The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

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The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by TFS »

Since the NWO puppet Nicki Minaj has just been launched by the (((media))) as a frontfigure and face of a controlled opposition that pretends to be vaccine sceptics, I thought I'd bring up this old article casting light on the corrupt morality and mind of this degenerate woman. ... no-frauds/

Some excerpts from the article:

Packed with imagery associated with secret societies and the occult elite, Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds” video is a tribute to the secret rulers of the world. There is also a troubling coincidence relating to this video: It was filmed on Westminster Bridge only days before the terrorist attack.

Nicki Minaj’s song No Frauds is primarily a diss track aimed at Remy Ma who released, a month prior, SeTHER, a diss song unrelentingly insulting Minaj for seven minutes.

At one point, Remy Ma even takes the gloves off and mentions Nicki Minaj’s brother who is a convicted child molester.

“And I got a few words for the moms of the young Barbz
Guess who supports a child molester? Nicki Minaj
You paid for your brother’s wedding? That’s hella foul
How you spendin’ money to support a p***phile?
He a walkin’ dead man, sendin’ threats to him
I guess that’s why they call you Barbie, you was next to Ken
Talkin’ about your money long and your foreign sick
Why you ain’t help your bro hide his c** from forensics?”

If you aren’t aware of Nicki Minaj’s weird family history, here’s a quick sum-up.

“Jelani Maraj, Nicki’s brother, was arrested in December 2015 for child r*Pe charges. Forensics found his semen on the 12-year-old r*pe victim’s clothes. He was released on $100,000 bail and rejected a plea deal of 15 years to life. He will face life in prison if convicted.

After he was released on bail, the family went bowling and Nicki posted a selfie of the event on Instagram. Nicki also reportedly paid $30,000 for her brother’s wedding.

One of Nicki’s alter egos is The Harajuku Barbie, so she often refers to herself as “Barbie.” Ken dolls are male counterparts to Barbie dolls—“next to Ken” is a homophone for “next of kin, referring back to Jelani. Remy also calls out to Nicki’s young fanbase, known as Barbz, and urges their parents to take heed to Jelani’s criminal charges.”

The video begins with Nicki Minaj asserting that she’s the Degenerate Queen. Sorry, I meant Degeneres Queen. She then asks people to ask Ellen DeGeneres about her royal persona. Nicki Minaj has been a regular guest on Ellen DeGeneres’ show (who is herself the queen of daytime TV). She’s bragging about getting the sweet mass media exposure that industry pawns profit from while they’re “hot”. At least she has apparently moved on from her previous persona “Roman Zolanski”, which was clearly inspired by Roman Polanski. As you might know, he directed the movie Rosemary’s Baby (about the coming of the Anti-Christ) and he was convicted of drugging and abusing a 13-year old girl in 1977.


With her Illuminati-ball mask, her hands making horns and the snakes on her dress, Minaj appears to be an evil, vengeful and demon-possessed queen.

Inside the oval on the hilt of the sword is the symbol of the Cross and Crown. It is the main symbol representing the Knight Templars, one of the most ancient secret societies in Western occultism. Interesting fact: That symbol esoterically represents a male organ penetrating a female organ, which is an allusion to Sex Magick.

On each side of the sword’s guard is a cross pattée, another ancient symbol representing the Knights Templar.


Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj are sitting on Masonic chairs. The Masonic dress sword is strategically placed between them. The occult elite is what keeps them sitting on the “throne” of the music business.

Other shots in the videos appear to focus on a specific theme: Occult London. Here are some examples.

It is 3 o’clock on Big Ben. 3 am is known in occult circles as the “devil’s hour”. In this shot, it is most likely 3 pm, but the reference is still there.

“The 3am time slot is regarded by paranormal experts as a time when pure evil – either demons or entities from the spirit world – make their presence felt. The thinking behind the specific time of 3am is that it is a deliberate mocking of the death of Jesus Christ, who, according to ancient writing, died in the middle of the afternoon – at 3pm.

