Theatre of the Absurd

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Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So, I've been quite interested in any connections to Cincinnati since these posts:

The Mike Pence visit to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester leads to the Eureka Lodge and The Masonic Child ID Program which started back in 2006
international adoption wisconsin childrens hospital/Mayo Clinic by @fogdryer

..Eureka Lodge ....links to the United Way of Greater Cincinnati Resource Database ... The Masonic ID program.
Isabelle Paul, head of the Order of Saint John in Florida, and her husband lived in Cincinnati (and she also supports the Mayo Clinic). They owned a hotel for the jet set in Jamaica which has its own private island, now owned by the Sandals group. Isabelle was on the board of the Cincinnati Historical Society along with Jeff Koons of the Pepsi-Cola Company as described in the post Matt Hancock, the Epstein-connected futurists of the Lifeboat Foundation, & the Queen's Order of St. John viewtopic.php?f=16&p=9999#p9999 . Koons daughter Deborah was Jerry Garcia's third wife and very much involved with the counterculture movement. Bob Weir (L to R) Wavy Gravy, and Deborah Koons Garcia attend the Jerry Garcia Memorial at the Polo Fields in Golden Gate Park on August 13, 1995 in San Francisco California. (Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images)
They were part of the group known as the Merry Pranksters. Isn't that just another name for the Royal Order of Jesters? I'm just asking...

At the first Woodstock Festival, Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm collective accepted festival executive Stan Goldstein's offer to help with preparations.

One Legendary Party: The Hell’s Angels and the Merry Pranksters Meet at Kesey’s https://electrickoolaidblogtest.wordpre ... seys-1965/
For the last six years or so, one party has been haunting me. It wasn’t any soiree I’d attended—this party took place on Saturday August 7, 1965 at Ken Kesey’s LSD-laced ranch in La Honda, California. ..What made this party special wasn’t its mix of intellectuals—poet Allen Ginsberg and Harvard psychology professor Richard Alpert (aka Baba Ram Dass) among them—and countercultural icons such as Hunter S. Thompson and Neal Cassady; it was the 15-foot-long, red white and blue sign strung up outside the ranch: THE MERRY PRANKSTERS WELCOME THE HELL’S ANGELS.

.....Rosenfeld points out that this party—during which the tie-dyed psychedelic community and the swastika-sporting motorcycle gang effectively coexisted without any fatalities—came only two months before the Angels gave an unequivocal beatdown to a members of the Vietnam Day Committee (VDC) as they attempted to peacefully march into Oakland in protest of the war. The parade was led by “a chanting, cymbal-clanging Ginsberg,” but all the ohms in the world weren’t going to stop the Angels, whom the FBI allegedly allowed to commence attacking protesters before police intervened. Rosenfeld reports that it took a subsequent LSD-fueled meeting between Ginsberg, Kesey, and Hell’s Angels leader Sonny Barger to get the Angels off the VDC’s back.

Given this, and the subsequent tensions with the VDC, it seems odd that the Hell’s Angels/Merry Pranksters party at La Honda is portrayed as such a celebratory event—particularly in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Coming across the party in Subversives inspired me to take a closer look back at other accounts of the event. One aspect stood out like a sore thumb: the portrayals (or nonportrayals) of an alleged gang rape that took place at the party...
The description in the article of a gang 'rape' of a young woman who was said to be a willing participant sounded more like a ritualistic event. In addition, the Pranksters and the Hell's Angels both provided services for Woodstock which ended in that 1969 debacle with the Rolling Stones and was said to herald the end of the Sixties . I'm almost completely convinced that the pranksters are jesters.. so I went looking...

Royal Order of Jesters
The Royal Order of Jesters is a male fraternal organization, allowing only Shriners in good standing to join. .."Whereas most Masonic bodies are dedicated to charity, The Royal Order of Jesters is a fun "degree," with absolutely no serious intent. The motto, "Mirth is King,” is sufficient to give voice to the purpose of the organization. ...The icon of the Order is the Billiken.
See: Royal Order of Jesters' Idol/god, the BILLIKEN, is Mascot of Jesuit ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY, and inspired by Poet whose works include "PIPES OF PAN"( the goat-god)

A University of Cincinnati article on billikens ... lliken.htm
UC won't even be playing Saint Louis until Jan. 22 and Feb. 12, but already the campus has been besieged by billikens. You can thank assistant professor of geography Wendy Eisner for that. She has a passion for billikens - with a small "b," the tiny good luck imps from which the college sports team took its name in 1911. Her curiosity has nothing to do with basketball and everything to do with geography and the quirky little figures that define what became a popular culture item nearly 100 years ago. ..

