UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

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UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A Nazi past..
The Silence of the Quandts (English subtitles, German narration)
phpBB [video]
Datacard to buy Dallas personal ID security firm ... 236270441/
Dec. 2013

With Dallas-based Entrust, the new company will employ about 2,000 people.

Credit and ID card maker Datacard Group of Minnetonka is buying personal identity security software firm Entrust for a reported $500 million.

Datacard, owned by the Quandt family of Germany, did not disclose the terms of the transaction, but Bloomberg News reported that Datacard was paying $500 million in cash.

Datacard, a formerly public company that was acquired by the Quandt family in 1987, sells machines that print credit, passport and driver’s license cards for banks and governments. Datacard has about $500 million in annual sales, Bloomberg reported.

Entrust, a private company purchased from private equity firm Thoma Bravo, is based in Dallas and makes identity management and authentication software designed to thwart ID theft. Thoma Bravo acquired Entrust in 2009 for $124 million, Bloomberg reported.

“Our business model has for decades been about enabling secure transactions, starting from the physical ID and moving to the digital ID,” Datacard CEO Todd Wilkinson told Bloomberg News. “Entrust comes at it from the other side. Together, we can cover a wider swath of the ecosystem.”
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Amazing Polly has done a few videos on Entrust, including:
Making Happy Slaves

In the latter video she talks about the encryption system Hillary Clinton used via ENTRUST: ... reasonous/
Hillary Clinton has all of our encryption keys, including the FBI’s. “Encryption keys” is a general reference to several encryption functions hijacked by Hillary and her surrogate ENTRUST. They include hash functions (used to indicate whether the contents have been altered in transit), PKI public/private key infrastructure, SSL (secure socket layer), TLS (transport layer security), the Dual_EC_DRBG NSA algorithm and certificate authorities...

The convoluted structure managed by the “Federal Common Policy” group has ceded to companies like ENTRUST INC the ability to sublicense their authority to third parties who in turn manage entire other networks in a Gordian knot of relationships clearly designed to fool the public to hide their devilish criminality. All roads lead back to Hillary and the Rose Law Firm.

Click here to read a list of just some of the “more than 2000 organizations in 60 different countries” that Hillary can control. Source: ENTRUST 10-K Annual Reports (1998-2009). SEC Edgar. Return in a few days for links to each of the ENTRUST annual reports from 1998 to 2009.
AFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy state. Americans for Innovation.

AFI (Nov. 25, 2015). Dell and Lenovo (IBM) ship computers with spy state backdoors. Americans for Innovation...

Truth is, Hillary Clinton literally has access to every computer on the Internet through a company named ENTRUST. Her 19-year Rose Law Firm partner Jerry C. Jones directs the company (now ostensibly run by a Silicon Valley dude named Orlando Bravo and his private equity firm Thoma Bravo, LLC), and has done since Dec. 2003. Entrust issues the encryption keys for most major governments and companies in the world...

..All you have to do is “borrow” the FBI key from Hillary or ENTRUST. Then you can connect to the target FBI computer using a bogus key created for you by ENTRUST, and voile! You then have two “trusted” keys so the FBI computers let you in. There are technical nuances to this description, but basically, you can do what you want with these keys. Don’t let trollers try to baffle you with techno-jargon to throw your dogs off the scent. Lucifer (literally, IBM Triple-DES) is in these encryption details...

On Aug. 18, 1998, Entrust Technologies, Inc. went public after being started as a spin-off of Nortel Networks (Canada) to manage and distribute Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Authorities—the encryption keys for the Internet. Their customers include important military, banking, healthcare and government entities in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and China.

..On Oct. 14, 1998, SI International, LLC, later renamed SERCO SERVICES, Inc., was allowed to form with Lockheed Martin and Senior Executive Service (SES) executives associated with the treasonous Highlands Group (Feb. 1995). Lockheed Martin runs the Queen’s “Golden Share” company British Nuclear Fuels Limited with SERCO...

On Sep. 18, 2002, career IBMer Thomas E. Noonan (Internet Security Systems, Inc.) was appointed to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) by George W. Bush, surely recommended by James P. Chandler, and he remains a member of the Council to this day. In 2003, Noonan became a partner to ENTRUST INC. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) controlled by Hillary Clinton.

On Oct. 29, 2003, ENTRUST INC was awarded the contract to supply all 50,000 encryption keys for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

ENTRUST INC, ENTU, Form 8-K. (Oct. 29, 2003). Entrust Announces Third Quarter-Financial Results and Targets Breakeven for Year-end 2003. Accessed Sep. 08, 2018. SEC Edgar. (Despite losses, highlights new contracts with Northrup Grumman, FBI, UK Customs & Excise, Research in Motion Blackberry, Thomas Noonan, Acxiom Corp., California State Senate Counsel, KPMG).

