Scene outside court where a claim for hate speech has been brought for Kill The Boer

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Deleted User 2149

Scene outside court where a claim for hate speech has been brought for Kill The Boer

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA: the scene outside court where Afriforum has brought a civil claim against the black supremacist Economic Freedom Fighters for hate speech over their singing of Kill The Boer - which they did again outside court.

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Re: Scene outside court where a claim for hate speech has been brought for Kill The Boer

Post by Thisismyaccount »

These dumb animals are just that, Dumb animals. Let them rot and go back to living in mud huts and cooking their Mosquito burgers on an open fire. If you think I am pulling your leg, here is a video of it.
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Re: Scene outside court where a claim for hate speech has been brought for Kill The Boer

Post by TFS »

Niggers are such vile primitive creatures. They have just barely the clouded understanding that they are inferior to Whites and forever will be, and they hate us for it.
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Re: Scene outside court where a claim for hate speech has been brought for Kill The Boer

Post by justALover »

I see that the easily-led kaffers, having acheived freedom from terrible, racist Apartheid, are using their freedom to insult the people who not only brought them the wheel, electricity and the automobile, but "democratically" gave away their country and their futures to the same people who now insult them.

Man, democracy sure is great! I need another hit. Let's bomb another brown country (but not SA, since the chinks own it and we don't want to upset the chinks, otherwise we won't get our fix of cheap electronics).
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