I used to work with a jew...

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I used to work with a jew...

Post by antiliberalsociety »

Well to be fair, I've worked with many and they were mostly exactly as you'd expect them to be. But one in particular was fun to work with. He wasn't noticeably Jewish, he just bragged his grandparents were jews.

He was the funniest fucker I've met, he was absolutely crazy. He'd be dancing and playing out his martial arts or dancing in a public setting (at work, in the public sector mind you) and he hated the politics entering the workplace. I loved to jab at him the Marxist ways being implemented everywhere and he's one of the boys.

He loved to debate, till it came to the race issue or Zionism. I'd quote Rockwell to his face and he'd go "humm, that's interesting..." with no retort nor knowledge of where the quote came from. I'd get him every time, the guy spouting words no one's ever heard of to illustrate his vast knowledge and worldly cultured education, couldn't ever top me. He loved Jim Goad and quoted the fuck out of him, but I liked crossing the thin jew line.

So he eventually acted out and got fired. He was a psychotic wreck (imagine it, a jew falling victim to Jewish tyranny). He was messaging me throughout the entire ordeal, I was "coaching" him and reassuring him he was right in his assertions, most were just too chicken to say anything. (He did have based ideas and denounced communist ideology).

I used to joke that he's CIA, he was always traveling the world, especially 3rd world countries. He was even teaching English to incoming rapefugees. I knew what he was, maybe better than he did. I played along (jew the jew) until finally...

He reached out to me for info on getting back into my field. He went into the (((psych))) field (big surprise) and said the word retard needs to make a comeback. He's again hindered by Jewish efforts. He can't get hired anywhere because of (((affirmative action))) and was complaining about it. He had a legit impressive resume, but I told him that's the problem - you're overqualified. Then he decided to make a comment on the fact his skin color is locking him out of decent wages. He said this while on a "trip" through Europe. Oh, hurting to find a job yet you have money to travel the world, huh?

I said it's just the Kallergi Hooton plan coming to fruition. His response was "smiting whitey" and I haven't heard from him since.

The Goyim know.
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