Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important figures

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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Continuation ->
Lynn Forester de Rothschild and The Royals
Evelyn de Rothschild has served as financial adviser to Queen Elizabeth, a role for which he has been knighted in service of, though further more, the historical ties between the Houses of Windsor(Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) and Rothschild are well established, going back to the early 19th century.
Thus, Lynn’s connection to Royalty is clearly through her husband Evelyn.

The only other known connection to Royalty Epstein had was through Ghislaine Maxwell, whose inroad to Royal society appears strictly limited to Prince Andrew himself. Which suggests Epstein was most likely introduced to Prince Andrew, primarily, through either Ghislaine Maxwell or Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

Prince Andrew
In an interview given to the BBC Prince Andrew claims we was introduced to Epstein through Maxwell in 1999. In the same interview he said he met Maxwell when she was an undergraduate at Oxford in the 1980s. Given who Maxwell’s father was I find it believable this could’ve been the case.

It's possible the introduction of Prince Andrew to Epstein was facilitated by his former wife, Sarah Ferguson, who after their divorce in 1996 is found to have met with Epstein on 16th April 1998. This is the same year she introduced Prince Andrew to a woman he began dating called Heather Mann. Heather Mann had been on a number of flights with Epstein in 1997, one of which the only other passenger was Lynn Forester de Rothschild travelling to Martha’s Vineyard. This will be covered in greater detail. ... cessed.pdf page 347

When Ghislaine Maxwell came under fire for her relationship to Jeffrey Epstein, a number of a tabloid magazines began publishing rumours spread by apparent friends of Maxwell, claiming that Lynn Forester de Rothschild had in fact made the introduction between Epstein and Prince Andrew at her Hampton's property in 1999.

“In fact, friends claim the introduction was made by glamorous socialite Lynn Forester de Rothschild in 1999 at a birthday party she threw for her British billionaire husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, in the Hamptons, the exclusive beach resort outside New York."
~ ... llain.html

"Friends of Ghislaine Maxwell have claimed that Jeffrey Epstein, her friend and a convicted paedophile, was introduced to the Duke of York by the wife of one of Britain’s richest men.
. . .Ghislaine wasn’t at that party. Lynn introduced Andrew to Epstein,’ says the friend. ‘It was all about the money with Andrew and Epstein. Just wait and see. There is a lot more to come out.’"

~ ... -fnks09dnc

It would appear that Prince Andrew did actually attend a party hosted by Lynn Forester de Rothschild in Martha’s Vineyard for a period surrounding August 29th 1999, Evelyn de Rothschild's birthday. President Clinton was also in attendance. ... 09974e.jpg
PRINCE ANDREW "TEED OFF" WITH BILL CLINTON AT MARTHAS VINEYARD, 30 Aug 1999 ~ ... rd-309974e ... =2048x2048
Britain's Prince Andrew (L) and Sir Evelyn Rothschild (R)
MARTHA'S VINEYARD, UNITED STATES: Britain's Prince Andrew (L) and Sir Evelyn Rothschild of London (R) watch US President Bill Clinton tee-off the first hole at the Farm Neck Golf Club 27 August 1999 in Martha's Vineyard. Andrew and Clinton made a joking wager for return of the island which was acquired by the US from Great Britian. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO/Paul J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)
~ ... o/51617811 ... id51617817
US President Bill Clinton (R) speaks with Lynn Forester (L)
MARTHA'S VINEYARD, UNITED STATES: US President Bill Clinton (R) speaks with Lynn Forester at the Farm Neck Golf Club 27 August 1999 in Martha's Vineyard while playing with Britain's Prince Andrew. Forester is a friend of one of Clinton golfing partners, Sir Evelyn Rothschild. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO/ Paul J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)
~ ... o/51617817

There's also this photo showing Bill Clinton with two unidentified woman at this event, one of which looks so similiar to Ghislaine Maxwell, I'd venture to say it is her. ... =2048x2048
Presidential Vacation On Martha's Vineyard
OAK BLUFFS - AUGUST 27: President Clinton is greeted by two unidentified women before starting his round of golf at Farm Neck Golf Club. (Photo by Bill Greene/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
~ ... /134176276

These photographs show Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and possibly Ghislaine Maxwell were in attendance at the Martha’s Vineyard Rothschild birthday celebration on August 29th 1999.

