The WHO and InterContinental

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The WHO and InterContinental

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So, I happened to be looking into the whole topic of bio-batteries and human energy resourcing when I came across this article from yesterday's Guardian:

‘Humbled and heartbroken’: WHO finds its Ebola staff abused women and girls ... -and-girls
The World Health Organization has described itself as “heartbroken” after an independent inquiry it commissioned said scores of women and girls were sexually abused by aid workers during the devastating 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The findings were described as “harrowing reading” by the WHO’s director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, while its regional director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti, said she was “humbled, horrified and heartbroken”.

The commission, which examined about 80 cases of women and girls aged 13 to 43, identified 21 employees working for the UN global health body among perpetrators of serious abuses, including a number of rape allegations. According to the report, the abuse led to 29 pregnancies, with some of the perpetrators insisting the women have abortions. The report added that the WHO perpetrators included local and international staff...
I didn't bother to read much further because we've seen so many of these stories over the years. However, I thought I'd have a quick look at Matshidiso Moeti.

To Cameroon UN Guterres Corruption Spreads to World Bank Dam Loan and WHO Praise of Biya ... 22719.html
UNITED NATIONS GATE, February 27 –After Paul Biya who has ruled Cameroon for 36 years on January 28 had his opponent Maurice Kamto arrested, Inner City Press again asked UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and his spokesmen for their comment and action, if any... Guterres' UN system and affiliates, in a system that like a fish rots from the head, lavish praise and money on Paul Biya as he burns villages and takes untold money to his hotel in Geneva. It has gone beyond the money the Secretariat is raising for Biya - now the World Bank is shoveling in money for a dubious dam project: "The Cameroonian President authorized last February 22 the economy minister, Alamine Ousmane Mey, to sign a loan agreement with World Bank’s subsidiary, the International Development Association (IDA), for an amount of €24.5 million, or XAF16.3 billion." How much will go for Biya's hotel bills in Geneva, paid in cash? The UN World Health Program's Matshidiso Moeti praised Biya on, if it can be believed, health while Biya is in fact killing people. Shes aid she "was touched when the Minister of State 'told me that when we train health personnel we need to tell them not only to be efficient and knowledgeable but also to treat members of the public with kindness and compassion.'" Paul Biya and compassion? That's like Antonio Guterres false claim to care about and comply with freedom of the press. Doctor, heal thyself.
Paul Biya
Paul Biya (born Paul Barthélemy Biya'a bi Mvondo; 13 February 1933) is a Cameroonian politician serving as the president of Cameroon since 6 November 1982.[1][2] He is the second-longest-ruling president in Africa, the longest-ruling non-royal leader in the world, and the oldest head-of-state in Africa...His regime is supported by France, which supplies it with weapons and trains its forces. France is the leading foreign investor, ahead of the United States.

"Tyrants, the World's 20 Worst Living Dictators", by David Wallechinsky, ranked Biya with three others commonly in sub-Saharan Africa: Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, and King Mswati of Swaziland. ..

Biya regularly spends extended periods of time in Switzerland at the Hotel InterContinental Geneva where the former director Herbert Schott reportedly said he comes to work without being disturbed.[28] These extended stays away from Cameroon – while sometimes as short as two weeks – are sometimes as long as three months and are almost always referred to as "short stays" in the state-owned press and other media
Lots of articles of Herbert Schott with presidents and other famous people at the Swiss tabloid The Blick. But I can't see because of the paywall.

Ex-Intercontinental boss Herbert Schott lent Reagan his bed ... n-his-bed/

Herbert Schott (79) had it all. The former Intercontinental director met around 300 heads of state in Geneva – from Fidel Castro (1926–2016) to Ronald Reagan (1911–2004). “Those were the times back then!” Says the former host of the mighty in cheerful Rhenish singsong on the phone. For 35 years he worked in the “United Nations dormitory”, where the American delegation will be staying at the Biden-Putin summit next week.


The meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev in the Intercontinental brought about the turning point in the Cold War. Did you suspect that?
That this meeting shows that the Soviet Union will fall apart or that Germany will regain its East? Not at all. In advance, we were mainly busy explaining to our regular customers why they cannot come to us during this time. We asked them very politely, they felt important. We also gave them a champagne as a present.

Seriously – Reagan stole your bed?
That’s what the American ambassador told me! I went back to the villa myself and checked to see if it wasn’t lying around somewhere. The bed was gone.
Violent scenes outside Geneva hotel of Cameroon president ... t/45065670

“Swiss police have used force to disperse around 250 people who were demonstrating against the presence of Cameroonian President Paul Biya at the InterContinental Geneva hotel. ...This dictator has taken his habits to the InterContinental hotel where he’s squandering billions of our francs while the country is economically sick. We cannot accept it.”
InterContinental Geneva
InterContinental Geneva is a luxury hotel operated by InterContinental in Geneva, Switzerland. The Geneva InterContinental Hotel is particularly specialized in welcoming international criminals and dictators such as Mr Paul Biya from Cameroon who is ruling the power over 40 years.

Established in 1964, unlike most high-end hotels in Geneva, the InterContinental isn't located on Lake Geneva but is situated about 1 mile (1.6 km)[1] to the west, near the United Nations headquarters. The hotel has 333 guest rooms, 56 suites, 16 meeting rooms, and 2 restaurants, it is also known to be the favorite place of the worst African dictators.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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