The key event spreading the billiken phenomenon to Alaskan territory seems to have been the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle in 1909, when billikens served as the expo's "patron saint," Eisner theorizes. "From there they relocated to Nome." ..In Alaska, billiken popularity never really disappeared as it did on the mainland. In fact Eisner first stumbled upon billikens on a research trip to the Arctic in the early 1990s. She tends to travel to northern Alaska twice a year, most recently to research thaw lake basins. She is working to gain a greater understanding of the influence of climate on the evolution of these lake basins and on the possible effects if these basins are adversely affected by global warming.

..Eisner also theorizes there might be a connection between billikens and two other figurines she came across. If you don't like toilet humor, stop reading now. Both figures show boys on the toilet - one says "Billy Can" and the other, "Billy Can't," with accompanying facial expressions. Given as carnival prizes, the statuettes probably predate the first Chicago billiken, so Eisner wonders if the woman who designed the first billikens modeled them after the Billy Can/Can't.
Steven Spielberg's father attended the University of Cincinnati : was Arnold Spielberg, Stevens Father, in on the beginings of NSA?
Arnold Spielberg is the son of Jewish parents Rebecca (Chechick) and Samuel Spielberg,[5] who were both born in Ukraine, and immigrated to the United States. They met and married in Cincinnati, where Arnold was born...

After training as a radio-gunner for the Air Corps his skills in the design of new airplane antennas elevated him to Communications Chief of a B-25 Squadron in India...After graduating from the University of Cincinnati with a BS in Electrical Engineering, he joined RCA Advanced Development Department in 1949 where he did early work on servo and guidance systems...In 1957, Spielberg began working for General Electric. Here he was instrumental in developing the G.E. 200 series.[9] The GE-225 was derived from the GE-312 and 412 Process control computers.

He did quite well at UC and was recognized for his academics and was elected to Eta Kappa Nu International Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society of the IEEE his pre-junior year, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society his junior year, and he won an electric engineering award. One of his co-ops was at the former Crosley Corporation..Mr. Spielberg was recognized by the IEEE in 2006 as a Computing Pioneer for his work on developing a computerized Point of Sale System while working for RCA. The system was tested in Cleveland, Ohio at the former Higbee's Department Store. Higbee’s was made famous in the movie “A Christmas Story” and now is the site of the Horseshoe Casino Cleveland.

..RCA, a London corporation with an American front..Serco is a prime example of the super spider in a web of deception, acting as king in all things contingency governance and as a subsidiary of RCA, for all appearance for the masses it would seem to be an American affair, but this is certainly not the reality of the situation...

In the late 1950s, Arnold Spielberg, the father of Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, helped revolutionize computing when he designed the GE-225 mainframe computer. The machine allowed a team of Dartmouth University students and researchers to develop the BASIC programing language....(Young Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs all used the language when they started building their digital empires..
That point of sale system developed by Arnold Spielberg is highly significant because those point of sale tutorials are all over the internet to show database developers how to make a database for companies and the example often used is for.. a pizzeria. An example given in the post: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2626
INFOSYS 222 - Case Study Dante's Pizzeria
Getting back to Arnold : Iowa WWII veteran befriends war buddy’s famous son, Steven Spielberg (yes, the director) ... -director/
Glen 'Red' Henton, 98 of Maquoketa, holds up a 'Saving Private Ryan' poster May 16 signed by actor Tom Hanks and director Steven Spielberg. Henton and Spielberg's father, Arnold, served together in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II in the 490th Bomb Squadron stationed in India and Burma....Their history goes back a generation, to World War II, where Henton and Arnold Spielberg, Steven's father, served in the 490th Bomb Squadron in Burma and India, part of the war's China-Burma-India Theater. Henton served there for 2½ years in administration, doing payroll, courts martial and the worst task - writing to inform families that a loved one was killed in action.