According to flight logs Epstein had flown into Palm Beach on the 26th of August from the Virgin Islands. Ghislaine Maxwell was not a passenger on this flight. However Epstein and Maxwell flew together from Palm Beach to Teterboro NJ on the 28th, one day after the photograph was taken of the unidentified woman with Bill Clinton in Martha's Vineyard on the 27th. ... Docs-proce page 494

There is, possibly, a rather interesting article of dubious existence, supposedly written in 2001 by Sharon Churcher for the Daily Mail, titled “Can Lynn rescue Andrew’s image? Sir Everlyn de Rothschild’s socialite wife has gathered some of America’s most influential media figure to cleanup the Duke of York’s image.”
I say dubious because I cannot find the article. The only available scanned copies of Daily Mail archives are pay-walled. The online digital archives on the Daily Mail site has an inconsistent amount of article entries listed for the 6th of May 2001, depending on which date you view the sites image in the wayback machine. ~*/https ... 10506.html

All that I have found that indicates the article may have existed are secondary sources.
The first is a 2015 article written by someone called Gerry Bello from a website I'm unfamiliar with, The Outside News:

“According to a Daily Mail story written six months later (also by Sharon Churcher) thirty people met in a New York restaurant to bless the Prince's rehabilitation into Manhattan society. Lynn Forester, wife of banking executive and the Economist director Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild put the event together. ABC News host Barbara Walters, and New York Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman were present. ” ~ ... ion-prince

The second is a screenshot of the article’s title, which could easily be doctored, found in an article from 2019 defending Prince Andrew from the allegations against him. ~ ... ne-hacked/

Edit May 2021 - I was emailed by someone who said they found this article behind the paywalled Daily Mail archives. The following are excerpts from the full article here:

Can Lynn rescue Andrew's image?; How Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's socialite wife has gathered some of America's most influential media figures to cleanup the Duke of York's playboy reputation

"At a discreetly affluent New York restaurant last week, 30 of the city's most influential figures gathered for a remarkable dinner party. Seated around the table were Barbara Walters, America's foremost television interviewer, Tina Brown, editor of the most talked-about society magazine, top columnist Liz Smith, Howard Stringer, the chairman of the hugely influential Sony electronics and entertainment corporation, media baron Mort Zuckerman, and the evening's fixer, telecommunications entrepreneur Lynn Forester."

"It was arranged by a longtime friend of the Royal Family, billionaire banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and his wife, American telecommunications entrepreneur Lynn Forester. The elegant 46-year-old businesswoman, who runs a multinational telecommunications company, met the Duke and Duchess of York thanks to her husband's long-term links with the Royal Family.
EIGHTEEN months ago Andrew was a guest at a house party celebrating Sir Evelyn's 68th birthday on his Martha's Vineyard estate. There she introduced him to Alexandra Styron, daughter of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist William Styron, and one of the few respectable young women with whom he has been seen in America."

"Concern over the orbit into which Ghislaine and Epstein have drawn Andrew was heightened after impotence drug seller Christine Drangsholt graced his arm during a party at Donald Trump's Palm Beach estate. A loud and pushy woman, she bragged that she has seen the Prince several times, including in London.
Last May, Epstein also arranged for the Prince to make a late night visit to a raucous Miami nightclub where he 'raised the roof' for two hours on the dancefloor and bought a £300 bottle of Cristal champagne for his companions, an older man and younger woman."

"'One has to think that this is all great promotion for Ghislaine and Epstein, who's a real wheeler-dealer, ' said a friend of Fergie. 'A lot of the time when Andrew is photographed, Ghislaine is right there in the same frame.' But those days of excess seemed to have been consigned to the past last week, when the Prince showed his willingness to embrace his new image by dressing in a business suit rather than the blazer and jeans that have become the hallmark of his escapades as a middle-aged swinger. He was seated between the nation's highest-paid TV presenter, Barbara Walters, and 67-year-old cosmetics king Leonard Lauder."

"For the past two years, his home-away-from-home in Manhattan has been a gaudily-decorated mansion acquired some years ago through a company apparently controlled by Epstein. Only last month, the Prince let himself in there for a night during an unannounced break from a visit to do good works for America's Outward Bound programme.
Anxious to distance her ex-husband from Ghislaine and Epstein, it was Fergie's suggestion that in the future Andrew stay at a vast apartment Sir Evelyn and his wife are renovating in a castle-like East River tower.
'The hotel was a stopgap because the apartment isn't finished,' said Fergie's friend. 'There is going to be a very determined effort to break the hold that Ghislaine and her set have over him and to make it known that he is a serious person."

