Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Royal shock: Sarah Ferguson makes surprising announcement during lockdown ... ews-fergie
..The aim of her charitable foundation, called Sarah's Trust, is described online as a “vital bridge” between “individuals with social responsibility and the financial ability” to provide humanitarian aid for charities. ...Her Sarah Ferguson Foundation closed in 2012, but she also set up the Children In Crisis charity in 1993 which remains active...

The Duchess and her daughter Princess Eugenie have been helping healthcare workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
This is the logo of Sarah's Trust
The logo of Supreme Master TV (SMTV)
They look similar, I think.

Coincidentally, Eugenie's ex-boyfriend Otto Brockway (who is a nephew of Richard Branson) is connected to the Supreme Master Ching Hai as explained in SUPREME MASTER TELEVISION LTD and the Carillion Network viewtopic.php?f=50&p=10299#p10299

Sarah's Trust website: .. Under "charities we love" is KEY TO FREEDOM.. click on that link takes you to married with baggage?
How sloppy of Sarah's webmaster not to have picked up that the web link an online gambling site.. at the very least .. *cough*..

So, what happened to KEY TO FREEDOM? I found some info on the Virgin Money Giving website : ... ytofreedom
The Duke of York founded Key to Freedom in 2012 following his Diamond Jubilee visit to Women's Interlink Foundation (WIF) in India. WIF helps trafficked young women from West Bengal develop skills to become economically active. Key to Freedom gives WIF products a route to market thereby providing income generating opportunities for the young women. All profit from the project is paid to WIF.
A 2019 article from The Times : Prince Andrew’s aid for abuse victims dries up ... -b6zpts82q
A project set up by the Duke of York to help sex trafficking victims has made no direct donations for two years.

Key to Freedom is listed on Prince Andrew’s website as a personal initiative to help trafficked women by selling handmade scarves and clothing. The project’s website names Topshop and the Royal Collection gift shops but both said they no longer stocked Key to Freedom products.

One campaigner who held meetings with the duke’s team about the campaign said that it felt like “reputation laundering”. He added: “A lot of people get involved with these campaigns because there’s a nice social event and they get to visit a palace.”
More about that here:

Has Prince Andrew been rescuing young girls from sex trafficking all along? No. ... l-along-no
...Another charity initiative set up by the prince to help young women trafficked for sex in India has been embroiled in allegations of mistreatment. Andrew started “Key to Freedom” in May 2012, soon after he was pictured walking with Epstein in Central Park, New York, following the paedophile billionaire’s release from prison.

He claimed his new charity would financially empower vulnerable young women in India by selling their handmade fashion items in Britain through retailers including Topshop and the Buckingham Palace website. However, the initiative soon fell into financial decline and is now largely inactive, despite being highlighted by the prince and his family as a success story throughout the scandal of his association with Epstein.

In fact exactly when the prince’s team was setting up the Key to Freedom project, its partner charity in India, the Women’s Interlink Foundation (WIF), which manages care homes for vulnerable children and young women, was being investigated by the Indian authorities. Ten girls aged between 12 and 15 had run away from one of the WIF’s two homes for trafficked and orphaned girls alleging that they were beaten by staff and generally mistreated.

WIF admits it did not tell the prince about the investigation, which it says cleared the care home. But it refused to publish the official police report or its own internal report.

Clearly Prince Andrew and his team failed to conduct due diligence on his partner charity – as indeed they did with Key to Freedom that also faces criticism that it gave false hope of financial security to the women making the hand-printed silk scarves, which were sold online at the Royal Collection shop.

The duke’s website also claims the initiative has “changed the fate of more than 100 vulnerable young women” and is still active. But WIF confirms no scarves have been available to buy through retailers for more than 18 months and only tiny orders for tote bags were placed.

These tote bags were given as gifts to guests at Andrew’s daughter Princess Eugenie’s wedding last year. The young women who made them in India got just £1.50 per bag. One guest at the wedding was Sarajit Mitra, head of the Indian charity — I hope he was served the right kind of chapati. Mitra, WIF’s chief operating officer and son of the founder, has said that orders from Topshop declined after 2013 and stopped abruptly in June 2018 without any explanation from the prince or his team, which he described as “rude.”