On Dec. 04, 2003, ENTRUST INC elected Jerry C. Jones as a “Class I” director to replace retiring Gen. Wesley K. Clark. Jones is a 19-year Hillary Clinton partner at the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, Arkansas. With the appointment of Jones, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III had an ethical duty to disclose to the public that his approval of ENTRUST INC to manage 50,000 FBI encryption keys enabled his political mentor Hillary Clinton to have full access to the entire FBI operation.

Conclusion #1: Robert S. Mueller, III had an affirmative duty to disclose his approval of the contract for ENTRUST to manage the FBI’s 50,000 encryption keys in late 2003. The FBI itself has been scandalously compromised to Hillary Clinton and the Rose Law Firm ever since.

Conclusion #2: ENTRUST’s planetary control of the encryption keys for “over 2000 customers in 60 different countries” means that any matter handled by their customers at the FBI, Department of State, NSA, Treasury, etc. is the fruit of a poisonous tree—tainted by Clinton corruption.

Conclusion #3: President Trump has enough evidence here to seize and prosecute the leaders of every government agency that has involved that agency, or induced other agencies to work with ENTRUST, without disclosing their total compromise to Hillary Clinton and her crime syndicate.

Clearly, Hillary Clinton’s director surrogate at ENTRUST, INC., Jerry C. Jones (2003-2009), steered the development of the company’s control over encryption keys for the maximum benefit of his Clinton overlords.

At a bare minimum, Mueller and the FBI leadership has had an ethical duty ever since Jerry C. Jones became an ENTRUST director to disclose his direct conflict of interest and compromise of FBI operations by Hillary Clinton, his mentor.
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Voat posts re Highlands Group ... um=on&b=on including:

The Highlands Group, the Bank of the Ozarks and the Clintons
Andrew ‘Yoda’ Marshall, head of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA) and co-chair of the Highlands Forum, at an early Highlands event in 1996 at the Santa Fe Institute. Marshall is retiring as of January 2015....The Highlands Forum’s influence on US defense policy has thus operated through three main channels: its sponsorship by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (around the middle of last decade this was transitioned specifically to the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, which is in charge of the main surveillance agencies); its direct link to Andrew ‘Yoda’ Marshall’s ONA; and its direct link to DARPA.

The Highlands Group, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Bank OZK - Little Rock, AR
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »


The Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin is a joint medical faculty of the Humboldt University and Free University Berlin.
Obduction of a child after extensive experiments at the Charité
During the 1930's it had close ties to the Nazi Party. Numerous high ranking doctors participated in war crimes.[20][21] Most influential Nazis where working at the Charité. Max de Crinis, the head of the Charité department of psychiatry, was the leading figure of Action T4. Georg Bessau, head of the Charité department of pediatrics, tested vaccines on disabled people in 1942.[22] To cause gas gangrene, Karl Gebhardt had inmates carved deep wounds and contaminated them with bacteria, wood and splinters of glass. As an expert and military medical advisor, Sauerbruch advocated medical experiments in concentration camps.[22] At least 161 university physicians and roughly 30 research assistants were fired, and a number of undesired students were kicked out of the university clinic, so that the doctors could carry out their experiments as quietly as possible.[22] Forced sterilizations, the murders of the sick and human experiments – leading doctors turned their clinics into places of race and extermination medicine during the Nazi era. By 1945, the Charité systematically organized the murder of at least 300,000 handicapped children, institutional patients, sick people and Concentration Camp prisoners.[22]

The university hospital states that till today it has just started to reveal details about its past.
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

More pieces of the puzzle come together:
Another very important and insidious connection: Hillary Clinton’s Acxiom Corporation, allied with encryption key company ENTRUST, INC.

Acxiom posts: ... agate&b=on

Part I: "BIG DATA" BROKERS Involvement? | DATA BROKERS Have Dossiers on Children | Clinton and Franklin Credit Scandal Connections | Pizza Reference

How do international shadow government sex trafficking rings select their victims, and find their customers? Is it partly through sophisticated databases designed for that purpose?..

..The Clinton's have strong ties to two powerful data brokers: the largest in the world founded in Little Rock, Arkansas, and another major marketer in Omaha, Nebraska. Why?...

The Clinton's are heavily involved with Acxiom, founded in Little Rock, and InfoUSA of Omaha. ...

