Canadian designer Nygard consents to U.S. extradition, may face new sex charges in Canada

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Canadian designer Nygard consents to U.S. extradition, may face new sex charges in Canada

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

reuters -
WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygard has consented to extradition to the United States, where he faces sex trafficking and racketeering charges, lawyers for the prosecution and defence said at a hearing on Friday.
The minister can consider that Nygard is wanted in Canada, said Gerard Kennedy, assistant law professor at University of Manitoba. One option is to extradite him on the understanding that the United States return Nygard to Canada to face charges, Kennedy said.

nytimes - and
Peter Nygard, a former fashion executive, will soon be extradited from Canada to the United States to face charges of crimes against women and teenage girls.
Mr. Nygard sexually assaulted some, the indictment said, while his associates assaulted or drugged others “to ensure their compliance with Nygard’s sexual demands.” The indictment said that their actions took place in the United States, the Bahamas and Canada.
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