Arnold Spielberg, now 102, was an electronics specialist with the B-25 medium bomber planes.
Theater (warfare)
In warfare, a theater or theatre (see spelling differences) is an area in which important military events occur or are progressing.[1][2] A theater can include the entirety of the airspace, land and sea area that is or that may potentially become involved in war operations...
So, where did the word theater come from?
The history of theatre charts the development of theatre over the past 2,500 years. While performative elements are present in every society, it is customary to acknowledge a distinction between theatre as an art form and entertainment and theatrical or performative elements in other activities. The history of theatre is primarily concerned with the origin and subsequent development of the theatre as an autonomous activity. Since classical Athens in the 6th century BC, vibrant traditions of theatre have flourished in cultures across the world..

Theatre arose as a performance of ritual activities that did not require initiation on the part of the spectator. This similarity of early theatre to ritual is negatively attested by Aristotle, who in his Poetics defined theatre in contrast to the performances of sacred mysteries: theatre did not require the spectator to fast, drink the kykeon, or march in a procession; however theatre did resemble the sacred mysteries in the sense that it brought purification and healing to the spectator by means of a vision, the theama. The physical location of such performances was accordingly named theatron
Sacred mysteries
Sacred mysteries are the areas of supernatural phenomena associated with a divinity or a religious ideology. Sacred mysteries may be either:
  • Religious beliefs, rituals or practices which are kept secret from non-believers, or lower levels of believers, who have not had an initiation into the higher levels of belief (the concealed knowledge may be called esoteric).
  • Beliefs of the religion which are public knowledge but cannot be easily explained by normal rational or scientific means.
Although the term "mystery" is not often used in anthropology, access by initiation or rite of passage to otherwise secret beliefs is an extremely common feature of indigenous religions all over the world.

A mystagogue or hierophant is a holder and teacher of secret knowledge in the former sense above. Whereas, mysticism may be defined as an area of philosophical or religious thought which focuses on mysteries in the latter sense above.
Stage School: What Is Theatre of the Absurd? ... the-absurd
What is Theatre of the Absurd, and why does it speak to us? As a new production of Samuel Beckett's Endgame by Citizens Theatre director Dominic Hill comes to theatres in 2016, we find out more about a genre that holds a mirror up to ourselves...

Many of the European playwrights associated with the absurdist movement, including Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, and Jean Genet, rejected the phrase – which was coined by a critic – altogether. Rather, these men saw themselves as individual artists, not members of a collective, and viewed their plays as nothing more than an expression of their personal vision of the world.

So if absurdist playwrights worked independently of each other, how did they produce plays that were so strangely similar in their rejection of the conventions of traditional theatre?

It’s not a coincidence; it’s all in the timing.

Where does absurdist theatre come from?
Born from the ashes of postwar Europe, absurdist theatre reflects an era of spiritual emptiness, a time when the precariousness of human existence was palpable. Following the atrocities of World War Two, to some the world itself had become absurd: a frightening and illogical place in which life had lost all meaning and human existence seemed futile.

The growing popularity of Existentialism in Europe (notably in Paris, where many of the absurdist playwrights lived as exiles), will also have been influential. The philosophy of Albert Camus, who is credited with first using the word absurd in this sense, certainly had a role to play in the creation of this kind of theatre...

How does absurdism work?
When absurdist plays first came to the stage, it was a groundbreaking moment in the history of theatre. Although an exciting and progressive movement, critics didn't know what to make of it and many were outraged. Even by today’s standards, absurdist plays flout all theatrical conventions; everything we know drama to be is turned on its head.

For a start, the whole premise of a plot is subverted. A beginning, middle and end structure, which underpins all conventional narrative, is abandoned in favour of a non-linear – and often cyclical – approach, and there is a deliberate absence of the cause-and-effect relationship used to link scenes. The plays assume a dream-like state, operating in images rather than in coherent dialogue and action. All meaning remains ambiguous.
Wilfred Bion’s analysis of Samuel Becket https://100years.tavistockandportman.nh ... cba1185463
Samuel Beckett was Wilfred Bion’s first case at the Tavistock Clinic.

The analysis, which began in 1934, was difficult, lasted for nearly two years and had a profound reciprocal influence on both men.

The analysis, which began in 1934, was difficult, lasted for nearly two years and had a profound reciprocal influence on both men.

Beckett had come to London for analysis, because it was illegal in Ireland at the time. He was a relatively young man with considerable anxiety, much of which had to do with his bad relationship with this mother.

Both men were known to be difficult and intractable characters, but they respected each other and had a rapport. A “psychic twinship” developed between them that culminated in Bion famously inviting his patient to dinner and a lecture by Carl Jung.