Psychics believe that the veil between our world and the spirit world is lifted at this time and our relaxed state of minds – especially in a state of deep sleep – may be more susceptible to paranormal activity.”
– Occult Encyclopedia, Devil’s Hour

Considering the occult context of the video, the following scene takes on an even stranger meaning.


Minaj sits on the Westminster bridge. On her dress are some of the elite’s favorite symbols to identify industry pawns: A butterfly (representing Monarch programming) and all-seeing eyes.

This scene was filmed only days before the Westminster Bridge terror attack. It almost seems as if they knew that some kind of dark occult ritual was about to take place in this very spot. The fact that this video was released shortly after the attack did not sit well with some people who did not appreciate the fact that the footage of Minaj posing on the bridge, like some kind of occult queen, was not removed from the video.
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Marvellous post!! I have been planning to do a post on Minaj because there is A LOT to this particular psyop. This fills in more details for me.
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Nicki Minaj's husband pleads guilty to failure to register as a sex offender ... r-n1278915
Nicki Minaj's husband, Kenneth Petty, pleaded guilty to failure to register as a sex offender in California, court documents show.

Petty had initially pleaded not guilty to the single-count indictment but later changed his plea, court documents filed on Thursday show. He's scheduled to be sentenced in January...

Authorities in Beverly Hills arrested Petty following a November 2019 traffic stop after learning that he had moved from New York to California and failed to submit his sex offender status. He was released after posting $20,000 bail, but was arrested again last year after he was indicted in connection with the incident. He was released from federal custody on a $100,000 bond.

According to court documents, Petty relocated to California in July 2019 and as required by law was supposed to register as a result of being convicted of first-degree attempted rape in New York in April 1995. Petty, who was 16 at the time of the crime, served nearly four years in a New York state prison.

The victim sued him and Minaj in August, alleging the couple tried to force her to recant her account of the incident.

The woman, who has publicly identified herself as Jennifer Hough, said in the suit that Petty and Minaj began contacting her and members of her family following his arrest in California. The "Starships" rapper offered one of Hough's family members $500,000 if Hough said the rape did not happen, according to the lawsuit.

On another occasion, Hough was offered $20,000 if she signed a prepared document recanting her statements about Petty, the suit says.

Minaj and her husband have not publicly commented on the claims made in the lawsuit. The rapper previously defended Petty, writing in an Instagram post that he and the victim were "in a relationship" — a claim Hough denies. Minaj also told fans on her Queen Radio show that her husband was wrongfully accused of rape.
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

And of course the Guardian weighs in on the Minaj psyop: ... and-tobago
..Health officials around the world have criticized the rapper, saying her tweet spreads false information about the Covid-19 vaccine. There has been no evidence that Covid-19 causes fertility problems.

“She should be thinking twice about propagating information that really has no basis,” Dr Anthony Fauci told CNN on Tuesday.

UK chief medical officer Chris Whitty said in a press conference that those like Minaj who spread vaccine misinformation should be “ashamed”...

Trinidad and Tobago, huh?

How Shady Was Cambridge Analytica? ... shady.html

Considering the work its parent company did trying to win Caribbean elections … potentially pretty shady.

When Alexander Nix, the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, was suspended by the political-data firm last week after being caught on camera by an undercover journalist offering, (among other unsavory things) to sway a Sri Lankan election by having “someone posing as a wealthy developer come in” to “offer a large amount of money to the candidate to finance his campaign in exchange for land,” his purported dirty tricks may have struck some as so devious-sounding as to be unbelievable. ..The tactics Nix described aren’t so different from the kind of things that Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, SCL Group, has reportedly used in the past. Its purported activities in the Caribbean over the past decade or so might be particularly instructive.