Peter Mandelson and Ghislaine Maxwell are mentioned in a 2001 Guardian article about the rehabilitation of Prince Andrew’s images and his return to public life. ~ ... uartmillar

2001 is when Prince Andrew transitioned from his position in the British Navy to a diplomatic role as a British trade envoy. It appears Peter Mandelson helped facilitate the pivot. It also appears that his appointment as trade envoy marks a period in which his contact with Epstein becomes much more frequent.

There is some ambiguity as to Prince Andrew’s appearance in the flight logs due to him being listed under the initial's A P. According to one pilot David Rogers, the initial’s had been used for Epstein’s chef Adam Perry in 1998. There are multiple trips made in 1998 and 1999 by an A P, though it’s hard to know exactly when A P became Prince Andrew, or if it continued to be used interchangeably with Epstein’s chef.

It does seem likely Andrew travelled at least once with Epstein before August 29th 1999, when Lynn allegedly introduced him to Epstein. On April 11th that year an A P, Epstein, Maxwell, and a ‘Charles’ flew from Miami to New Jersey. ... flight.png ... cessed.pdf page 491

Lynn Forester de Rothschild's Flights with Epstein
She appears in Epstein's flight log five times through the course of 1997 and 1998.

First Flight
The first trip is on Feb 17th 1997, travelling from West Palm Beach to Teterboro with six others: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Glenn Dubin, Celina Dubin, Eva Dubin, and her son Ben Stein Forester, eleven at the time. ... cessed.pdf page 471

Second Flight
Her second on June 21st 1997, travelling from Teterboro, New Jersey to Martha’s Vineyard with two other passengers: Jeffrey Epstein and Heather Mann. ... cessed.pdf page 473

As previously mentioned, Lynn owns an estate at Martha’s Vineyard which was used to host a birthday party for her future husband Evelyn Rothschild in 1999, attended by both Prince Andrew and President Clinton.
The third passenger, Heather Mann, is a model who began dating Prince Andrew in 1998. Prince Andrew was introduced to Heather Mann by his former wife, Sarah Ferguson.~ ... -his-wife/
But it appears Sarah Ferguson was introduced to Heather Mann by Jeffrey Epstein.

On 21 June 1997 Jeffrey Epstein, Lynn Forester, and Heather Mann fly together to Martha's Vineyard

On 17 August 1997 Jeffrey Epstein and Heather Mann fly to Martha's Vineyard ... age474.png ... cessed.pdf page 474

On 16 April 1998 Jeffrey Epstein is recorded as having met privately with Sarah Ferguson. ... fergie.png ... cessed.pdf page 347

Prince Andrew then begins dating Heather Mann sometime during 1998.

Third Flight
A third trip on November 7th 1997, travelling from Teterboro New Jersey to Jacksonville, Florida with one other passenger, Jeffrey Epstein. ... cessed.pdf page 476

Fourth Flight
Her fourth flight is on September 25th 1998, travelling from Teterboro New Jersey to Washington DC returning the same day with one other passenger, Jeffrey Epstein. ... cessed.pdf page 485

This flight is interesting. Since it was to Washington, departing and returning the same day, with the only passengers being herself and Epstein; it’s fair to speculate the purpose pertained to a specific matter in relation to a branch of government, or at least insinuates as much.
Firstly, It’s highly unlikely the purpose was to meet with either of the Clinton’s. I checked both their daily schedules for 25th Sept 1998. Bill was in press conferences from 8am before flying out of state at 9am, and Hillary was already out of state. Neither returned to Washington. If they did meet with Bill, it would’ve been briefly prior to 8am. This seems unlikely.

Lynn was a member of the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee for the Clinton Administration since 1992, though I'm unsure if she still held this position after 1996.

