Louisiana Nurse Blows the Whistle: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself”

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Louisiana Nurse Blows the Whistle: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself”

Post by TFS »

https://thecovidworld.com/nurse-blows-t ... id-itself/

Collette Martin, a practicing nurse of seventeen years, spoke at a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing earlier this month about what she has seen in the hospital system during the COVID pandemic.

Collette says she and her colleagues have witnessed “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots, but their concerns about the vaccines are being ignored and dismissed.


Collete went on to say that vaccine-injury report databases like VAERS are so little used that most doctors and nurses don’t even know that it exists, let alone how to file a report.

“The Majority of our nurses, nurse managers, and some doctors do not even know what VAERS is. I’ve spoken to our chief medicine managers and other nurses on why we’re not reporting to VAERS, and the most common response is: ‘What is VAERS?‘.”

As if this were not bad enough already, she then said that none of the hospitals are reporting any data, meaning that even if someone was investigating, there would be no data to investigate.

“This is not just where I work. I know many nurses, friends and other local hospitals in Southeast Louisiana that say the same thing.”

However, what she says about the potential long-term effects of the jabs is shocking.

“We are not just seeing severe acute [short term] reactions with this vaccine, but we have zero idea what any long term reactions are. Cancers, autoimmune [disorders], infertility. We just don’t know.

We are potentially sacrificing our children for fear of maybe dying, getting sick of a virus, a virus with a 99% survival rate.”


“As of now, we have more children that died from the COVID vaccine than COVID itself. And then for the Health Department to come out and say the new variant has all the side effects of the vaccine reactions we’re currently seeing now.

It’s maddening, and I don’t understand why more people don’t see it. I think they do, but they fear speaking out and, even worse, being fired.”
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Re: Louisiana Nurse Blows the Whistle: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself”

Post by 29again »

When a particular group of self-entitled, self-absorbed, luciferians who believe they are the ones in control decide that the world has too many people and the wars they have created are not killing enough of the young men anymore..... we get a plandemic and then a vaccine when the plandemic doesn't work as planned.

The virus is no threat to children which is why they insist on giving them the vax.
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