Despite this, in late August a royal source close to the prince said he was particularly dismayed that his efforts to help victims of sex trafficking were being overlooked while his connections with Epstein once again hit headlines....

The British High Commission in India was responsible for introducing the duke to WIF. One key member of the Prince’s team Amanda Thirsk, his private secretary, was at the centre of the Key to Freedom project.

Thirsk was the one who advised the prince to take part in his disastrous BBC Newsnight interview. She no longer works him.
Andy’s ex-wife Ferguson came up with the Key to Freedom name and Andrew’s charitable trust donated £10,000 seed capital. The initiative launched formally in 2013, with an order from Sir Philip Green’s Topshop.

Just like his refusal to talk about his relationship with Epstein, Andy is also saying nothing about these Indian charities and nor is Topshop, which was involved with the Key to Freedom project at the same time that top boss Green was himself facing allegations of sexual and racial harassment of staff.

Andy and Fergie’s latest scam is to get you and I — the taxpayer — to pay for his other daughter Beatrice’s upcoming wedding just as we did for his daughter Eugenie’s three-and-a-half million pound bash.

Most amazing is that Andrew, disgraced cheat and scam artist, remains the eighth inline to the throne. Do we need any better argument to get rid of the whole steaming shitheap that calls itself the monarchy?
Yet, Sarah set up Sarah's Trust in 2020 with a link to a defunct 'charity' funded by Andrew??

One of the interesting thing about this whole fiasco is that a few months ago I found a link between that WIF Indian charity and a fire that took place in Newhaven which I posted about. That fire took place in August 2020: Another fire at a warehouse at Newhaven Port in the UK and the building is linked to a baby charity "The Happy Baby Community" Unfortunately I don't have my notes to hand to explain the link.. However..

We know that in October 2020, the Supreme Master TV changed their address to Newhaven Enterprise Centre .. that's less than a mile away from the warehouse where the fire took place :

The Newhaven Enterprise Centre is an address that other companies associated with the Supreme Master Ching Hai association use.. and well before 2020. See: The World Preservation Foundation is a front for Ricky Dearman's Supreme Master Ching Hai cult with links to the Climate Institute, UN, Clintons. Is everything a scam?

Newhaven is one of the smaller ferry ports in the UK :,_East_Sussex

The enterprise centre is located on Denton Island

Port of Newhaven

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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

That link from Sarah's Trust which redirects to Tuandomino is an Indonesian online casino. Gambling is illegal in Indonesia.

It reminded me of a 2013 tweet from Pizza Express Indonesia : ... 9382611968
Welcome in Jakarta Prince Andrew TheDukeOfYork
Nice to see you nearby our store this afternoon :)
The UK government website describes his official visit to Indonesia ... -indonesia
His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, visited Indonesia on 18-20 September 2013. The visit focused on deepening UK bilateral relations including in trade and investment, science and innovation as well as education.

During his visit, Prince Andrew met Vice President Prof Dr Boediono, Co-ordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa, Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan, Sultan of Yogyakarta Hamengkubuwono X, and Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo.
Then there was the unofficial visit: Prince Andrew faces fresh questions over three-week jaunt to the Far East that was backed by defence firms (and funded by the taxpayer) ... payer.html
October 2013:

Prince Andrew’s continued royal globe-trotting is expected to come under fresh scrutiny as he returns from a three-week, 21,258-mile ‘official’ trip. The Queen’s son, who was forced to give up his formal role as a UK trade ambassador after a string of scandals, has visited Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan and New York.

The trip came just weeks after a separate trip to Qatar, another of his favourite destinations. The first leg of his tour of the Far East was funded in full by taxpayers, Buckingham Palace admitted last night. A one-way-business class ticket would cost at least £5,000.

In both Tokyo and New York his expenses – including travel and accommodation – were in part subsidised by a private defence think tank which has appointed him to its board of ‘International Advisors’, the Mail has learnt. Founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington, the Royal United Services Institute is a respected independent, not-for-profit research body offering expert opinion on defence, security and terrorism...