Beckett got through his writers block and emigrated to Paris where he began work on his most important series of novels. He made radical use of free association as a literary form in his novellas and his Trilogy, before making his hugely creative transition from prose to drama and going on to win a Nobel Prize.

Bion in turn, re-worked his clinical contact with Beckett, who became the ‘patient zero’ of his pioneering postmodern psychoanalytic clinical theories.

Both men became instrumental in launching the post-modern age in their respective fields.
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Why Do Jesters and Tricksters Appear in the DMT Experience? ... ience.html
...The jester is also depicted as The Fool, one of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck, which itself is similar in appearance to the Joker playing card.

Strangely, jester-type entities commonly appear in the DMT experience. In DMT: The Spirit Molecule, many participants reported encountering “clowns”, “jesters”, “jokers”, and “imps” during their experiences with the substance. Many users report also describe these types of entities as ‘tricksters’. These entities are often engaged in elaborate and mind-boggling performances and tricks. The environment they inhabit can also reflect their entertaining nature, with many users finding themselves in strange dimensions that resemble a circus, carnival, or casino. In fact, Terence McKenna said that “the archetype of DMT is the circus”.
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Puck (A Midsummer Night's Dream) ... 27s_Dream)
Puck, or Robin Goodfellow, is a character in William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Based on the Puck of English mythology,[1] Puck is a mischievous fairy, sprite, or jester.
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935 film)
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a 1935 American romance and fantasy film of William Shakespeare's play, directed by Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle, and starring James Cagney, Mickey Rooney as Puck.
Mickey Rooney visited Shriners' St. Louis hospital that celebrates 90th anniversary ... 9c52b.html
As Shriners Hospitals for Children commemorates 90 years in St. Louis this week, one of the memories that stands out is a visit from legendary actor Mickey Rooney in 1947. Rooney died Sunday at age 93.

The hospital opened in the Central West End on April 8, 1924 to treat children with polio. Through a collaboration with Washington University, the hospital now treats children with orthopedic conditions at its location in Frontenac and at St. Louis Children's Hospital. More than 100,000 children from around the world have been treated at the hospital, including some who were injured in the Haiti earthquake of 2010. All children are treated regardless of the family's ability to pay.
Re Cagney:

James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary by @Heisenberg123 viewtopic.php?f=16&p=9655#p9655
James Alefantis was executive and associate producer, Chapel Perilous and Automatic At Sea...

The film was written and directed by award-wining filmmaker Matthew Lessner, whose first feature THE WOODS made history as the first Kickstarter funded film to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

Here's our synopsis (if you're into that sort of thing): On a whim, Eve (young Swedish traveler) accepts an invitation from Peter (wealthy heir) to vacation on his family’s private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter and that something is not quite right on this mysterious island. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of her surroundings dissolves, and Eve finds herself trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza. David Henry Gerson in James Cagney's barn in a set still by Zach Lanoue

..James Cagney bought Collins island or possibly won it in a poker game in 1938 for $32,000.[1][2] The United States Coast Guard used Collins Island during World War II, and Cagney sold the island in 1948...
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In 1976 Lawrence M. Paul, husband of Isabelle Paul, was involved with a law suit case: PAUL v. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CINCINNATI
As the purchaser for $575,000 of an elegant residence known as Long Acres, located in Indian Hill, Hamilton County, plaintiff Lawrence M. Paul sues the defendants (1) for removing and converting from the buildings and grounds certain items of property, (2) for damages resulting from failure to maintain the estate prior to delivery of possession as required by the purchase contract, and (3) for punitive damages.

..When possession was delivered to plaintiff on January 15, 1972, he noticed that a number of items were missing that had been on the property both before and after the date of the purchase contract. The defendants admit that these items had been removed by the individual defendants before surrendering possession.

Decedent Augustine J. Long, his wife and one of his children died on September 9, 1969, in an airplane accident. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan moved into Long Acres about 20 days later, in order to maintain it and to keep it presentable for sale. The First National Bank of Cincinnati was duly appointed Executor of the Long Estate.

