12- and 13-year-olds will learn to “recognize racism and intersectionality and describe their impacts on sexual health.”

In high school, students learn to “analyze ways systemic oppression and intersectionality impact the sexual agency of communities of color and other marginalized groups.”

As Breitbart News reported, Maryland’s Republican governor, Larry Hogan, heavily criticized the Florida Parental Rights in Education law that bans the sexual indoctrination of young children, saying it was a “crazy fight.”
Last edited by kestrel9 on Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Jersey Model Curriculum: ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons for 1st and 2nd Graders

Post by kestrel9 »

Gender introduced like you're 5 years old, but the explanations are nonsensically and matter of factly complex, like Helena (the 23 year old who wrote about detransitioning from the Gender movement) said ... ce=url&s=r the transgender movement is like a cult, a very damaging one.

phpBB [video]

The Marxist Queers who produce this content seek to program Marxist methods and values right into kids development of self awareness. They provide sex education curriculum to public schools. That's a very large sphere of influence; spreading videos amongst kids is like spreading the flu, everyone gets exposed to it eventually. Once you have the audience, you can expect them to view the videos that are not allowed in the schools.
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Re: New Jersey Model Curriculum: ‘Gender Identity’ Lessons for 1st and 2nd Graders

Post by kestrel9 » ... ng-parents

Biden has always loved kids' sexuality education! /s

President Biden visits teacher Allison Hessemer’s pre-kindergarten class at East End Elementary School to highlight the early childhood education proposal in his Build Back Better infrastructure agenda in North Plainfield, N.J., Oct. 25, 2021. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
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