XD It is possible that Putt was set up in a bad situation. I did a search on irc.voat.co and found letstoc.com site. The letstoc.com domain was registered on 2020-04-20, has a single page that listed 8 IRC subdomains from 8 different main domains. The IRC list seemed to be its main purpose. Two IRCs were offline, two IRCs required password (no useful log), and
4 IRCs appeared to be setup within seconds of each other. At least 4 IRCs were most likely setup in parallel for the timestamp to be so closely related. These IRCs mixed Voat with IFC, bitcoin, and cannabis. XD Factor in @
PuttItOut "big fat BTC wallet", he could be our (((drug lord))). Joke aside, it is very weird to find those IRCs created within seconds of each other. Either Putt did it, or he pointed irc.voat.co to someone's server, which was initialized simultaneously with others.
Considering PIA fucked with Voat, IFC by extension, it is ironic that IFC claimed its IRC purpose was to bring the power back to the people ("We Are Bringing Power Back To The People" --IFC). The namebase.io site also stated a similar statement.
Some more info/log
https://web.archive.org/web/20210101105 ... tstoc.com/
Domain registered on 2020-04-20:
Registered On
Expires On 2021-04-20
Updated On 2020-12-24
Subdomains mostly offline:
- www.letstoc.com
- letstoc.com (single page listing 8 IRCs)
- bcoin.letstoc.com (offline)
- jobo.letstoc.com (offline)
- dev.letstoc.com (offline)
- miami.letstoc.com (offline)
IRC listed on its main page
(at least 4 IRCs were created within seconds of each other)
- irc.bitcoin.com (This server was created Wed May 27 2020 at 02:18:55 UTC)
- irc.imperialfamily.com (This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 21:18:54 CDT (May 27 2020 02:18:54 UTC))
- irc.voat.co (This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 22:18:54 EDT (May 27 2020 02:18:54 UTC))
- irc.merryjane.com (BAD PASSWORD, first seen 2020-06-03)
- irc.charactermedia.com (offline, first seen 2020-04-30, last seen 2020-12-22)
- irc.namebase.io (BAD PASSWORD, first seen 2020-05-05)
- irc.bcoin.io (offline, first seen 2020-06-03, last seen 2020-11-23)
- irc.lfa.com (This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 22:18:53 EDT (May 27 2020 02:18:53 UTC))
("We Are Bringing Power Back To The People" --IFC)
10:50 Network created, connecting to irc.imperialfamily.com:9998...
10:50 Connected to the network.
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** Ident disabled, not checking ident
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** Couldn't look up your hostname
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- CGI:IRC host/IP set to jbnc.6d8106 2a0b:f4c2::1
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** You are exempt from user limits
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** You are exempt from flood limits
10:50 -irc.imperialfamily.com- *** You are exempt from resvs
10:50 You're now known as --
10:50 [003]This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 21:18:54 CDT
10:50 [004]irc.imperialfamily.com TOC-ONE DQRSZagilopswz CFILMOPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstvz bkloveqjfI
10:50 [251]There are 10 users and 79 invisible on 12 servers
10:50 [252]9 IRC Operators online
10:50 [254]62 channels formed
10:50 [255]I have 20 clients and 3 servers
10:50 [265]20 32 Current local users 20, max 32
10:50 [266]89 184 Current global users 89, max 184
10:50 [250]Highest connection count: 34 (32 clients) (9531 connections received)
10:50 ***
___ _ _
|_ _|_ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __(_) __ _| |
| || '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ _` | |
| || | | | | | |_) | __/ | | | (_| | |
|___|_| |_| |_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\__,_|_|
_____ _ _
| ___|_ _ _ __ ___ (_) |_ _
| |_ / _` | '_ ` _ \| | | | | |
| _| (_| | | | | | | | | |_| |
|_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_|\__, |
____ _
/ ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ (_) ___ ___
| | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __|
| |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | (_| | | | | | __/\__ \.
\____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|_| |_|_|\___||___/
We Are Bringing Power
Back To The People
Part of the World's Decentralized IRC Network
Host: irc.imperialfamily.com
Ports: 6667, 6668, 6669, +6697 (ssl), 7000
Your Operators:
Rules: Nothing illegal
Staff may disconnect users at anytime
Usage of this server is a privilege and not a right.
