Lately, in the last year or so, I've been feeling kind of hopeless about the whole situation. I thought everyone would, at least at some point and to some extent, wake up. That they would see the evidence and wake up to the BLATANT reality of the global left and all of its efforts. This "pandemic" showed me that people are more stupid than I thought, that they're willful slaves and obedient to whatever power is dominant at the moment, that they're purposefully looking away, that they would comply with totalitarianism and that they do not dare distrust the government or the media in spite of centuries of lessons given to us by history; whether mainstream or revisionist.
Their staggering lack of internal consistency, self-awareness, inquisitiveness and other qualities that define a thinking, introspective person is beyond me. And this is not just reddit; it's universities, it's the people when I go out for a walk, it's people at work, it's some relatives... And I'm not talking about America, or whatever your country is (My country voted people into office who would make the Clintons, Obama and Biden look like right-wingers; I shit you not, those people would be considered at least center-right in Argentina; perhaps not conservatives but still, part of the right). It's a worldwide phenomenon; Argentina, Venezuela, China, Chile, the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, France...
I'm beginning to think people will never really do anything. That we're just a minority in a world of apathetic, indolent sheep who would gladly march all the way to the slaughterhouse and we can only witness history happening before our eyes. Sometimes I think; Why bother? People are not even willing to question. It's not that they can't, or that they may disagree; they're just in denial. They can only learn, like the animals they choose to be, the hard way; seeing and living the consequences of their very actions.
Why even bother when you have people who don't mind the relentless push for "diversity" in the media, and see nothing wrong or out of the ordinary in it? Why even bother with people who don't see any connections between the WEF "own nothing" agenda, "Build Back Better", Green new deal, Agenda 2030 and the "covid crisis" that magically "showed us" that we "need a great reset for capitalism" ? (I'm sorry about all the quotation marks; I know they're irritating if you use them too much, but I'm quoting their narrative and have to put quotation marks to give it the tone and stress I need). Why bother with people who don't see the problem with taking yearly shots for disease that's at least 98% not likely to kill them, if not even more? Why bother with people who don't see that CRT and ESI are marxist indoctrination which be directly traced to post-modern leftist authors?
What is going on? What does it take for people to wake up and start being a little more skeptical of what the government tells them to believe? Will it be a chip between the thumb and index, as is already happening in Sweden? Will it be a social credit system? Will it be waking up one day and seeing that your entire country is no longer what it used to be?
Anyway, here's my brief rant. I may not agree 100% with you all the time, but I just wanted to say you're all good people; it's the rest of the world that is wrong.