Selling Teenagers

Your teen’s information is for sale. Acxiom has records on just over 13,780,714 teenagers in the United States. The average teen has been tracked by Acxiom for up to for five years

Exact Data of Chicago sells anything about anyone including disclosing where your teen lives and the social networks they use. It gets its consumer information exclusively from Acxiom corporation. If you don’t know who Acxiom is you should, it is the world’s largest data broker.

..In Acxiom's case, it was "humble direct mail marketing" for young leaders:

[Charles D.] Ward founded Demographics Inc. [former name of Acxiom] with his brother Stephen Ward in 1969(1) to meet the needs of the Young Leadership Council for the Democratic Party, of which he was a member, which wanted to create political mailing lists that were competitive with a data processing system set up by Winthrop Rockefeller(2) and the Arkansas Republican Party.

I speculate all of these big data corporations were planned covert intelligence operations, off the books of the government.
.. Trans Union and Acxiom are corrupt organizations which have used extortion, theft, wire fraud, securities fraud, computer hacking and perjury to achieve their profit goals and revenue streams by stealing billions of credit records from individual credit bureaus....This is the largest data theft and wire fraud in history.

The case settled on October 31, 2007 for $11,000,000.00.... [Cliff] Mortensen received $6,000,000.00 and his lawyers received $5,000,000.00....The day Cliff Mortensen settled for $6,000,000.00 net, he was bankrupt by three million dollars
"I first met Hillary in August of 1974," says Jerry Jones, Acxiom's chief ethics and legal officer, exec VP and assistant secretary....working with Ms. Clinton at Rose Law Firm in Little Rock....Mr. Clinton was the keynote speaker at Acxiom's annual client event....
Some of Bill Clinton's "dubious ties to the direct marketing industry [direct mail marketing/data brokers]" are noted in this book Screen capture of excerpt ...
Ricky Dearman and Matt Hancock's family are both in that business too.

Part II: "BIG DATA" BROKERS Involvement? | DATA BROKERS Have Dossiers on Children | Clinton and Franklin Credit Scandal Connections | Pizza Reference
In 2002 infoUSA hired Bill Clinton as a consultant (see next section.)

Pizza reference to data industry?

While researching I came across this coincidental(?) pizza reference tied to human/company databases:

In 2008 American Express Travel Services applied for a patent for a software program to prevent redundant mailings. Companies' data would be matched through databases such as Donnelley, D&B, or Acxiom. Example customers were all pizza companies: Pizza Giant, Pizza Systems, Pizza Mansion, and Astro Pizza.

Innocent joke by the software developers AmEx hired, or deeply sinister and tying "big data" somehow to Pizza-Pedogate? I don't know...

American Express is ruled by Warren Buffett of Omaha; he is their major shareholder. John De Camp named Buffett in the Foreword of his book The Franklin Cover-up. ..

Also, I noticed Dun & Bradstreet owned IMS Health, and Nielson which measures people's reactions to television programs. It's enough to make you dizzy. Has D&B been CIA all along? You decide.

In 2007 infoUSA hired Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Jr., a Georgetown Law grad for $180,000/year as a VP although he did not report to work in Omaha. Instead, he had use of the planes!

A person familiar with the arrangement says Gupta treats Pelosi as a "trophy" and has the Speaker's son accompany him at high profile meetings around the country.

..Gupta is "a close ally of both Clintons,"[30] and a "major Democratic fundraiser"[43] and "rainmaker."[44] He "has a long history of giving and raising campaign money for the Clintons, and gave $1 million for the 2000 Millennium Celebration, a New Year's Party thrown by the Clintons."[45] Gupta later "hired Bill Clinton as a consultant . .

Bill Clinton received use of PLANES plus $3.3 million from infoUSA from 2002-2008

in comments:
..Which brings me to EMC2... Which brings me to the Boston Marathon... Which brings me to Sandy Hook.

You may recall the involvement of the Yale Child Study Center in the lives or purported lives of the Lanzas. Post SH psy-op the center has also been very focused on screening children in the 5-6 year old range for psych issues. Of course, any such mandated gov access to American children would put a damper on home schooling.

In Boston, a few companies touting "big data" issued carefully worded statements about how it was used to crunch the vast flow of social media to help law enforcement find their pats...(eh ehm)
"Together For Girls": Clinton Global Initiative | Subliminal Logo | Survey - Invasive Questioning Of 13+ y.o.'s Worldwide Benefits Children, IC Traffickers, Or NWO Think Tanks?
..By the way, the Clinton's have long-standing close ties to the world's largest data broker, Acxiom. Are dossiers and area information used by the elites to aid profitable decision-making about human trafficking and CP?