The will left to the decedent's surviving children "all household furnishings, appliances, decoration and equipment owned by me and used in or about any principal or seasonal residence." (Emphasis added.) The real estate passed as part of the residue to The First National Bank of Cincinnati, as trustee under a 1969 Trust Agreement with the decedent. The four surviving children divided up the personal property among themselves as the result of three meetings, the first of which was held in January 1970, and the last of which was held in October or November 1971 (presumably after the closing of the sale). Each of the children now has one or more of the several items claimed by plaintiff to have been wrongfully removed and converted...

I. The plaintiff is entitled to recover the following amounts from defendants Nancy L. Hogan, Dorothy L. Ward, Patricia L. Bonn and William A. Long, jointly and severally..
Newspaper clip about the plane crash :
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 » ... /15291451/
It's been more than 40 years, but the events of Sept. 9, 1969, remain etched in the memories of many area residents.

That day, Allegheny Airlines Flight 853, a DC-9 on its way to Indianapolis from Cincinnati, crashed in a Shelby County soybean field. The 78 passengers and four crew members on board died.

Indianapolis pilot Robert Carey was in the other plane involved in the crash, a single-engine Piper Cherokee traveling south from Brookside airport near McCordsville to Columbus. The planes collided a half-mile in the air above London. County resident John Simpson was an aerial photographer for the Indiana National Guard stationed out of Stout Field in Indianapolis.

"We made several passes over the site by helicopter, and I was amazed at the complete destruction," Simpson said.

"Debris was everywhere, but it formed a definite pattern leading to the (nearby Shady Acres) trailer park. Some witnesses at the time said the jet pilot made a valiant effort to avoid the trailer park in the last seconds."..
The Longs were travelling with their son Greg to California, where he was to leave for his US Army assignment in Okinawa. The Longs were among the passengers who had had tickets for TWA Flight 69, but were offered passage aboard Flight 853 and accepted.

Mr. Long, or "Gus", as he was known, was Vice-chairman of the Board of Colonial Food Stores, and former President of the Board of Directors of Albers Supermarkets. He had been married to Jeanette Albers until her death in 1951, and had five children by that marriage. All were adults by the time of the crash. In 1955, he married Polly. She was a musician, and performed with the local group Musica Sacra.
Flight 853:
Boston - Baltimore - Cincinnati - Indy - St. Louis
Scheduled departure of Flight 853 from Boston was 1200. The crew reported at 1100. The flight was due to go first to Baltimore, then to Cincinnati, on to Indianapolis, and finally, to St. Louis. In Cincinnati, 64 people were waiting on TWA flight 69 from New York. It was due into CVG at 1445, but wasn't going to be on schedule. TWA offered its passengers the option of transferring to Allegheny 853, and 38 people took the offer. Therefore, with the delay while these passengers transferred, 853 was supposed to leave at 1457, but didn't leave until 1516. Flight 853 was scheduled to arrive in Indy at 1536. 26 passengers chose to stay behind and wait for TWA 69, which came in at 1545, half an hour after the Allegheny flight departed.

The flight plan of the jet was to fly V97 at 390kt to the Shelbyville (IN) VOR at 10000'. (The airway V97 is defined between the Cincinnati and Shelbyville VORs, and is still in use today. It departs Cincinnati on a 306° heading, and arrives at SHB on a 304° heading. The distance between the two VORs is 64 nm.)

..There was one family who was spared the full brunt of the tragedy. Mr. And Mrs. Darrell Hardesty of Linton, IN, had been ticketed aboard the ill-fated jet. They had been visiting their daughter in Fayetteville, NC, and were to return on Allegheny through Cincinnati on September 9. The couple were making their way to the airport that morning to catch their 8:00am flight in Fayetteville, only to see their plane taking off as they arrived at the airport. Apparently, some confusion over Daylight Savings Time had caused them to believe they still had an hour left before the flight would depart. Consequently, they missed their connection to Flight 853, and did not arrive in Indianapolis until 2:00am the next morning
Interestingly, the Hardesty story is told in the book Saving The Daylight: Why We Put The Clocks Forward By David S. Prerau ... on&f=false
David S. Prerau
David Prerau has a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is one of the world’s foremost experts on daylight saving time. He has authored/co-authored three extensive US Government reports to Congress on daylight saving time, and has written two books, Developing and Managing Expert Systems and Worldwide Intelligent Systems.