Epstein did have an on going matter involving the State Department at this time though. He had been in an ongoing legal dispute with the with them over a property that formerly housed the Iranian embassy, which the department had leased Epstein in 1992 and he had sub-leased to another tenant at a profit in 1996. ~ ... v-epstein/

On Sept 22nd 1998 Epstein’s lawyer files “Certificate of service of Second Amended S&C as to Jeffrey E. Epstein by Steven Cohen, atty, on 12/23/97 ”, which appears to be an amendment by Epstein’s lawyer to an original filing in 1997 of their counter-suit against the State Department. I could be wrong.But it's filed three days prior to Lynn and Epstein's flight to the Capitol.

This case is then settled some months laters on Feb 3rd 1999 - “The United States Dept of State shall keep the security deposit of Jeffrey E. Epstein in the principal amount of $12,000.00, plus all interest accrued thereon ; Upon the release of the escrowed monies set forth in this order and the delivery of the certified check set forth herein, the Government will file an order of dismissal with the Court dismissing the action against all defendants except Diane Fisher ” ~ ... v-epstein/

Epstein had been renting the State Department property for $15,000/m and subletting it for $20,000/m, netting him a monthly $5000 profit. ~ ... department ... ipping.jpg

“things went sour when the government sued Epstein in the Southern District of New York, alleging that he had at one point failed to pay the rent on time and had violated the lease by moving out in early 1996 and subletting the place without the State Department’s permission.
. . .An eviction order was served on July 16, 1998, and the marshal noted on the service receipt that the tenants had moved out. ”
~ ... department

If we are to place “early 1996” as far forward as April, Epstein sublet the property for a total of 24 months. That’s $120,000 in profit. Even after deducting legal fees it’s fair to argue losing the $12,000 bond was a favourable outcome for him.

The case does seem rather insignificant and I’m inclined to believe this was unrelated. Though possibly there’s more to the case than meets the eye.

Fifth Flight
The final recorded flight was on the 29th of November 1998, flying from Miami to New Jersey, passengers being: Jeffrey Epstein, Mark Epstein, Ghislaine maxwell, Lynn Forester, Glenn Dubin, Celina Dubin, and Eva Andersson-Dubin. ... cessed.pdf page 487

Four of Lynn Forester de Rothschild's Flights Sealed
There have been two releases of Epstein's flight logs. A partially sealed version submitted as part of Virginia Giuffre's 2015 lawsuit. This version was then unsealed in 2019 and is the one I've been referencing. The sealed 2015 version, which is the most readily available when searched for online, only contains the fourth flight taken by Lynn on the 25th of September 1998, the trip to Washington.
This is because the sealed version removes all the pages prior to December 14 1997. It includes pages beginning from this date until the 20th of November 1998, after which all pages are then sealed again until March 23 1999, from which point all pages are then included for the next seven years until 2006.
The flight logs were originally submitted as part of Virginia Giuffre's 2015 lawsuit. A court order sealed pages logging flights for the following periods.

2015 Sealed Version
First sealed period - 17 November 1995 - 14 December 1997 (three Lynn flights)
First unsealed period- 14 December 1997 - 20 November 1998 (one Lynn flight)
Second sealed period - 20 November 1998 - 23 March 1999 (one Lynn flight)
Second unsealed period - 23 March 1999 - 19 Janurary 2006 (zero Lynn flights)
This begs the question, is there any significance to December 17th 1997 and November 20th 1998 being the start and end dates for the first sealed period?

As it happens, not only does the sealed version exclude four of Lynn Forester de Rothschild's five flights, but her third flight is listed on the final page of the first sealed period, and her fifth flight is listed on the first page of the second second period.

Lynn's third flight on November 7th 1997 is logged on the last sealed page of the first redacted period (17-11-95 until 14-12-97). The very next page in the flight log begins the first unsealed period on December 14th 1997.

Lynn's fifth flight on November 29th 1998 is logged on the very first page of the second sealed period (20-11-98 until 23-03-99). The page before it ends the first unsealed period, which had began on the page directly after her third flight.

To put it clearly, both her third and fifth flights are recorded on pages directly either side, and thus excluded from, the first unsealed period of the flight logs. Her third flight marks its beginning, her fifth flight marks its end; excluding all her logs but one.