When Bill Clinton was President he pushed for "data vulture" companies to have access to the personal information of Europe's citizens,...

...CEO of Together for Girls, Daniela Ligiero, tweeted "Hillary Clinton says gender data is key for gender equality." Someone responded, "Data is the core of our mission."

More admiring of data by Daniela Ligiero as a Council on Foreign Relations guest blogger in June 2017, because, Agenda 2030:

The Clinton's remain close to Together for Girls:

Chelsea Clinton, September 2016: ... l-meeting/ archived

Together for Girls partners World Vision and USAID are alleged to be CIA fronts
World Vision is reported to perform MK Ultra on innocent people:

June 2017 Cathy O'Brien article on Haiti
Have you considered the correlation between the Clinton Foundation, World Vision, and CIA/Jesuit Black Ops in Haiti?

The Clintons are no strangers to charities being used as cover for their criminal operations. Charities like World Vision and various Christian “missions” collecting money under the guise of helping Haitians instead notoriously lined pockets while funding black ops.

Reverberations of Psych Warfare that began in Haiti under the guise of charities has permeated our society on many levels for decades, even to the point of altering human sexuality. ... sexuality/ archived
in comments:

The other sponsor that has a logo on the 2012 Haiti survey is the "Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development" (INURED). What a weird acronym, isn't it?...

If you search "INURED" on google images, it will bring a lot of really disturbing images of abuse and mutilations. How could this research institute possibly not realize that their acronym (which they use to refer to themselves on their website) is synonym with one of the core tenets of physical, mental and sexual abuse?

.....And here is their logo: a sun containing a 8-pointed star hidden in the pattern of lines. ... 00x400.png

The 8-pointed star is known in occultism as the Star of Ishtar, the babylonian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, and political power. Ishtar is discussed on this sub in several posts. ... age014.jpg

Another high-profile and possibly equally salient use of a (fluffed out) 8-pointed star is the logo of the CIA ... cy.svg.png

Another interesting bit from the logo is the motto: "Konesan se Libete" which means "Knowledge is Freedom" in Haitian creole. Although this may sound like a healthy motto, I can't help noticing how this echoes strangely the latin aphorism "Scientia potentia est" or "Knowledge is Power", the motto of the surveillance arm of Darpa, the Information Awareness Office. Here is the logo of the DARPA IAO bearing the motto. ... O-logo.png

We need to monitor INURED too.
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

I did a search for World Vision and Tavistock... and got a couple of organisations at Tavistock Square.. that's a significant address in London ...

Tavistock Square posts: ... um=on&b=on
Tavistock Square
phpBB [video]

The Lynton House Mystery

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust ... tion_Trust
It owes its name to the fact that its original location was in Tavistock Square in central London. When it moved later to larger premises, it took its name with it. Although Hugh Crichton-Miller was a psychiatrist who developed psychological treatments for shell-shocked soldiers during and after the First World War, clinical services were always destined for both children and adults.[6][7] The clinic's first patient was a child...

Following its foundation the Tavistock Clinic developed a focus on preventive psychiatry, expertise in group relations – including army officer selection – social psychiatry, and action research. There was an openness to different streams of research and thought as for instance the famous series of lectures given by the Swiss psychiatrist and one time collaborator of Sigmund Freud, Dr. Carl Jung, which were attended by doctors, churchmen and members of the public, including H. G. Wells and Samuel Beckett...

After the Second World War, the Tavistock Clinic benefited from the Northfield Hospital experience and from the arrival of talented professionals from Europe, many fleeing Nazi persecution...
The many coincidences surrounding TAVISTOCK by @kestrel9
The late MP LEO ABSE has been investigated by police in connection with child sexual abuse allegations. His surviving niece, SUSANNA ABSE previously worked for the TAVISTOCK CLINIC as the CEO of Tavistock Relationships.
The TAVISTOCK CLINIC was originally established in TAVISTOCK SQUARE, the location of the slaughter of 13 bus passengers on 7/7 2005. Margaret Hodge, at the heart of the Islington Child Abuse Scandal, has said that her SISTER was working in TAVISTOCK SQUARE at the time of the explosion.
CLIFF RICHARD abused children at the Elm Guest House and elsewhere, it has been reported. Sir Cliff once owned a company called Blacknight Limited, an unusual moniker with distinctly occult connotations. Blacknight was registered to an address in TAVISTOCK SQUARE.
In another extraordinary coincidence, CLIFF RICHARD's lawyer, Gideon Benaim, has his office in TAVISTOCK SQUARE. Benaim previously represented the notorious convicted paedophile, Roman Polanski.
EXARO NEWS, the investigative news website that specialised in reporting on establishment paedophilia, was liquidated by the accountants Menzies LLP (insolvency practitioners Freddy Khalastchi and Jonathan David Bass). Menzies LLP is located in TAVISTOCK SQUARE.
TAVISTOCK SQUARE was so-named because the estate on which it sits was owned by the Dukes of Bedford from TAVISTOCK, DEVON. In another coincidence, Exaro News' former owner, DR JEROME BOOTH, grew up in TAVISTOCK, DEVON.
"Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2710
Krishnamurti had a a wealthy benefactress, American Mary Melissa Hoadley Dodge, who was domiciled in England.. architect Edwin Lutyens' wife, introduced Mary and Muriel to Theosophy and to the works of Annie Besant ..Dodge provided financial support for the Theosophical Society and for the construction of its London headquarters (designed by Edwin Lutyens) in Tavistock Square. The building is now BMA House, the headquarters of the British Medical Association. ..