Saving The Daylight
David S. Prerau
Benjamin Franklin conceived it. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle endorsed it. Winston Churchill campaigned for it. Kaiser Wilhelm first employed it. Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt went to war with it. Every spring the clocks go forward, and every autumn they go back. Saving the Daylight explores for the first time the contentious, and often entertaining, story of this deceptively simple attempt to regulate the sunlight hours. Throughout its surprisingly controversial history, Daylight Saving Time has been claimed to have influenced a wide variety of areas, including agricultural practices, the reporting of sports scores, street crime, voter turnout and many other, sometimes unexpected aspects of daily life. The book brings together the historical, political and technical aspects of the fascinating story behind the movement for DST, with many light and offbeat anecdotes.
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<..Mr. Long, or "Gus", as he was known, was Vice-chairman of the Board of Colonial Food Stores, and former President of the Board of Directors of Albers Supermarkets. He had been married to Jeanette Albers until her death in 1951..>
William H. Albers, "Mr. Supermarket"

Albers Hall, dedicated in 1929, is the gift of Mr. William H. Albers. In this building are the classrooms, laboratories, and offices of the departments of Biology, Military Science, and Physics, the administrative offices of the President, and the Director of Public Relations.

William H. Albers

Born in Cincinnati on May 23, 1880 to Henry and Anne Albers, William Henry Albers was educated at St. Joseph Parochial School and Hughes High School. He entered the grocery business by working as a clerk at his father’s market (1902), and later (1908) became associated with the Kroger Grocery and Baking Company. Albers married Caroline Plogman in 1902, and they had two daughters, Irene and Jeanette. His first wife died in 1908, and in 1913 he married Dorothy Brown of Chicago.

In 1928, Albers became President of the Kroger chain and quickly started expanding the company. That same year, 138 Piggly Wiggly stores were acquired in Ohio and Kentucky, and 166 grocery stores were added from Michigan. By 1930 Kroger had expanded from 190 to 5600 stores. There were differences between Albers and the company’s Board of Directors however, so in 1930 Albers resigned.

In 1933 he founded Albers Super Markets, Inc. The flagship store was located at 4500 Montgomery Road. It was the first grocery store to use the name ―supermarket - and had many innovations as well as lower prices than independent grocers. This appealed to Depression era shoppers. Albers was the first chain to use florescent lighting and provide grocery carts for customers. Fully self service, with wide aisles, the stores had a variety of nationally recognized brands (rather than private label merchandise), which saved money for housewives. Albers stores were the first to price every item so customers could see exactly what the cost was. The grocery chain was a phenomenal success.

William Albers was a civic minded citizen, and served the Community Chest, CYO, Xavier University Lay Advisory Committee, and Lay Committee on Scouting. He was awarded the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and Silver Buffalo Awards by the Boy Scouts of America, and served on the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts for 11 years. He was active in the Mt. Alverno Home for Boys, and served on numerous food boards and supply control committees during World War II. He was a director of the Second National Bank, Board Chairman of Sperti, Inc., and a member of the Art Museum, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, the Historical and Philosophical Society, the Queen City Club, and the Camargo Club. He was a Knight Commander in the order of St. Gregory XVI, a director of the National Council of Catholic Men, and the Cincinnati chapter of the Conference of Christians and Jews awarded him for his contributions to mutual understanding of peoples.

Mr. and Mrs. Albers resided primarily in their majestic estate, Alberly Manor. Their home, at 9200

Shawnee Run Road, was built between 1926 and 1928 in a stately English style. Situated on 100 acres, the Tudor house had an extraordinary slate roof and 23 rooms, several of which contained religious embellishments, including a chapel. On the grounds were two cottages, a detached garage, a 7 stall stable, tennis courts, a swimming pool, bath house, and 3 themed gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Albers hosted their housewarming party concurrent with their youngest daughter Jeanette’s debutante party in June 1927. The pleasant and gregarious couple invited guests to their estate for numerous charitable events and private parties.
Order of St. Gregory the Great ... _the_Great
The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great (Latin: Ordo Sancti Gregorii Magni; Italian: Ordine di San Gregorio Magno) was established on 1 September 1831, by Pope Gregory XVI, seven months after his election as Pope.[1]

The order is one of the five orders of knighthood of the Holy See...