Andrew flew out of the UK – accompanied by a team of round-the-clock, publicly-funded police bodyguards – on September 16 to Jakarta, where he stayed for three days. The visit was, apparently, designed to promote ‘UK bilateral relations including in trade and investment, science and innovation as well as education’. He attended a dinner at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, opened the new British Embassy and attended a launch of a Government-backed tourism initiative.

Details of the trip were not released until after his arrival, however, as Andrew is the only member of the royal family who refuses to publicise his foreign travel in advance.

Palace officials confirmed last night that this leg of his journey was approved by the Royal Visits Committee at the request of the Foreign Office, which means that all his travel costs, hotels and expenses are met by taxpayers out of the Queen’s Sovereign Grant.

...His last official engagement was on the evening of September 19, after which Andrew disappeared for a three-day weekend. Buckingham Palace said only that he spent the time ‘privately’. He then reappeared in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi on September 23 for a two-day stay.

Most notable in a series of engagements, was a high-level RUSI conference discussing UK-Vietnam defence co-operation and strategic issues in South-east Asia. Palace officials say the prince covered the cost of this part of his trip personally. His final engagement was on September 24 – after which the prince apparently took himself off on holiday again for five days. Again, palace officials have declined to discuss his movements.

Andrew then turned up in Tokyo on Monday this week for another public, yet privately-funded, series of engagements. The main thrust of the prince’s visit was to attend a RUSI conference on British-Japanese security co-operation, where he shared the stage with Sir John Scarlett, former Director of the Security Intelligence Service (MI6), and Japanese premier, Shinzo Abe...According to well-placed sources, the prince also took the opportunity to spend some time privately with the Japanese royal family.

After initially refusing to discuss who was paying for the prince to be there, Buckingham Palace eventually admitted – after being challenged by the Mail – that RUSI had ‘made a proportionate contribution towards his costs’. The think-tank also funded him to fly on to New York on Wednesday this week, ostensibly to take part in further high-level discussions on its behalf.

His arrival in Manhattan coincided with that of his youngest daughter, Princess Eugenie, who moved to the city to work for a year for an online auction company. Andrew took Eugenie, 23, out for dinner on Wednesday night at ABC Kitchen. Buckingham Palace have refused to say when the prince is returning to the UK.
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and security think tank. Its mission is to inform, influence and enhance public debate on a safer and more stable world. ..

Our Patron Her Majesty The Queen

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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Eugenie moved to New York to work for Paddle8 ... s-paddle8/

Our posts on Paddle8: ... um=on&b=on

In March 2020 Paddle8 filed for bankruptcy :

Paddle8 Is Filing for Bankruptcy—and It Owes Tens of Thousands of Dollars to Justin Bieber, Jay Z’s Foundation, and Others ... cy-1806951
The online auction house Paddle8 has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York just one week after the New American Cinema Group, a nonprofit founded by the late filmmaker Jonas Mekas, filed a lawsuit against the company for allegedly misappropriating funds from a charity auction...

On March 10, Artnet News reported that the nonprofit (which is independent from the Anthology Film Archives, another organization founded by Mekas) had filed a lawsuit against Paddle8, alleging that the auction house was withholding funds from a benefit sale it hosted back in November.

..“We are deeply concerned by Paddle8’s bankruptcy filing, particularly given that the director of Paddle8’s board, Peter Rich, specifically acknowledged Paddle8’s payment obligations to the nonprofit charity in writing less than a week ago, and assured us that Paddle8 had ‘made arrangements to settle your client’s monies due immediately,” Paul Cossu, an attorney for the New American Cinema Group, tells Artnet News.

“It now appears that this was nothing but a bad-faith stalling tactic to buy Paddle8 time to wire money that should be going to charities to its lawyers.”...

Among the creditors listed in Paddle8’s bankruptcy petition are pop star Justin Bieber and his wife Haley, who recently curated the recent “The Biebers x LIFT LA x Inner City Arts” auction. Paddle8 says it owes just over $73,000 to the couple.

Jay Z’s Shawn Carter Foundation is also listed as a creditor, and is owed just over $65,000, presumably for a charity auction held last November.