So, the first address I came across related to Tavistock Square and World Vision was Churches Together in England
27 Tavistock Square ... on_UK.aspx

I researched that organisation a couple of months ago but I can't atm remember why... though having a quick look now it seems that they are caught up with the whole Lucis Trust/New Age thing.. I'll have to come back to them later.

The other organisation connected to World Vision is Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) at 1-6 Tavistock Square
The DEC is made up of 14 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when we launch an appeal.

Trustees board

Chair of Trustees
Sue Inglish

Sue Inglish has spent 30 years as a broadcast journalist. She was Head of Political Programmes for BBC News until 2015 responsible for the BBC’s political, parliamentary and election news, programmes and digital content... She chairs the board of the International News Safety Institute, a charity working for the safety of journalists around the world and is a governor of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy. She is chair of the Royal Television Society’s TV Journalism awards.

Vice Chair
Andy Green

Andy Green holds a number of Chairman, NED and advisory roles.. He chairs IG Group plc, a global leader in online trading and the Digital Catapult, an initiative to help grow the UK Digital Economy. He is SID at Avanti plc, a global broadband satellite operator. He is advisory Chairman at npGroup, which offers technical resourcing solutions across the world. He also advises Tagos, DockOn and the Eight Great Technologies Fund.
He is President of UK Space, co-chair of the UK Space Leadership Council a member of the CBI President's Committee, a trustee of ABESU and The Tech Partnership, and is a Companion of the Chartered Management Institute.
Recent previous roles include SID at ARM Holdings PLC, board member of the CBI, member of the Digital Economy Council and Chairman of DockOn AG.
Andy was CEO and a member of the board of Logica plc from January 2008 to August 2012. Prior to joining Logica, he had been a board member at BT Group plc from 2001. During his 21 years at BT, Andy held many senior positions, including CEO BT Global Services and CEO BT Openworld.
He previously served on boards in Europe, Asia and the US, including, until July 2008, the board of Navteq Inc. He began his career with Shell and subsequently joined Deloitte Haskins & Sells.

[Wateraid too]..

Independent Trustee
Peter Barron

Peter Barron is global head of communications for the online payments platform Stripe.
Previously, he spent 20 years in TV news and current affairs, followed by a decade at Google handling communications.
He was editor of the BBC's Newsnight from 2004-2008, and previously deputy editor at Channel 4 News and ITV's Tonight with Trevor McDonald.
He joined Google in 2008 and went on to become Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs for the company in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
He is also a trustee of the House of Illustration.

Independent Trustee
Tanya Steele

Tanya Steele leads the UK office of WWF, the world’s largest independent conservation organisation. She heads up WWF-UK at a critical time in which she is leading the delivery of an ambitious strategy to tackle the catastrophic decline in species and habitats across the world...

Tanya began her career in the tech industry working in product development, marketing and communications in senior roles for Siemens and BT. After nearly 15 years in the private sector, and inspired by a volunteering assignment with the Red Cross, Tanya brought her corporate experience to the charity sector, joining Save the Children in 2004 as Executive Director of Marketing, Fundraising and Communications, and she later led the organisation as interim Chief Executive.

Independent Trustee
Charles Stewart-Smith

Charles Stewart-Smith is a Managing Director at Teneo Blue Rubicon which he joined in 2013, having previously served on the company’s Advisory Board. Charles started his career in journalism: on local newspapers in the North East, before joining the BBC and then ITN, where he served as Editor of News At Ten.