Jimmy Savile OBE, 1990, English radio DJ and television presenter-broadcaster[28] (In 2012 an annulment was requested by the Archbishop of Westminster. This was declined on the basis that the honour died with the individual.)
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by kestrel9 »

I haven't read your entire post but would like to add as a side note to the mention of the Grateful Dead:

It is also notable that two individuals associated with the Grateful Dead were once employees of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program – band member and lyricist Robert Hunter [xv], and author Ken Kesey[xvi] whose ‘Merry Pranksters’ were often at the Grateful Dead shows promoting LSD use to the ‘Deadheads’. Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest promoted the ‘archaic revival’ by concluding with a heroic American Indian escaping from modern tyranny and returning to a primitive culture. Furthermore, Grateful Dead song writer John Perry Barlow, in 2002, admitted in a Forbes magazine interview ironically titled “Why Spy?” that he spent time at CIA headquarters at Langley.[xvii]
MK-ULTRA ran a number of its operations near Haight-Ashbury, the San Francisco district where LSD would become commonly used. Declassified CIA records show that there were at least three CIA ‘safe houses’ in the Bay Area where ‘experiments’ – the giving of LSD to unsuspecting citizens – went on. This subproject of MK-ULTRA was code-named “Operation Midnight Climax”. Chief among Operation Midnight Climax’s ‘safe houses’ was the one at 225 Chestnut on Telegraph Hill, which operated from 1955 to 1965.

At the same time the Grateful Dead was promoting LSD use in San Francisco, another music drug counterculture scene with many suspicious connections to military intelligence began promoting the drug to the young people attending the music clubs on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. The counterculture scenes in LA and San Francisco were part of a larger whole that included Britain and New York. The media gave the new music drug culture almost unlimited exposure, which reached its zenith with Life magazine’s coverage of the Woodstock ‘music festival’. Although Life presented Woodstock as three days of ‘Love and Understanding’ it was in fact a culturally debased event – a true ‘archaic revival’ – that featured drugged teenagers fornicating in the mud while their rock idols provided encouraging background music. ... ry-barlow/
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Absolutely @kestrel9

From your link : ... ry-barlow/
He is widely recognized as one of the pioneers of the internet and has been dubbed “the Thomas Jefferson of Cyberspace.” Among other things, he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting freedom of expression online, and was one of the early members of the groundbreaking community website, The WELL.
I've done posts on the co-option of counterculture. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is another psyop. As is the current 'freedom movement' we see globally against the COVID enforcers. All managed by the hidden hands.

The 'Well' is also a very important notion in terms of occult knowledge and witchcraft. The term WELLbeing is being used to transform humanity. I did a whole thing on Twitter before they deleted my account. Basically, through the use of film, biotechnology and cyberspace they are using mystery schools and tribal knowledge against us. I'm still exploring the intersections between these different fields to understand how and why they do it. There is much to still unpack.

Btw, of course everything we do here on Voat is also studied and fed into AI systems .. but we're smarter than they are. They will lose. We Will Win.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed May 12, 2021 9:32 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by TheTruth »


Reminder 1 - The head of Shriners international is from Racine, Wisconsin.

Reminder 2 - Racine has a long history of connections with the Royal Order of Jesters.

Reminder 3 - Fog dryer is not trustworthy and has been attempting to cyberstalk, dox, infiltrate groups in Racine, spread disinformation and obfuscate The Truth. They share information in order to gain false credibility only to dox, threaten and turn others against those who know too much. They are not the only one doing this.

Reminder 4 - A bad actor here on SearchVoat registered the name TrustTheTruth. Why and who could it be? We are TrustTheTruth and can verify as such.
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Re: Theatre of the Absurd

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

TheTruth wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 5:26 pm Reminder 4 - A bad actor here on SearchVoat registered the name TrustTheTruth. Why and who could it be? We are TrustTheTruth and can verify as such.
No one registered your name, that's a lie. If you used your TTT account in the last week of Voat, you received a password for your acct. there in PM. If you didn't save that password, then you don't get the name on SVF. If you didn't use that acct., then you weren't issued a password. Why do you always make stuff up when you don't know shit? Liar
Reminder 3 - Fog dryer is not trustworthy and has been attempting to cyberstalk, dox, infiltrate groups in Racine, spread disinformation and obfuscate The Truth. They share information in order to gain false credibility only to dox, threaten and turn others against those who know too much. They are not the only one doing this.
Why are you continually talking smack about other people?
Why you always got to puff yourself up by disparaging others?
If you have a problem with @fogdryer, take it up with them.
U Babylonian Butterface
still sick o ur shit
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