Dr. Shiva uncovers the Big Gov Big Tech censorship machinery. Lawsuits filed - Voat Xpost

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Dr. Shiva uncovers the Big Gov Big Tech censorship machinery. Lawsuits filed - Voat Xpost

Post by doginventer »

Dr. Shiva uncovers the Big Gov Big Tech censorship machinery. Lawsuits filed. : Voat - Have your say - @qwop
Dr.SHIVA SHORT: MIT PhD Uncovers HOW Government Launders Censorship - Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08_49vX ... e=youtu.be
Dr.SHIVA, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Technologist, Activist, Educator provides an update to his historic lawsuit that is the first to Expose HOW IT WORKS: How Election Officials and Government Actors Coordinate to Silence Speech. Full Video Here:
[ MIT PhD Lawsuit FIRST to Uncover U.S. Government Censorship SYSTEM to Silence Speech
https://vashiva.com/mit-phd-lawsuit-fir ... ce-speech/ ]
Americans have lost their freedom. It's time to Win Back Freedom. Donate just $1.00 at WinBackFreedom.com to support this historic lawsuit and be part of the movement.
> Lawsuit explained: https://vashiva.com/mit-phd-lawsuit-fir ... ce-speech/
These people write about "Election Misinformation", while simultaneously censoring candidates that speak up against government overreach.
The Election Influence Operations Playbook - Harvard Belfer Center: https://www.belfercenter.org/project/de ... -democracy
The Long Fuse Report - Misinformation and the 2020 Election (PDF 292 page strategic doument on election "misinformation"): https://u8z8g8c2.rocketcdn.me/wp-conten ... Report.pdf
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