UNICEF (good content posted on Poal)

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UNICEF (good content posted on Poal)

Post by doginventer »

UNICEF [757x469 - 368KB]
Poal: Say what you want. https://poal.co/s/PedosExposed/392995
PDF: http://c-fam.org/wp-content/uploads/Dig ... -Globe.pdf
> “ It also raises issues for those children who are flagged inaccurately, who then face the hurdle of proving their age. There are several different kinds of risks and harms that have been linked to children’s exposure to pornography, but there is no consensus on the degree to which pornography is harmful to children. Some studies have found that boys are more likely to experience greater exposure to pornography at an earlier age, and they are more likely to be exposed to violent or abusive images such as rape, whereas girls are more likely to be subject to involuntary or problematic exposure.129 The 2020 EU Kids Online study compared survey findings from 19 European countries and found that in most countries, most children who saw sexual images online were neither upset nor happy Basically their report is a passive-aggressive attempt to normalize porn for children 487 child safety experts and advocates from 26 countries were on hand to sign a joint letter to UNICEF, coordinated by the US-based National Center on Sexual Exploitation, referencing an array of research demonstrating the egregious harm pornography causes to children.”
https://endsexualexploitation.org/artic ... n-removed/
Looks like the original UNICEF page got 404d
> “ Recently, the international child welfare agency UNICEF published their April 2021 report “Digital Age Assurance Tools and Children’s Rights Online across the Globe” which caused widespread concern amongst child safety experts and advocates for statements that appeared to minimize the harm of childhood pornography exposure. Although UNICEF’s report acknowledged that “there are several different kinds of risks and harms that have been linked to children’s exposure to pornography,” it then proceeded to effectively dismiss the research on these harms saying, “the evidence is inconsistent, and there is currently no universal agreement on the nature and extent of the harm caused to children by viewing content classified as pornography.” This messaging fails to give due consideration to the copious amounts of research on pornography’s harms to children. “
UNICEF Report Says Pornography Not Always Harmful to Children - C-Fam
https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/unicef-rep ... -children/
Joint Letter to UNICEF
https://endsexualexploitation.org/wp-co ... inal-1.pdf
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