In 1992 Charles co-founded the media and government relations consultancy, Luther Pendragon.In 2000 Charles co-founded a similar business in Brussels called GPlus. He sold both companies in 2005. .. Charles has helped co-found two charities, both in the international development sector: The Romanian Orphanage Trust, which grew to become what is now EveryChild, and the medical emergency relief charity, Merlin, which has now become part of Save The Children. Charles has also served as a trustee of the political think-tank, Policy Exchange.


Action Against Hunger UK
Jean-Michel Grand

..He represents Action Against Hunger UK on the International Executive Committee of the organisation’s International Network (which is present in over 50 countries). He was a board member of VOICE, the network of European Humanitarian NGOs, from 2011 to 2016 and has been a member of the 'sounding board' seminars on effective management hosted by Bain and Company since 2006. He is also a director of ACFIN trademark licensing company...

ActionAid UK
Frances Longley

..Since March 2018 Frances has co-chaired the UK NGO sector working group on Leadership and Culture for Safeguarding.

Age International
Chris Roles

...Chris is a member of the Investment committee of Venturesome, the Charity Aid Foundation’s social investment arm, and is also a member of the BBC’s Appeals Advisory Committee. He studied History and Economics at Oxford University and has an MBA from the London Business School...

British Red Cross
Mike Adamson

Mike Adamson is Chief Executive of the British Red Cross, the country’s leading voluntary crisis response organisation, and part of the worldwide Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Christine Allen

..Her career began as a field worker with the Justice and Peace Commission in the Archdiocese of Liverpool in 1987 and as CAFOD’s campaigns coordinator in 1989...

CARE International UK
Laurie Lee

Laurie joined CARE International UK as Chief Executive in August 2014. He previously worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he led the team working on policy, advocacy and government relations in Africa.

Christian Aid
Amanda Khozi Mukwashi

Concern Worldwide
Danny Harvey

Islamic Relief Worldwide
Waseem Ahmad

Oxfam GB
Dr Danny Sriskandarajah

In the media, Danny has been a regular contributor to outlets including BBC World Service, the Guardian, Al Jazeera and HuffPost.

Plan International UK
Rose Caldwell

Rose Caldwell became Chief Executive of Plan International UK in 2019. Previously she was Executive Director of Concern Worldwide (UK), serving since 2008.

Save the Children UK
Gwen Hines

Gwen joined Save the Children in March 2018...she was UK Executive Director for the World Bank Group (2012-2015), where she helped to broker major reforms to the Bank's procurement and evaluation policies and provided oversight of Britain's $5 billion funding. Gwen has also held the post of Country Director for DFID in Bangladesh and Malawi, and she has played a variety of strategic roles shaping the UK's engagement with Africa through the G8, DFID's strategy on HIV/AIDS, and approaches to EU enlargement.

Nigel Harris

Nigel Harris became chief executive of Tearfund, the humanitarian and development international NGO, in November 2015. .. Nigel has a strong background in finance, relief and development. From 2011 to 2015 he was the chief executive of Farm Africa, a long-term rural development NGO focused on east Africa, and previously was chief of staff and chief operating officer at Save the Children UK. He has also worked as a consultant for the Department for International Development and Tearfund, and from 2010 to 2015 was a trustee of Medair, the Swiss-based humanitarian NGO. From 2004 to 2008, Nigel was the chief executive of New Philanthropy Capital, the charitable think tank and consultancy. He spent the earlier part of his career as an investment banker for Schroders.
Re Tearfund:

US Army Intelligence uses a fake globalist British consultant (Konoco Limited) to do cultural self-assessments and training on American intelligence soldiers!

Knoco was incorporated under the name Knowledge Transformation International Ltd in 1999 pdf document .. They partnered with the Earth Summit in 2002 ...
Paul Whiffen was their representative

NIGEL HARRIS.. chief executive of New Philanthropy Capital..
New Philanthropy Capital Trustees

John Stares ... hn-stares/

Since 2001 John has taken on a portfolio of part‐time roles in business and the voluntary sector. His current roles include Chair of More House School, Trustee of the Arts & Islands Foundation and Non-Executive Directorships with Jersey Electricity Company and Terra Firma.

..John is also an FCA, member of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants and Freeman of the City of London.
World Vision UK
Mark Sheard

Mark Sheard took over as Interim Chief Executive at World Vision UK in March 2020. Mark has been deeply engaged with World Vision since 2007, serving on the Board for nine years between 2007-2016, including a four-year spell as Chair. Since coming to the end of his term on the Board, Mark and his wife Lois have continued their association with World Vision as ambassadors to High Level Donors and in Church links...

Mark enjoyed a successful career in advertising and marketing, creating one the of the UK’s most successful marketing communications businesses before merging it into a multinational group in 2000. In 2001, Mark founded the Whatnext? Consultancy to provide marketing and corporate development advice to commercial and ethical organisations.