“We’ll have the whole thing recorded on cameras,” Nix told the undercover Channel 4 journalist. “We’ll blank out the face of our guy, and then post it on the internet.” That, reportedly, is more or less what SCL did in 2010 in St. Kitts and Nevis, where it worked on the successful campaign of the incumbent Prime Minister Denzil Douglas against opposition leader Lindsay Grant’s election bid, according to the Times of London. As part of SCL’s efforts to win the race for Douglas, the firm reportedly mounted a sting operation against Grant at a Marriott hotel, where he was caught on video agreeing to sell land to a British buyer under market value in exchange for a $1.7 million donation to his campaign. That video was shared widely online days before the election on YouTube, including over one channel the Times reports was run by SCL called “investigativerep1965.” That account is still active and contains just one video: the sting against Grant...

Before SCL had dealings in St. Kitts and Nevis, in 2009 the company worked on a major referendum campaign on the Caribbean islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to defeat an attempt to establish a new constitution to replace the one that had been enacted when the country became independent from British rule in 1979...

SCL continued to take clients in the Caribbean, like in the small island nation of St. Lucia, where in 2011 the company worked on the re-election campaign of then–Prime Minister Stephenson King, who ended up losing..

Two years later, in Trinidad and Tobago in 2013, Cambridge Analytica’s parent company was at it again. There, with the help of a Canadian company called Aggregate IQ, which was also instrumental in analyzing voter data for the Brexit campaigns in support of the U.K.’s departure from the European Union, SCL set up a data microtargeting program for the ruling party at the time, United National Congress. This was, according to a report in the Guardian from last year, SCL’s first foray into big data targeting and foreshadowed the voter analytics work U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer financed the company to do under its American arm, Cambridge Analytica, during the 2016 U.S. election. The work SCL and Aggregate IQ did with the government in Trinidad and Tobago took place under a contract to build a national police database that was supposed to include citizens’ browsing data, recordings of phone calls, and call transcripts created with natural language processing software, which would all then be used to predict whether someone was going to commit a crime. Gary Griffith, the former national security minister in Trinidad and Tobago, told a local news site last May that he never heard of this project during his time in office, adding that such an endeavor would have had to have been carried out with the help of telecommunications companies.

2013 wasn’t the first time SCL did work in Trinidad and Tobago. The company was also present in advance of the 2010 elections there, which concluded with the United National Congress party’s candidate becoming prime minister. According to a brochure from SCL obtained by the BBC, SCL claims that it helped a candidate’s campaign by painting graffiti around the island made to look like it “ostensibly came from the youth,” which allowed SCL’s client to adopt policies and “claim credit for listening to a ‘united youth.’ ” That the company resorted to fake graffiti suggests it certainly wasn’t above using underhanded tactics, though the misbehavior it is accused of in the U.S.—inappropriately harvesting 50 million Facebook profiles to beef up its political-data efforts in 2014
Uhm, the intelligence services have been in Trinidad and Tobago for many decades.. and a lot of experimentation on human behaviour has gone on there.. I'll put it all together some day.. but for now let's stick with Minaj and MI6...
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »


T&T's first Prime Minster Dr. Eric Williams, his wife together with John Lennon , Cynthia Lennon, Ringo Starr
Rare Photographs of the Lennons and Starkeys During Their Holiday in Trinidad and Tobago 1966
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Jeffrey Epstein link to SCL Group’s Alexander Nix ... a734847ddc
One final interesting note. Jeffrey Epstein has a tangential connection to .. data company Cambridge Analytica and its CEO Alexander Nix.

Ghislaine Maxwell, who had been Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and who allegedly recruited girls for him and his associates, is the daughter of late publishing magnate Robert Maxwell who had owned the Mirror Group and Macmillan in the UK. Robert Maxwell had been closely affiliated with the company Robert Fraser & Partners LLP. Journalist Ann Marlowe identified that Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix had worked at Robert Fraser & Partners, and that the firm was incorporated in 2003 by John Michael Bottomley who served as a director for several hundred companies including Cambridge Analytica’s parent company SCL Group from 2005 to 2014.
John Michael Bottomley - Total number of appointments 295 ... pointments ... biography/
Currently, John Michael Bottomley occupies the position of Secretary of China Gateway International Ltd., Secretary & Non-Executive Director for Minerva Resources Plc and Secretary & Director at Shetland Hotels Ltd.