The Rema Hort Mann Foundation, the nonprofit founded by top New York City-based collectors Susan and Michael Hort in 1995 to honor their late daughter, also appears to be owed just over $100,000. The Hort Foundation did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A twitter thread on Princess Eugenie's 'anti-slavery work'... *cough* ... 8966358020
Princess Eugenie and Julia de Boineville hace been close friends ever since being at school together at Marlborough, and then they were at uni together in Newcastle.
.. On a 2012 trip to Kolkata, India, they both visited Women's Interlink Foundation, which works with women who were trafficked or enslaved, and gives them a home & skills, making artisanal clothes & jewellery.
This is a later pic, with Eugenie & Sarah seeing their products...

..Eugenie & Julia said this visit had a huge impact on them, making them aware of the horrors of modern slavery.

The Yorks founded Key to Freedom to market these products, and Eugenie has always hugely admired WIF founder Alokra Mitra. She later introduced her to the Queen...

..For 5 years, Eugenie & Julia researched the issue, speaking to policy makers, law enforcement agencies & academics, NGOs, social workers and survivors.

In 2017, they launched The Anti-Slavery Collective, raising awareness and encouraging collaboration on anti-slavery.
..In 2018, Eugenie and sister Beatrice spoke at a Conference against Modern Slavery at the UN. On another occasion, Eugenie spoke at the UN with Julia, and they have also been involved with the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women...

..In Feb 2019, Eugenie visited 'Stop the Traffik' organization which is a leading global movement that works for prevention of human trafficking...In March 2019, Eugenie visited the Rights Lab at Nottingham University, where she learned about their cutting-edge research programmes and of the impact of their work on combatting modern slavery.
Seriously, how dumb do people have to be ?
Julia de Boinville

Julia has been working in this field since her visit to Women’s Interlink Foundation in 2012. Once exposed to the shocking and hard truths of human trafficking, she made it her mission to investigate further.

Julia has since worked with organisations such as the McCain Institute, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, and the US State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. ...
"WE ALL KNEW" - Cindy McCain of the McCain Institute !
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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Julia de Boinville spent most of her career as an Associate at Floreat Group, a boutique investment company based in London, in their Merchant Banking division
Since James Wilcox and entrepreneur Hussam Otaibi restructured the Swiss-based Floreat in 2011 to form an investment boutique on Grosvenor Street, the firm has forged a reputation as ‘the go-to house for substantial families’. ‘We are different,’ Wilcox tells Spear’s.
St. Paul's Trust
Campaign lead ambassadors:

James Wilcox – Ambassador for the First 400
James joined Floreat in 2011 to lead the private client business which oversees the private client services and wealth management for its clients.... James is a member of the Development Council for the Woolf Institute at Cambridge University and a trustee of Children and the Arts. He was formerly a trustee of St Paul’s Cathedral and chairman of the development board.

Sahar Faber – Ambassador for the First 400
Sahar is a UK entrepreneur best known as the co-founder of the coffee chain Coffee Republic and confectionery brand Skinny Candy. She was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to the UK economy and to charity. She is a supporter of The Prince’s Trust, sits on the NSPCC Corporate Development Board and is a Patron of Child Bereavement

Dianne Alfandre Bruce – Chair, American Friends of St Paul’s
Dianne divides her time between home in Washington DC and her London home ..

The Campaign Project Team:

Brigadier James Ellery – Chairman of the Appeal
A former British Army Officer, Brigadier Ellery has extensive experience in International Affairs. He was appointed CBE for his leadership of the new United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before joining the Board of Aegis, he served as a senior adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and latterly he established and ran the 700-strong security framework operation in support of the US Government in Iraq..

John Sunderland – Chairman of the St Paul’s Knightsbridge Foundation
John Sunderland spent 21 years in investment and wholesale banking, including ANZ Investment Bank where he was chief executive, in charge of integrating its global investment banking activities. Prior to that, he undertook a number of senior executive roles at Barclays Bank including Chief Executive Officer of the Merchant Banking Division in Asia and Co-Head of Investment Banking activities in the USA...

