The Theranos Scandal Helps Illustrate How Private Spies Like Fusion GPS Operate

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The Theranos Scandal Helps Illustrate How Private Spies Like Fusion GPS Operate

Post by brwn »

The Theranos Scandal Helps Illustrate How Private Spies Like Fusion GPS Operate

The Theranos Scandal Helps Illustrate How Private Spies Like Fusion GPS Operate
They always hide who is paying them as they sell fake narratives

“Spooked: The Trump Dossier, Black Cube And The Rise of Private Spies”, investigative journalist Barry Meier pulls back the curtain and exposes the secret relationships between private intelligence firms like Fusion GPS, the mainstream news media, political campaigns and shady corporations.

The Theranos case is a perfect example of how these private intelligence firms stay in the shadows while pushing – and in some cases, selling – fake “news stories” to media outlets on behalf of their well-heeled clients.

Brief History of the Theranos Scandal

Blood Simple: Photogenic Stanford Dropout Elizabeth Holmes
Theranos was one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated. It was a juggernaut of a company built around new medical technology about which extravagant claims were made – and supposedly – verified.

Only as it turned out, the blood-testing machines Theranos was selling couldn’t do what was claimed – not even close. Theranos’ founder Elizabeth Holmes had built the blood testing company into a nine-billion-dollar enterprise by the time the truth emerged, and the fraud was exposed.

Attempting to hide what they had done, Holmes and the company’s former Chief Operating Officer, Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, destroyed a database that proved that Therano’s blood testing was a fraud.

Theranos, the blood-testing start-up that promised to revolutionize health care only to collapse after its hyped product turned out to be a dud, destroyed incriminating evidence proving that it engaged in fraud, prosecutors allege.

Federal authorities also allege the company’s star CEO Elizabeth Holmes, 36, and her former lover and COO, Ramesh ‘Sunny’ Balwani, 56, used funds from investors to subsidize an extravagant lifestyle while peddling a fraudulent product.

Prosecutors submitted a filing to federal court in San Francisco on Monday alleging that Theranos executives destroyed data that proved their blood-testing product was inaccurate.

Knowingly misleading investors by providing false data is a federal crime.

Holmes’ trial is just now getting underway and Balwani’s is scheduled for later this year.

Fusion GPS Attempts to Contain the Fraud

In “Spooked”, Meier devotes most of the fifth chapter to relating how Fusion GPS moved to help Holmes and Balwani try to keep a lid on the emerging scandal.

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Re: The Theranos Scandal Helps Illustrate How Private Spies Like Fusion GPS Operate

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