IRC is a transit (relay). No person or entity involved
with this server is responsible for the
actions of any user. Use of this network is at your
own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied.
By using this server, you agree to indemnify and hold
harmless any person or entity involved with this
Great Channels:
#IFC - Our HQ
#Network - Network HQ
11:44 Network created, connecting to irc.voat.co:9998...
11:44 Connected to the network.
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** Ident disabled, not checking ident
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** Looking up your hostname...
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** Found your hostname: irc.voat.co
11:44 -irc.voat.co- CGI:IRC host/IP set to jbnc.ea066b
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** You are exempt from user limits
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** You are exempt from flood limits
11:44 -irc.voat.co- *** You are exempt from resvs
11:44 You're now known as --
11:44 [003]This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 22:18:54 EDT
11:44 [004]irc.voat.co TOC-ONE DQRSZagilopswz CFILMOPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstvz bkloveqjfI
11:44 [251]There are 10 users and 61 invisible on 12 servers
11:44 [252]9 IRC Operators online
11:44 [254]62 channels formed
11:44 [255]I have 5 clients and 3 servers
11:44 [265]5 5 Current local users 5, max 5
11:44 [266]71 184 Current global users 71, max 184
11:44 [250]Highest connection count: 8 (5 clients) (49 connections received)
11:44 *** ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ VOAT │
│ irc.voat.co │
│ 6667 / +6697 (SSL) │
│ +9998 (SSL + JBNC) │
Web │
https://voat.co │
Chat │
https://irc.voat.co │
Rooms │ #voat #whatever │
│ │
Admins │ PuttItOut │
This server provides Always On Access.
Connect to this server on port 9998 (SSL) and
Enter a password upon connecting from your
IRC client.
You can use password/buffernames
it will keep playback buffers seperate for each /buffername
11:04 Network created, connecting to irc.bitcoin.com:9998...
11:04 Connected to the network.
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** Ident disabled, not checking ident
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** Found your hostname: irc.bitcoin.com
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- CGI:IRC host/IP set to jbnc.05cdc2
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** You are exempt from user limits
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** You are exempt from flood limits
11:04 -irc.bitcoin.com- *** You are exempt from resvs
11:04 You're now known as --
11:04 [003]This server was created Wed May 27 2020 at 02:18:55 UTC
11:04 [004]irc.bitcoin.com TOC-ONE DQRSZagilopswz CFILMOPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstvz bkloveqjfI
11:04 [251]There are 10 users and 80 invisible on 12 servers
11:04 [252]9 IRC Operators online
11:04 [254]62 channels formed
11:04 [255]I have 5 clients and 2 servers
11:04 [265]5 18 Current local users 5, max 18
11:04 [266]90 184 Current global users 90, max 184
11:04 [250]Highest connection count: 20 (18 clients) (266 connections received)
11:04 *** MOTD File is missing
(Website about cannabis
(First seen 2020-06-03, last seen 2020-12-31)
(Website about asian americans in entertainment
(First seen 2020-04-30, last seen 2020-12-22)
("Own your name on the new Internet", "It’s time to place ownership of the Internet into the hands of people, not corporations or governments."
(First seen 2020-05-05, last seen 2020-12-31)
(First seen 2020-06-03, last seen 2020-11-23)
11:13 Network created, connecting to irc.lfa.com:9998...
11:13 Connected to the network.
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** Ident disabled, not checking ident
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** Found your hostname: irc.lfa.com
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- CGI:IRC host/IP set to jbnc.98f06e
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** You are exempt from user limits
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** You are exempt from flood limits
11:13 -irc.lfa.com- *** You are exempt from resvs
11:13 You're now known as --
11:13 [003]This server was created Tue May 26 2020 at 22:18:53 EDT
11:13 [004]irc.lfa.com TOC-ONE DQRSZagilopswz CFILMOPQRSTbcefgijklmnopqrstvz bkloveqjfI
11:13 [251]There are 10 users and 82 invisible on 12 servers
11:13 [252]9 IRC Operators online
11:13 [254]62 channels formed
11:13 [255]I have 4 clients and 1 servers
11:13 [265]4 4 Current local users 4, max 4
11:13 [266]92 184 Current global users 92, max 184
11:13 [250]Highest connection count: 5 (4 clients) (15 connections received)
11:13 *** MOTD File is missing