In 2017 Mark was appointed by Archbishop Justin Welby to the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England and currently serves in a variety of roles in including as Chair of the Mission and Public Affairs Council, and Co-Chair of the Evangelism and Discipleship Steering Group.
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by doginventer »

Making Happy Slaves. The Quandt-linked slave-using Nazi corporations and their influence on the world today – the Great Reset, Sustainable Development, funded science, human experimentation at hospitals & research centers and more. - AmazingPolly ... An99f.html
VIDEO: AmazingPolly on the Quandts (Aug 2021):
VIDEO: Amazing Polly on Quandts & Hillary (Jan 2019):
Drosten Ciesek podcast Quandt money: ... ch&pto=aue
Did Joanna Quandt Foundation pay for Drosten’s Charitee position? ... ch&pto=aue
Charitee Experiments: ... t-u-en.pdf
Drosten & Quandt at 2019 Healthy Planet Healthy People conference:
TUM, Klatten & Minister of Economic Affairs: ... cle/35288/
Bosch London Transport Project: ... dex-2.html
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute under National Socialism:
Wintershall slave labour: ... eis_EN.pdf
Kaiser Wilhelm Eugenics: ... 00000000b3
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Stefan Quandt and Charite
The Charité Foundation is an independent, non-profit foundation under civil law. It was founded in 2005 by the entrepreneur Johanna Quandt with the task of supporting the innovative strength and excellence of the traditional Berlin university medicine. The foundation is involved in two main areas: promoting the transfer of research between laboratory and clinic and improving the framework conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship in medicine. Since 2014, the Charité Foundation has also been promoting the life sciences in Berlin with its private excellence initiative Johanna Quandt .
..Johanna Quandt's style of approaching things discreetly but firmly was also evident in other areas. In 1995 she set up a foundation named after her that aims to improve business journalism. Apparently personal experiences with the media play a role here. Her husband had a serious eye condition at an early age that eventually led to almost blindness. For many years she read to Herbert Quandt from the newspaper. This gave rise to the resolution to put the social role of companies and entrepreneurs in a better light in the media.

To promote this, the Johanna Quandt Foundation awards grants to promising young journalists and awards the Herbert Quandt Media Prize, endowed with 50,000 euros, once a year. The award ceremonies were the few occasions on which Johanna Quandt generally spoke out critically on current business and political issues. The fact that she got involved in the health service without making a fuss about it also has a lot to do with her own experience. But in addition to helping children with cancer and promoting medical research, she was also interested in anchoring entrepreneurial thinking better in the health system.

However, discretion and restraint can also turn into negative, can become concealment. A dark side of Johanna Quandt and her family becomes visible. For decades, not a word was lost about the role of many of the clan's companies during the Nazi era. Important armaments factories belonged to the company empire. The AFA company (later renamed Varta) manufactured all types of batteries for the Wehrmacht and Navy - including those with forced laborers and concentration camp prisoners. It was not until 2007 that the documentary “Das Schweigen der Quandts” brought the entanglements to light.

There was never an official apology to the survivors. After all, Stefan Quandt admitted in an interview in 2011 that the unfortunate past is now "in reverse a point of identification": "Like our ancestors, we do not want to deal with our responsibility in the management and creation of a large fortune."
Johanna Quandt Foundation
..According to its own presentation, it awards the Herbert Quandt Media Prize, which has been in existence since 1986, annually to " journalists and publicists who deal with the role of entrepreneurs and companies in the market economy in outstanding and easily understandable articles ." The prize is endowed with a total of 50,000 euros...

The directors of the Johanna Quandt Foundation are Jörg Appelhans and Johannes Fritz. Johanna Quandt was a member of the Board of Trustees as chairwoman until her death . The other members of the board of trustees are Stefan Quandt as deputy chairman as well as Stephan-Andreas Casdorff , Horst von Buttlar and Michaela Kolster . [2]

The former chief editor of the news magazine Der Spiegel , Mathias Müller von Blumencron , was a member of the Board of Trustees of Johanna Quandt Foundation until April 2008, as well as Gabriele Fischer and Christoph Keese , in response to the NDR documentary Silence of the Quandt be Resigned from office
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Charite magazine 2017 ... t-u-en.pdf
Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK) ... rankenhaus
The Rudolf Virchow Hospital in the Berlin district of Wedding was built from 1899–1906 as a municipal hospital based on a design by Ludwig Hoffmann in a pavilion construction...The clinic has been part of the Charité since April 1, 1995 and bears the official name Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum .

