Judge approves unsealing of documents linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Clintons

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Judge approves unsealing of documents linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Clintons

Post by brwn »

https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking- ... o-clintons

Judge approves unsealing of documents linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Clintons

A federal judge has approved the unsealing of another round of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell. The highlight of public interest being any evidence financially linking the Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Foundation to her.

list of what’s expected:
Guiffre's lawyers demanded: "From January 2012 to the present, produce all documents concerning any source of funding for the TarraMar Project (Maxwell's nonprofit) or any other not-for-profit entities with which you are associated, including but not limited to, funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation (a/k/a William J. Clinton Foundation, a/k/a/ the Bill, Hilary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation),and the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative."
Papers about a request from Giuffre demanding the unmasking of Maxwell’s “secret” email accounts. "Ms Giuffre is aware of two email addresses that appear to be the email addresses defendant used while Ms Giuffre was with defendant and Epstein, namely, from 2000 - 2002. Defendant has denied that she used those accounts to communicate, but she has not disclosed the account she did use to communicate during that time, nor produce documents from it."

While the defamation case was officially settled in 2017, the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell made the documents submitted in that matter of public interest.
Back in July 2020 Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested for her connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Why that’s relevant as the New York Post previously explained is in regards to the elaborate sex trafficking operation of underaged girls that spanned across several years and was international.
The public interest in the case comes from the connections to the elite in politics and business industries that Jeffrey Epstein befriended. Former President Bill Clinton and royal family member Prince Andrew being persistently brought up in question as to their exact involvement or knowledge of Epstein’s operations.

Nothing to see here folks, move along 🤣
All eyes on the audit
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Re: Judge approves unsealing of documents linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Clintons

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Giuffre-v-Maxwell Unsealed Court Documents - Archived PDFs
pastebin - https://pastebin.com/cN7dCZSZ (pastebin archived - https://web.archive.org/web/20210811181 ... m/cN7dCZSZ
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