This is verified by comparing the 2015 Sealed Flight log to the unsealed one ~ 26. ... cument/p13 ... cessed.pdf

A claim by key witness Maria Farmer
Maria Farmer first reported Epstein to the FBI in 1996 after she was introduced to Epstein by Eileen Guggenheim who worked at the Academy of Art NY. The FBI did not follow up on her claims at the time, which have clearly been proven true. ~ ... xwell.html

Then in 2002 both her and her sister attempted to go public in an interview given to Vanity Fair journalist Vicky Ward. Ward did publish an article on Epstein in March 2003. ~ ... ein-200303

However, according to Vicky Ward the editor of Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, refused to publish the inclusion of the interview with the Farmer sister’s. ~ ... ey-epstein

Farmer's credibility may be questioned by those uncomfortable with how brazenly she accounts for the scope of Epstein's operation, possibly more so with how she conceptualises the nature of it.
However, I would think that after experiencing such a thing as she, and having been ignored by law enforcement and media outlets upon attempts to report it; it is understandable she would harbour the sort of mistrust for authority that opens a door to all kinds of alternative world views; who the professional class readership of papers of record would easily disregard the credibility of.
But those who would disregard what she has to say based off her life experiences, must too reckon with what she has been proven to be right about, which they then too would’ve called her crazy for.

With that said.

In a 2020 interview with Shaun Attwood Maria Farmer stated that Ghislaine Maxwell told her that the Rothchild family were the protectors of her family, but that they had also killed her father. ~

Ghislaine’s father, Robert Maxwell, was using Rothschild Inc to facilitate the mergers and acquisitions of his media empire through the 1980s ~ ... hilds.html

Rothschild Inc was also also Robert Maxwell's primary creditor at the time of his death. ~ ... story.html ... lions.html

"The Financial Times quoted Robert Pirie, president of Rothschild Inc. and Maxwell’s principal investment banker, as saying, “Bob used to go swimming all the time without telling anybody. . . He would just go down the ramp and take a swim, and it used to scare the hell out of his crew. I think he probably just went for a swim.”
~ ... story.html

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Deutschebank, and Jeffrey Epstein
In 2013 Deutschebank co-chief executive Anshu Jain appointed both Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Peter Mandelson to the Alfred Herrhausen Society board of trustees ~ ... 10993.html
At the time Anshu Jain was attempting to expand the banks American clientele ~ ... stein.html

"Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is also a new member of the Board of Trustees, and the aristocrat is, among other things, director of the business magazine "Economist". Jain also chose the representatives of politics wisely. For the Federal Government, The Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Anne-Ruth Herkes, holds the position. Jain is approaching the SPD through the economist Henrik Enderlein, who advises the party leadership. But Jain also maintains contacts internationally. He has brought Lord Peter Mandelson to the Board of Trustees, a member of the House of Lords and a former EU trade commissioner." ~ ... 10993.html German - English translation

Jain’s appointments of Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Peter Mandelson were made just before July 13, the date Der Spiegel reported it.
A around a month later, in August 2013, Jeffrey Epstein was brought on as a client by a Deutschebank client manager named Paul Morris. Epstein remained a client until 2018. ~ ... ement-fine ... stein.html

“RELATIONSHIP MANAGER-1,” who brought Mr. Epstein into Deutsche Bank, is Paul Morris, who had previously helped manage the Epstein account at JPMorgan. Despite Mr. Epstein’s conviction in 2008 of soliciting prostitution from a minor and widespread press coverage of his involvement with underage girls, Mr. Morris in 2013 introduced Mr. Epstein to his Deutsche Bank bosses as “a potential client who could generate millions of dollars of revenue as well as leads for other lucrative clients to the bank,” according to the consent order. ~ ... stein.html

“According to the settlement, an unnamed executive emailed the manager(Morris) in charge of the relationship with Mr. Epstein in 2013, before any accounts were opened. The executive said that he had spoken to two other top bank officials and that neither had suggested that a relationship with Mr. Epstein required a risk review. ”
~ ... ement.html

In 2020 Deutschebank was fined $150 million after it settled a lawsuit charging it with 'overlooking' suspicious activity on Epstein's account. ~ ... stein.html

“Once the Epstein relationship was underway, Deutsche Bank executives ignored repeated red flags, including suspiciously large cash withdrawals and 120 wire transfers totaling $2.65 million to women with Eastern European surnames and people who had been publicly identified as Mr. Epstein’s co-conspirators, according to the consent order." ~ ... stein.html

This first case was settled in early July. Not long after on July 15th, Deutschebank investors filed a class action suit against the bank, citing the bank's executive facilitation of high risk clients, primarily Jeffrey Epstein, as culpable for a decline in stock price. ~ ... ellschaft/

The case was assigned to Judge Esther Salas, whose husband and son where shot four days later by an anti-feminist lawyer named Roy Hollander, who had rung the family's doorbell dressed in a FedEx uniform. Hollander was later found dead inside his car of an apparent suicide. Judge Salas’s son was killed in the incident. ~ ... salas.html

Donald Trump was also pursued as part of Anshu Jain US clientele expansion in 2013.

