Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Peace One Day - 20 Year Celebration at The Globe Theatre
Peace One Day were proud to announce that composer, singer-songwriter, actor, author and activist Sting joined to headline the line-up at Shakespeare’s Globe on Peace Day 21 September, 2019.

..With appearances from: Peace One Day Ambassadors- Sir Mark Rylance, Jude Law, Juliet Rylance; Jeremy Gilley- Founder of Peace One Day; Ahmad Fawzi – United Nations Strategic Communication Expert; Dr Scilla Elworthy – Founder of the Oxford Research Group and Peace Direct, three times Nobel Peace Prize Nominee; Marc Mathieu – Marketing Maven; Nadhim Zahawi MP- Minister for Business and Industry; Pastor Dr James Wuye and Imam Dr Muhammad Ashafa – Triple honorary doctorates from Glasgow, Massachusetts and Kolkata Universities; Daniel Binns - Chief Executive Officer, Interbrand, New York...

Take a Stand: Say no to Sexism and Harassment:
Introduced by Jeremy Gilley
Hosted by Marja Ruotanen & Juliet Rylance
Panellists: Liliane Maury Pasquier- President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC- Commonwealth Secretary- General; Will Gardner OBE- CEO of Childnet and a Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre; Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu – Lawyer and Political & Women’s Rights Activist; Jan Zijderveld- Chief Executive Officer of Avon..

Cyber Non-Violence Panel:
Introduced by Jeremy Gilley
Hosted by Jeremy Gilley and Emily Cherry
Panellists: Judith Cunningham- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Montessori Model UN and Youth Impact Forum; Lorin LaFave- Founder and Head of Education & External Affairs, The Breck Foundation; Innar Liiv- Associate Professor of Data Science at Tallinn University of Technology, Research Associate at Oxford University's Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, and Affiliated Expert at the Foresight Centre at the Parliament of Estonia.
Great to meet Curation Corporation CEO Nick Finegold & COO Damien Devine about refining the #PeaceDay measurement process
The story of Jeremy Gilley's attempts to persuade the global community via the United Nations to sanction officially a day without conflict; a ceasefire day; a global day of Peace.

Stars: Dalai Lama; Kofi Annan; Jeremy Gilley
Producer: Nick Finegold
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 » ... VKETRYN5Q/
Born into money, engaged to Uma Thurman, master of the hedge fund universe, philanthropist - life's been good to Arpad Busson. Then came the subprime crash and Bernard Madoff

"He's charm personified," says Nick Finegold, founder and executive chairman of Execution, a London-based investment bank that annually donates a day's trading proceeds to charity, with a third going to ARK. "He has complete command of the words 'please', 'thank you' and 'well done'."

DETAILS of this year’s Ark dinner, the annual hedge fund extravaganza attended by the biggest names from the City, the arts and politics, have been harder to obtain than a banker’s super injunction. But The Capitalist can now reveal that the celebrity-filled affair will take place next Thursday 9 June at Perks Field near Kensington Palace, conveniently located for the gala’s guests of honour: the newly wed Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Prince William (pictured right with Kate) will give the keynote speech after dinner to the 900 guests, and the sponsors of the gala – now in its tenth year – are Bloomberg, BlueCrest, Marshall Wace and Espirito Santo Investment Bank. So expect to see Espirito Santo’s co-chief executive Nick Finegold dressed in his finery, as well as Ark’s socialite founding chairman Arki Busson and Marshall Wace co-founders Ian Wace and Paul Marshall.

..The founders of Ark – short for Absolute Return for Kids – will be hoping to top the £14m raised by last year’s party for the global charity, which has projects running in Romania, Zimbabwe and Zambia alongside the UK programme to found schools for disadvantaged children. Eight Ark academies have opened in the UK so far – including the Globe Academy in Southwark, visited by David Cameron with President Obama on last week’s state visit – and four more will be up and running by September 2012...
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