..From 1935 until the end of the Second World War , the Rudolf Virchow Hospital with the General Institute against Tumor Diseases was an institute for the treatment and research of cancer under the direction of the radiologist Heinrich Cramer, which was under the board of trustees of Ferdinand Sauerbruch in 1933 –1934 was founded. The institute worked very closely with other clinics and combined surgical, radiation therapy and scientific-experimental aspects...
How was it really at the Charité under National Socialism? ... -Held.html
..Ferdinand Sauerbruch, the head of surgery, played by Ulrich Noethen, leads these interventions. There he is, the hero. Jütte thinks this is the biggest problem of the new season and "almost a glorification"...

In 1943, Sauerbruch was almost 70 years old and world famous. His medical merits are indeed huge, says Jütte. “His negative pressure chamber procedure has revolutionized surgery.” ..

Jütte is disturbed by two episodes that, in his opinion, are not told correctly in the series. One is about the resistance fighter Hans von Dohnanyi, who is transferred from prison to Charité after suffering a stroke , where Sauerbruch tries to protect him from being attacked by the regime. But that did not succeed in the long run, von Dohnanyi was picked up and murdered in Sachsenhausen concentration camp shortly before the end of the war. In the series, Sauerbruch cannot prevent the collection because he is currently in Switzerland. Jütte says that is not true. “He was at the Charité when the resistance fighter was picked up. Witnesses testified that later. "..

He knew about Mengele's human experiments

The second episode, which Jütte considers “a blatant mistake”, is about the period after July 20, 1944. Sauerbruch's son was acquainted with Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, the conspirators had met in the villa of the Sauerbruch family, after the failed assassination attempt, Sauerbruch was targeted by the Gestapo. In the series, he can fend off the persecution because he signs a declaration, says Jütte. But it wasn't that easy. "Karl Gebhardt made sure that Sauerbruch was no longer prosecuted." Gebhardt, who was once Sauerbruch's assistant and meanwhile "chief clinician" of the SS and attending physician to Heinrich Himmler. The concentration camp prisoners tortured and killed during medical experiments and were sentenced to death after 1945.

So a criminal, Sauerbruch knew about his crime, which could also be assumed. Because he wasn't just a jovial doctor, a surgeon who operated in piecework. But also general physician of the army, member of the Reich Research Council, supreme expert for all medical experiments under National Socialism. "He signed the application for the human experiments in Auschwitz concentration camp, which were carried out by Josef Mengele," says Jütte. He is responsible for these crimes, at least in a legal sense.

Research reports in which Mengele is mentioned were also verifiably on Sauerbruch's desk, says Schnalke. It is known that Sauerbruch initially protested against the killing of people with disabilities, the so-called "Operation T4". But did he protest against the murderous experiments in concentration camps? Nothing is known about this. Research knew no bounds at Sauerbruch; in the end he allowed everything, says Schnalke. “He can't get out of the number. He knew about human experiments and he was silent. "

One could have shown these attempts to make the horror understandable, says Jütte. Historical recordings are cut into the fictional images of the series episodes. Berlin in the 1940s, sunny street shots. Mostly harmless pictures. One could have shown photos from the Ravensbrück concentration camp, of the legs of the women who Gebhardt, Sauerbruch's old assistant, misused for his research. Gebhardt had deep wounds inflicted on the women and the wounds contaminated until they festered and sepsis set in, in order to test active substances from the group of sulfonamides. Many women died during the experiments.

You can see in the series how doctors from the Charité, including the head of the children's clinic, Georg Bessau, a historical figure, test a vaccine on "Reichsausschusskinder" children. These children were so named because people on a committee decided that their lives should have no value. They were still useful as test material. This is not properly explained in the series. “The audience cannot understand how cruel and inhuman these attempts were,” says Jütte. The makers of the series would have "avoided what is actually terrible"....
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Re: UK has signed up IT company ENTRUST for C19 digital passports which is owned by the Quandt family

Post by MercurysBall2 »

WHS Foundation GmbH
c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin, Germany
Sponsoring partners ... tners.html

STRATEGIC PARTNERS include Sanofi... How cute, isn't that where vaccine scientist Dr Tim Alefantis, cousin of pizza guy James Aefantis, works? Hmm.. maybe we need to have another look at his Berlin associate again.. Dr Pong.

MAJOR PARTNERS include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Wellcome Trust..

GENERAL PARTNERS include Bill and Melinda..

SUPPORTING PARTNERS include Harvard, Robert Koch Institute, Robert Bosch Foundation, World Bank, Botnar Foundation..
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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