Joel Cadbury – Chairman of The Foundation Carol Service Committee and The First 400 Programme
Joel is an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist who is the Chairman of Longshot. Along with his business partner Ollie, they have created everything from London’s first 24-hour restaurant, Vingt-Quatre to the Third Space Health Club and most recently Beaverbrook.
ABOUT THE TRUST ... the-trust/
What? You mean like this? ...
phpBB [video]
Rothschild connected of course. See: Grenfell fraudster story - something is not right with it.
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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Joel Cadbury of the Cadbury family:

Get a job, son: Cadbury heir’s theme park lets young children work, spend and play ... 2mmqctcd0p

As a scion of the chocolate family, Joel Cadbury should know a thing or two about children’s tastes. His expertise will be put to the test next year, though, when he opens Britain’s first KidZania theme park — complete with a real Airbus aircraft...
KidZania is a privately held international chain of indoor family entertainment centers currently operating in 30[1] locations worldwide, allowing children to role play adult jobs and earn currency.[2][3] It receives around 9 million visitors per year..

Every KidZania is themed as a child-sized replica of a real city, including buildings, shops and theaters, as well as vehicles and pedestrians moving along its streets. In this city, children aged 4 through 14, work in branded activities from bottling Coca-Cola, working in a Crest-sponsored dentist office, working at a McDonald's restaurant, painting with Corporação Industrial do Norte, washing hands with P&G's Safeguard soap, and using airline tickets from American Airlines, Fly Dubai and Saudia..

.. Inside every KidZania facility around the world, children wear electronic bracelets that allow parents to keep track of their kids remotely...

Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan owns a 26% share in KidZania India and helps promote the brand in India...KidZania was created and developed by the Mexican entrepreneur Xavier López Ancona, the current KidZania CEO.[6][7] The first KidZania opened in September 1999 in Santa Fe Shopping Mall in Mexico City, and was named La Ciudad de los Niños ("The City of the Children")...

KidZania at Westfield London, cost £20 million to build.[8] In partnership with British Airways, it is operated by Joel Cadbury and Ollie Vigors through their Longshot Ltd company.

A London nursery, the SoHo crowd and the Knights of Malta viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2803
The ‘Soho House for parents’ run by friends of William and Kate...Rose van Cutsem (née Astor) and Maggie Bolger ... Maggie and Rose is the nursery that the 2 friends created.. Wayfair UK, such an interesting place, with connections to Bain & Co, McKinsey, Crescent Petroleum, UAE and Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rahul Raswant, Finance Director, Wayfair UK

Rahul & Priyanka Raswant are the husband and wife team behind Highbrow, a streaming service for the delivery of ‘healthy children’s content’ (content which enriches, educates as well as entertains’). A subscription video on demand service, Highbrow charges £5.99 per month in comparison to existing platforms such as YouTube Kids, and Disney, which charge £4.99 per month. In a short span of time, Highbrow has secured investment, partnerships and distribution deals with the likes of Telefonica, Reliance, KidZania and Maggie & Rose.
Highbrow also works with Gems Education
See: Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead
Husband of Rose, Hugh, was mentioned in this post: Emma Freud jokes that she'd French kiss her son. Meet the Freud family. From pedophile Clement Freud to connections with the Chipping Norton set.
The appointment of Hugh van Cutsem as godfather to Prince George is further proof that in high society you are never more than 10 feet from an Astor..
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Re: Prince Andrew's ex-wife and her new 'charity' Sarah's Trust

Post by MercurysBall2 »

JULIA DE BOINVILLE; LIZZY MACGREGOR, Julia Peyton-Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Coach host the Serpentine Future Contemporaries Party. Serpentine Sackler Gallery. Kensington Gdns. London. 21 February 2015 ... YAoTNeNEcU

Coach New York
Coach IP Holdings LLC[5] (also known as Coach New York and simply Coach) is an American luxury design house specializing in handbags, luggage, accessories, and ready-to-wear.

It is the main subsidiary of Tapestry, Inc. (formerly Coach, Inc.).
Tapestry, Inc.,_Inc.
Tapestry, Inc. is an American multinational luxury fashion holding company. It is based in New York City and is the parent company of three major brands: Coach New York, Kate Spade New York and Stuart Weitzman...

Victor Luis began working with the company as the CEO of the Japanese subsidiary. He then worked in China. He rose to serve as Tapestry's International CEO, and then CEO of Tapestry, Inc. ... e25485136/
Coach CEO Victor Luis and Diane von Furstenberg. ... /image.jpg
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