Poll: What to do about "NSFW" material?

Should this board implement NSFW restrictions in some areas?

Yes - for nudity, gore and "offensive" material ("racist", "antisemitic" etc) which could attract aggressive opposition
Yes - but only for nudity & gore; "offensive" speech should be visible to everyone
No - lurkers, visitors and search engines should see everything
Some other response - comment below
Total votes: 23
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Re: Poll: What to do about "NSFW" material?

Post by doginventer »

SteffisCute wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:32 am People are confusing "censorship" and "caution".

A NSFW tag is caution

a subvere BAN is censorship.

Reddit censors, hence their lack of certain subverses like we have

Voat cautions: the verse is here but here is this tag to remind you that you better be careful reading it if you are in a place that monitors your online activities or something.

I don't see why or how the NSFW tag is a bad thing. If anything, it will protect people because I don't want to see some voater lose their job because they read a bunch of nigger jokes.
Not censorship, but proper labelling.
To help protect readers from persecution.
To alert anyone to the possible risks to children or to the sensitive.
To preserve a measure of decorum whereby we are reminded that when we look into the abyss that it looks into us.
And to avoid where possible giving any advantage to the enemies of free speech.
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