“His successor, Anshu Jain, was briefed on the Trump relationship early in his tenure. In February 2013, Mr. Jain accompanied Rosemary T. Vrablic — Mr. Trump’s personal banker at Deutsche Bank — to Trump Tower in Manhattan, according to two former executives. Over lunch, Mr. Jain remarked to Mr. Trump that he was surprised by his relatively low levels of debt. Ms. Vrablic told her colleagues that Mr. Jain had sounded upbeat about Mr. Trump’s finances. ” ~ ... trump.html

Trumps account was managed by Vrablic and her superior Thomas Bowers. Bowers signed off on numerous loans in the lead up to Trump's Presidency. ~ ... trump.html

In 2019 Bowers was found dead from an apparent suicide. ~ ... at-age-55/

Back in 2014 a Duetschebank executive named William S. Broeksmit had been working with the FBI as a whistleblower before being found dead from an apparent suicide. ~ ... price.html

The Council For Inclusive Capitalism
When Lynn Forester became Lady Rothschild she entered the world of old money: foundations, think tanks, policy institutes, and other NGOs. She’s a member of the standard network of Anglo-American establishment groups: Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, and Institute for Strategic Studies.
But her preoccupation since 2013 has been the incubation of a corporate governance institute formed in response to the 2008 financial crises. It is called the Council on Inclusive Capitalism(now in partnership with the Vatican), with a self described mission statement to replace shareholder control with stakeholder control. Its focus is policy that governs how corporations relate to society external to the market, often called Environmental, Social, and Governance policy, or ESG. This is important because as corporations gain perpetual power, their policies determining how they relate to people, not just as consumers but as citizens, becomes an evermore primary influential or coercive factor on the cultural zeitgeist.

What’s going on here is complex as the system of corporate governance is rather complex. This system is explained in depth here:

A collection of world's most powerful CEOs have committed their corporations to Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s Inclusive Capitalism council, placing their employee's under the governance of its corporate social responsibility guidelines.These guidelines are not set by politicians or shareholders of the corporation, but by advisory panels internally determined by Inclusive Captialism.
These policies are then actualised through custodian banks, who hold custody over trillions of dollars worth of corporate stock, purchased and coordinated into voting blocks by mutual funds directing the flow of the aggregated capital taken from retirement funds all round the world.

The custodian banks, in some cases the mutual funds themselves depending on the arrangement, vote the proxy of all this stock on behalf the holders, predominantly the middle class, thereby electing the board of directors who elect the CEO, who in turn commits their corporation to a governance institute such as Inclusive Capitalism to provide a governing framework for their employees.
Inclusive Capitalism is to the corporation what the Church was to Monarchy, a moral conscious providing a mandate for power, ostensibly on behalf of the people. The only difference is the absence of divinity, as ordination is performed unceremoniously by statisticians in dark rooms full of information, from which light shines out not in.

It is easy to see how critical fund managers are to the process of controlling corporations. Perhaps you could argue, if not now then very soon, that controlling fund managers is just as important as controlling politicians, if one were to actualise changes within society. Combine this secular mandate control in divine partnership with the Church, and one would have constructed an information authority of the broadest scope, with a mandate for change, should disaster necessitate it, or perhaps, some kind of reset. ... 598827.jpg
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by brwn »

I don’t think Lynn has been overlooked at
All. Check the voat archives. It’s all there.
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by KSurvives »

LEASE AGREEMENT dated August 27, 1996, between:

Long Beach Million Air Inc*
*CEO: Lynn Forester Rothschild's brother


Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation*
*Lynn Forester Rothschild's company with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger et al ... 10K-1998FY
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by KSurvives »

List of Signatory VWP Carriers*

*Airlines authorized to traffic/transport non-US citizens & non-Green Card holders to the United States from eligible countries, WITHOUT the normal requirement for non-US citizens & non-Green Card holders to apply for and obtain US Visas:

Million Air Charter Teterboro (Lynn Rothschild's brother)

Air Ghislaine, Inc (Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein) ... /87163.pdf
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by KSurvives »

Million Air, Inc.: Just what went down in Ecuador?

