00.27 - MSM Helps Tobias Ellwood Hype For Conflict With Russia
Express Article: - https://archive.md/4VAkx
Rohit Kachroo: - https://twitter.com/RohitKachrooITV
Centre for Army Leadership: - https://bit.ly/3mZFeSX
Mirror Article: - https://bit.ly/3ox9tjK
Mail: - https://bit.ly/3DisUTj
Independent Article: - https://bit.ly/2YN9FlY
Video: - https://bit.ly/3nhlASr
NATO Statement: - https://bit.ly/3nf4btM
Telegraph Article: - https://archive.md/eXUDr
25:19 - COP26 Damp Squib
Sharma Statement: https://yhoo.it/3Cjyy6C
32:06 - Interview With Andrew Noakes
UKC Video: - https://bit.ly/3ng5R68
GoFundMe David Noakes Legal Costs: - https://bit.ly/3Coxyiu
36:00 - UK Column Interviews
Christine Cotton 1: - https://bit.ly/3ce7b3m
Christine Cotton 2: - https://bit.ly/3njpr1A
John O'looney: - https://bit.ly/3DmCiW4
37:00 - JVCI Advise More and More Vaccines
JVCI Statement: - https://bit.ly/3F9uisa
41:43 - Bill Gates Effectively Admits That The Vaccines Don't Work
ZH Article: - https://bit.ly/3oufT38
43:43 - Professor Bridle Speaks Out About Vaccination "Facts"
Prof. Bridle Interview: - https://bit.ly/3FgjvfN
CDC Admission: - https://bit.ly/3HyC29c
Boston Herald: - https://bit.ly/3ozEl3b
UKC Friday (goto 31:00): - https://bit.ly/3wM4v6q
Dr Mike Williams Article 001: - https://bit.ly/3oyhV1V
Dr Mike Williams Article 002: - https://bit.ly/3osInKx
Chicago Tribune: - https://abcn.ws/3wMs5Qi
Neil Ferguson's Calculator Tweet: - https://bit.ly/2YT5gOA
Article: - https://bit.ly/3Fo4mcx
Devi Sridhar Tweet: - devisridahr
Citizen Journalist Article: - https://bit.ly/3qGPW2W
55:57 - FullFact Claim Independence But Appear To Be Factually Wrong
FullFact: - https://bit.ly/3FcPvRO
Gov't Statistical Service: - https://bit.ly/3kYRRwj
59:26 - Biden's Banking Watchdog CBDC Technocracy
Bloomberg Article: - https://bloom.bg/3DebKX7
Saule Omarova Paper: - https://bit.ly/3DizI3x
Magic Money Tree: - https://bit.ly/30su3tf
01:06:14 - Two Americas
Paper: - https://bit.ly/30wnjuD
01:08:13 - Petty Virtue-Signalling At Children's Expense As Universities Appear To "Normalise" Paedophilia
ES Article: - https://bit.ly/3DmhiPj
Times Article: - https://bit.ly/3ooSTT2
Spiked Article: - https://bit.ly/3qzxZ6q
Gov't Document: - https://bit.ly/323xHum
4W Profile: - https://bit.ly/3FihUpU
ODU Statement: - https://bit.ly/3kGUyCl
01:15:47 - BBC Attempts To Distance Itself From Unconditional Support For Stonewall
Mail Article: - https://bit.ly/3HrcPNS
01:18:09 - Police Violently Arrest Terminally Ill Man