Charlotte Lozier Institute coronavirus vaccines have been made using cells obtained from aborted babies.

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Charlotte Lozier Institute coronavirus vaccines have been made using cells obtained from aborted babies.

Post by brwn »

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medical research data -- NOTE: Most medical researchers, CDC, and even WHO give weight
to or rely on the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) research reports/charts. ...

LIFE NEWS -- Here’s Which Coronavirus Vaccines are Developed Using Cells From Aborted Babies - Bioethics
, By Mary Margaret Olohan, Dec 3, 2020, 6:59PM, Washington, DC

The pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute has released information on which coronavirus vaccines have been
made using cells obtained from aborted babies.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) released a new chart Thursday examining whether eight leading COVID
vaccines were either produced or tested using cells obtained through abortions. The institute’s analysis found
that most of the vaccine candidates did not use cell lines derived from abortions in their production, though
several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing.
The potential that the much anticipated vaccines would use cells from aborted babies poses weighty moral problems for many Americans who object to abortion.

LIFE NEWS ARTICLE: ... avirus.../...
CHARLOTTE LOZIER INSTITUTE (CLI) released a new chart Thursday examining whether eight leading COVID vaccines were either produced or tested using cells obtained through abortions.
NOTE: The cited Charlotte Lozier Institute chart/report has been removed⁉ --

WND NEWS SERVICE -- Institute lists COVID vaccines that rely on aborted baby cells -- Religious leaders say they would refuse treatment 'if we use body parts', By Mary Margaret Olohan, Daily Caller News Foundation, Published December 3, 2020
◾ The pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute has released information on which coronavirus vaccines are made using
cells obtained from aborted babies.
◾ The institute’s analysis found that most of the vaccine candidates did not use cell lines derived from abortions
in their production, though several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing.

◾ CLI Vice President Dr. David Prentice explained that when abortion-derived cell lines are used in the production
a vaccine, that means the cells are “directly involved in making the final product,” while laboratory testing using abortion-derived cell lines is “anther step removed.”
>> The potential that the much anticipated vaccines would use cells from aborted babies poses weighty moral problems for many Americans who object to abortion.
>> “Unfortunately, some vaccine developers have unnecessarily put American families in a difficult position by choosing to use controversial human fetal cell lines in production or testing, or by a lack of transparency,”
CLI said in a statement. “Many developers already opt to use animal cell lines, non-fetal human cells, yeast, or chicken eggs instead.”
>> “We urge all developers to avail themselves of these options going forward,” the institute’s statement continued. “Doing so will reduce vaccine hesitancy for those who oppose the use of fetal cell lines, thereby increasing the
public health impact of the vaccine.”
CLI evaluated vaccines produced by Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Sanofi/GSK, Inovio, and Merck.
Both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson use abortion-derived cell lines in development, production, and lab testing, the analysis found.
Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, and Inovio use abortion-derived cells in some tests but do not use abortion-derived cells in other tests, the analysis found. These four do not use abortion-derived cell lines in development or production of the vaccine, the analysis found.
The analysis could not determine whether Sanofi/GSK and Merck used the abortion-derived cell lines in lab testing, but noted that Sanofi/GSK and Merck do not use abortion-derived cell lines in development or production of the vaccine.
“CLI will continue to provide the public with access to timely and accurate information so that individuals and families can weigh all factors – including secular science and religious traditions – and make vaccine decisions
in line with their conscience.”
>> CLI Vice Pres Dr. David Prentice explained to the Daily Caller News Foundation that when abortion-derived cell lines are used in the production of a vaccine, that means the cells are “directly involved in making the final product, the vaccine that is injected in our arms.”
"It is an essential element for the final vaccine,” Prentice said of abortion-derived cell lines used in the production of a vaccine. “Although the connection is distant both in time and space, since the abortion occurred decades ago and the cells have been grown in the lab ever since, that connection to abortion remains and is of concern to many Americans. ”
Laboratory testing using abortion-derived cell lines is potentially less morally problematic, since it is “anther step removed” Prentice said.
“When an abortion-derived cell line is used in laboratory testing, that is not done within the production line,”
he explained. “It’s a confirmatory test done on the final vaccine, to validate what the scientists believe they’ve produced.” “So this is another step removed, and there was nothing touching the abortion-derived cell line that ended up in the final vaccine product, or in our arms,” he continued. “For some, it doesn’t completely remove the concern. It is important to note that there are testing methods that can be done with cells not derived from abortion.”