Consider, for instance, the court’s management of new evidence on appeal in Schwartz v. Million Air, Inc., a tort action involving an airplane crash in Ecuador.

Some of the plaintiffs were on the ground at the time of the crash and suffered serious injuries.

It was later discovered, however, that some of the many plaintiffs had falsified their medical records and that they had, in fact, not been injured in the crash. ... ontext=mlr
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by Heisenberg123 »

brwn wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 7:29 pm I don’t think Lynn has been overlooked at
All. Check the voat archives. It’s all there.
In Voat yes, but it's not mainstream knowledge tbh. This should become mainstream knowledge.
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by KSurvives »

Rothschilds... Child Sexual Abuse... T&M Protection Resources

Nat Rothschild owns T&M Protection Resources with Robert Tucker & Pegasus Capital Advisors.

T&M says:
We investigate the true nature of sexual misconduct claims, promoting justice for ALLEGED victims and THOSE ACCUSED while LIMITING LIABILITY for institutions.

T&M Protection Resources, headquartered in NY, has an Israel subsidiary.

T&M Israel is one of that country's largest security firms.

T&M Israel is owned by:

T&M Protection Resources USA (part owned by Nat Rothschild); and

Shimon Talmor (an IDF veteran who is also T&M Israel's CEO)

T&M's Lisa Friel resigned as chief of the Sex Crimes division in the Manhattan DA’s office at a pivotal moment in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case.

Friel says:
People had very different understandings of what sexual abuse was in the 1960s and 1970s and what a pedophile was.

T&Ms Meryl Lutsky is a Senior Investigative Consultant in the Investigations division following a legal career focused on sex crime, organized crime, and financial crime.

She was given a Top Secret security clearance while doing investigations with the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

T&M's Rachel Hochhauser, prior to joining T&M, was an Assistant DA to Cy Vance Jr.

She quit following criticism of the handling of the Harvey Weinstein case.

The partner at Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett responsible for the decision to employ Lynn Forester de Rothschild at that law firm was probably...

Cy Vance Jr's father: Cy Vance Sr

To summarize T&M Protection Resources:

- Nat Rothschild is the part owner

- It is staffed by the former Assistant DA to the individual - Cy Vance Jr - whose father was probably responsible for hiring Lynn Forester de Rothschild at the law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett

- its mission is Investigating & 'minimizing' child abuse

- It is linked to the Israel Defense Forces

- It is linked to 'apologists' for pedophilia

- It has links to 'anti' Terrorism operations ... 28867?s=20
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by brwn »

no, no link, but I read Lynn has been arrested. who do you suppose takes their place?
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by KSurvives »


Has Lady Rothschild — "financial enabler of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein" — been supporting aviation companies (her own and her brother's) involved with or linked to #SEPTEMBER11 AND Maxwell and Epstein's Mossad global #SEXTRAFFICKING operation?

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Last edited by KSurvives on Mon May 31, 2021 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lynn Forester de Rothschild - Overlooked and important figure in US elite's world, with connections to important fig

Post by Heisenberg123 »

This highlight of the hotstar article I will show you is extremely interesting:

Huge article on this. And look at this part. Ghislaine's Terramar was registered at home in New York sold to Epstein associates by none other than Lynn Forester de Rothschild - associate of Clintons, David Brock and James Alefantis >
116 East 65th Street
Lynn Forester de Forester’s FirstMark holding company was registered at 116 East 65th Street.

The property was purchased by her in 1997 for $4.4 million. She then sold the property in 2000 to a shell company called '116 EAST 65TH STREET, LLC' for $4.95 Million, $8.5 million below its estimated market value ~ 29.
This shell company she sold it to was incorporated by Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer Darren Indyke, and was registered at 457 Madison Avenue - Forth Floor, which was where Epstein’s business offices were located ~ 30.
Ghislaine Maxwell moved into the property not long after it was solf and lived there until 2015, when it sold for $15 million. Maxwell’s Ocean foundation Terramar was registered at this address.
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