Mr. Bottomley previously occupied the position of Secretary for Ascent Resources Plc, Co-Secretary for Universal Coal Plc, Secretary for Herencia Resources Plc, Secretary at Pantheon Resources Plc, Secretary at North River Resources Plc, Secretary at Solo Oil Plc, Secretary for Gulfsands Petroleum Plc, Secretary for Tower Resources Plc, Secretary for URA Holdings Plc, Secretary at DCD Media Plc, Secretary of Matra Petroleum Ltd., Secretary at Verona Pharma Plc, Co-Secretary for Norseman Gold Plc, Secretary & Director at SCL Group Ltd., Secretary for Cradle Arc Plc, Secretary at Woburn Energy Plc, Secretary of Cloudcall Group Plc and Secretary for Zenergy Power Plc (a subsidiary of Cloudcall Group Plc), Non-Executive Chairman & Director-Finance at Palladex Plc, Senior Manager-Secretarial Department at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (United Kingdom), Head-Company Secretarial Services at Sprecher Grier Halberstam LLP, Head-Secretarial Services at SGH Martineau LLP, Secretary for Langley Park Investment Trust Plc, Secretary for Seven Arts Pictures Plc, Secretary for GMA Resources Plc and Secretary of Kemin Resources Plc.
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

I can't figure out what China Gateway International does

but looking at some of the officers I'm thinking 'spooks' : ... 6/officers

Minerva Resources

Shetland Hotels

Company Director : Hugo Thomas Torquil MACKENZIE-SMITH ... GsuYJRaKog
FRA WOODD; GEORGE COPCUTT; JESSICA COPCUTT; ARABELLA MACKENZIE-SMITH; HUGO MACKENZIE-SMITH; EMMA LUARD, The Dalwhinnie Crook charity Polo match at Longdole Polo Club, Birdlip hosted by the Halcyon Gallery. . 12 June 2010. - ... x?area=all
William Lucas has been playing polo for the best part of 50 years. It’s a sport he likes so much that he bought his own club.

The club in question is Longdole Polo Club, which nestles in the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside just a short gallop from the village of Birdlip.

He runs it with his wife of four years Zahra, a member of the Hanbury family who used to own the club back in the day.

Gloucestershire is, of course, one of the heartlands of polo in this country with the renowned Cirencester Park and Beaufort clubs – both just up the road from Longdole – regular stomping grounds for the rich and famous.

Princes Charles, William and Harry have all been keen players over the years and while Lucas admits that “there is a perception that polo is an elite sport”, in partnership with Zahra he is working hard to make the sport and the club he loves more inclusive...
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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Interesting that before the Minaj COVID comments, a video from a Trinidad doctor had been going viral:

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Re: The Dark Occult Meaning of Nicki Minaj’s “No Frauds”

Post by TFS »

That's a very interesting video, thanks for sharing. I think "Genetic Bio-weapons Industry" is a term that should by popularized and used frequently when discussing the pharmaceutical companies and the genocines with people at large.

One thing that was a huge red flag right from the start was the sudden popularization of DNA-testing and the overall constant promotion of the DNA-testing companies in TV ads, newspaper ads and ads online.

From going from the "wanting to know your heritage is racist" attitude, the whole media turned overnight to bombarding us with propaganda that we should all send samples of our DNA to Anne Wojcicki while her sister Susan Wojcicki censure vaccine skeptics and political dissidents on YouTube and her husband Sergey Brin censure us on Google.

They've had a long time now since they started this trend to concoct bio-weapons that can target specific ethnic groups.

Taking a look at the owners of the top DNA collecting companies should be a huge red flag. These are some really sketchy bastards, and they sure as hell don't have our best interests at heart.
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