Human Embryos as Lab Rats - June 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 2021 | Contact: Jamie Bowers,, 571-319-2703
CLI Experts Sound Alarm Over Unethical Use of Human Embryos for Lab Experiments
Washington, D.C. – A recent decision by the International Society for Stem Cell Research to lift their “14-day rule” paves the way for human embryos to be used as lab rats, according to ethical scientists at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
>>>> The longstanding rule previously limited experimentation on human embryos to the first two weeks after creation. The new “guidelines” are being discussed and publicized at ISSCR’s annual conference this week.
>>>> “At a time when Americans are increasingly urged to ‘follow the science,’ the ISSCR tarnishes the image of science by showcasing deeply unethical scientific practices,” said Dr. David Prentice, vice president and research director at CLI. “The ISSCR is a self-appointed group of scientists with no oversight making up the rules to justify their horrific experiments. The removal of the 14-day limit shows their real goal: unlimited human experimentation, making human embryos into disposable laboratory supplies. The removal of any limits on laboratory growth of
human beings also paves a deadly path for further use of human embryos as lab rats. There should be a zero-day rule. Human embryos should never be used for lab experiments.”

>>>> CLI’s Senior Fellow and Director of Life Sciences, Dr. Tara Sander Lee, added:
>>>>>> “While ISSCR claims to make ethical considerations, their actions tell a different story. They condone
the practice of creating, growing, manipulating, and then destroying human beings for research – with no limits!
The only way to justify their actions is to tell us that these are not ‘real’ human embryos. And that’s exactly what they’ve done.”
>>>> As stated in a recent ISSCR ethics webinar, “If integrated embryo models are not ‘real’ human embryos, t
hen we may not be justified in requiring that researchers use the ‘fewest number of embryo (models) to answer
the research question,’ since this criterion for human embryo research appears to be grounded in a desire to take the moral value of embryos seriously.”
>>>> “They are using smoke and mirrors to justify these horrific deeds of experimenting on nascent human life,” Sander Lee continued. “History has shown over and over the terrible consequences when society attempts to decide which humans are ‘valued’ and which are ‘disposable.’”

CLI is a hub for research and public policy analysis on some of the most pressing issues facing the US and nations around the world. The Institute is named for a feminist physician known for her commitment to the sanctity of human life and equal career and educational opportunities for women.

LOZIER INSTITUTE -- On Point, Issue 62 | June 2021
ISSCR’s Reversal of the 14-Day Rule, By Edie Heipel
- ... int-62.pdf
Lozier Institute - History of the 14-Day Rule and What does the reversal do? -- Added in the comment section below.
>>> Previous Reports:
◾ Michael J. New, Ph.D., Hyde @ 40: Analyzing the Impact of the Hyde Amendment with July 2020 Addendum, On Point Series 61
◾ Susan E. Wills, J.D., LL.M., Ten Legal Reasons to Reject Roe, On Point Series 60
◾ Arina O. Grossu, M.A., M.S., Overview of U.S. Pro-Life Bills and Provisions Advanced and Laws Enacted from January to May 2021: Pro-Life Banner Year as States Continue to Reject the Radical Abortion Agenda, On Point Series 59
◾ Mary E Harned, J.D., Abortion Cases in the Higher Federal Courts: Clarification Needed After June Medical, On Point Series 58
◾ David C. Reardon, Only a Minority of Abortions Are for Unwanted Pregnancies, New Study, On Point Series 57
◾ Mary E. Harned, The Hyde Amendment is Constitutional and Remains Critically Important, On Point Series 56
◾ Richard M. Doerflinger, M.A., Assisted Suicide’s Slippery Slope in Action: Washington State May Drop “Safeguards” Against Abuse, On Point Series 55
◾ Richard Doerflinger, M.A., The “Equality Act”: Threatening Life and Equality, On Point Series 54
◾ Mary E. Harned, J.D., Abortion in the Higher Federal Courts, On Point Series 53
◾ Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., Fact of Life: American Cars (and Their Drivers) Still Exhibit Decidedly More Pro-life than Pro-choice Views, On Point Series 52
◾ Hannah Howard, M.S., Medical and Social Risks Associated with Unmitigated Distribution of Mifepristone: A Primer, On Point Series 51
◾ Mary E. Harned, J.D., FDA’s Race to Defend Women from Dangerous Drugs, On Point Series 50
◾ Ingrid Skop, M.D., The “No-Test Medication Abortion” Protocol: Experimenting with Women’s Health, On Point Series 49
◾ Katey Price, J.D., Six States and Their Radical Approaches to Abortion Law, On Point Series 48
◾ Thomas M. Messner, J.D., Will Ohio Down Syndrome Law Split the Circuit Courts, Provoke Supreme Court Review? On Point Series 47
The full text of this publication can be found at: ... the-14.../

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