Who is creating disassociation enmass among kids and teens?

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Who is creating disassociation enmass among kids and teens?

Post by kestrel9 »

Time and again we see TikTok videos showing the mantras of kids who have been indoctrinated into gender identity ideology as they verbalize through their mental gymnastics about expressing their real self, or selves, or animal alters, or plant identities, using a mandatory litany of ever shifting pronoun self-identifiers, and a visual dictionary of symbolic color striped 'flags' and oftentimes theatrical makeup. The one common feature that becomes apparent is what appears to be a phenomena of mass disassociation, where kids and teens display an accelerated inability to pin down and truly relate to any of the identities' offered in the endless gender identity spectrum buffet. At the same time they exist most markedly within an 'US vs THEM' ruminating loop: us vs parents, us vs CIS gender people, us vs white people, us vs religion, us vs everything and everyone who is not us, even if we don't know what or who we are!

It's also clear that an integral aspect of the agenda of those forcing gender identity ideology to be a dominant scorched earth societal movement, (to wipe out any notion that biology matters) is that kids will be exposed to explicit sexual content at an early age and will be encouraged to think in sexual terms from early on, learning to talk about gender and sex to non-binary teachers and other adults who liken themselves to a priesthood of the woke. These teachers take confessions of children who are increasingly alienated from themselves, and they make sure that 'concerned' parents will not be privy to the process.

One might liken this process to be public school MKUltra experiment, inflicted distress and confusion, amounting to a mass molestation of children's minds, followed by encouragement toward obscene life altering medical procedures, all amounting to a societal Island of Dr. Moreau experience but there's nowhere to escape from it.

Surgeries are marketed on social media, directly to the kids, with funny videos and people parading out their mutilated bodies with tears of joy. https://archive.ph/rZhFF What insecure young teen girl wouldn't want a double mastectomy with the promise of solving the discomfort of confusion within a culture that defines itself by confusion?

Note that TikToks favorite woke surgeon, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, reportedly performed her cutely coined 'teetus deletus' top surgery on 1000 pairs of breasts in 2020.

How Does Dissociation Relate to Child Sexual Abuse?
Dissociation is one of the common long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse. In fact, childhood trauma is thought to be the root cause in at least 90% of people who dissociate. https://youniquefoundation.org/resource ... sociation/

Today’s Youth Are Captivated by Dissociation
This dissociation or splitting of oneself echoes the “gender identity” narrative very closely.
In less than a decade, what has been called a “transgender human rights movement” has morphed from stories about children and young people being born in the wrong body, to kids with “gender identity disorder” to “gender incongruence,” and now to “gender expression,” complete with its own line of makeup, fashion models, body scars, and hormone home delivery services.

The promotion of the dissociation of children from their sexed bodies receives a boost by a more general embrace by the young of dissociation on social media. And social media has, in turn, been adopted by those seeking to turn a profit off of young people’s body dissociation.

...Big Pharma has teamed with Big Tech to sell body dissociation. Youth have been turned into consumers as well as the consumed.

Is Transexualism a Disassociative Personality Disorder?
The theory underlying dissociative disorders is that they are caused by severe trauma, past or present. In fact, it is recognized that dissociative disorders develop in the absence of identifiable trauma.
https://www.americanthinker.com/article ... order.html
...transsexual treatment programs in general hospitals have all closed down. Transsexual medicine traveled the same path as abortion services. It started out being provided in general hospitals in the 1970s, but as society sobered up from the dreadful trip called “choice,” both abortion and transsexual treatment were shut out of hospitals. This is because both kinds of treatments amount to inflicting sickness and systemic failure upon healthy bodies, and both without scientific knowledge of the long-term effects of such “healthcare.” Through the 1980s the abortion and transsexual markets were taken over by specialty clinics such as Planned Parenthood, where providers are political zealots, not healers, and don’t trouble themselves about first doing no harm.

The transsexual unit at the Cleveland Clinic vanished without a trace many years ago. But I know it was there because I was too. I did an internship at that clinic in 1976. I bopped around the clinic lugging my bookbag, wearing a clownishly large white coat. Nobody mistook me for a doctor, or a nurse, or even a grown-up. Of the clinics I rotated through, the most interesting to me was the transsexual unit. This was not because of some lurid curiosity. It was because of all the psychological disorders, the ones that have to do with radical aberrations in identity, called the dissociative states, most remind us of how little psychology knows about what is really going on in this life.

..., across world cultural or medical literature, tales of the mentally sound transsexual are missing. There are endless chronicles of every kind of deviation of sexuality, transvestism and paraphilias beyond imagination. There are also many accounts of mentally ill persons mutilating themselves. But there is a dearth of literature that describes the current concept of transgenderism (sic), which is of a perfectly sane man, the fellow next door perhaps, a husband and father, who has his penis cut off because he just happened to discover he was a woman after all. The gender fanatics will blather it is fear of persecution that these stories didn’t get told. But that doesn’t ring true. If even a fraction of 1% of rational men were “transgenders” throughout human history, we would have heard more about it...

...When transsexualism became transgenderism, scientific inquiry regarding the condition was banned as political heresy. The advancement of knowledge regarding etiology, onset, degrees or types of transsexuality was halted. It now costs the career of a social scientist who dares question a monolithic view of transgenderism. LGBTQ dogma authorizes only the narrative of the courageous, marginalized transgender whose only cure is “gender transition.” But there are so few transsexuals, to get any political traction from this nanominority, homosexual crusaders had to up trans numbers. They did this first by inflicting mass confusion through “non-binary gender theory,” and then by placing a glamorous, vestal victim transgender upon a shiny new cultural pedestal. The shift from transsexualism to transgenderism constituted a terrible moral degeneracy regarding personal responsibility. Transgenderism means Mike’s disordered thinking that he is a woman is not Mike’s problem, it is your problem. Big, burly Mike takes some pills, slather’s a ton of make-up on his stubbly face, and if you don’t honor his womanhood, if you dare to call him sir even by accident, you are a phobic bigot. Mike has a right to teach you a lesson you won’t forget, to sue you, to slander you, even to destroy you, all for the LGBTQ cause. Oh, yes and Mike has the right to beat the tar out of your daughter at sports, if you are foolish enough to let her compete against a boy.

...If transsexualism was recognized as dissociative sex identity disorder it might open fields of understanding and protection for such patients. They could explore their unique history, thought, feelings, and vistas of life possibilities without being fast tracked to irreversible artificial resexuation.

Sex identity is the most profound and definitive identification of human life. What are the forces so great as to overset this identification? Is it becoming more prevalent? Is sex identity disorder a defense against the dehumanizing din of a world gone mad, an escapist repository of broken dreams, or just plain attention seeking? Are environmental toxins in play? Shall we be cosseted by words of prophesy about twilight times, and not even attempt to understand this condition? Will learned men be allowed to try?
We now find ourselves with another set of questions, exactly Who is orchestrating societal forces so great from every direction and across the world in an attempt to override basic biological sex identification? What is the real agenda for such an aggressively audacious effort to inflict and enlist a generation of youth into shortened lifespans with a lifetime dependence on big pharma for their very identity, giving no second thought for the lives ruined by being fast tracked into treatments they didn't really need which instead left them broken, sterile, maimed, with ruined health, and years lost pursuing a false dream? Why is it punishable by cancel culture ground troops to point it out?
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Re: Who is creating disassociation enmass among kids and teens?

Post by darkknight111 »

Tik Tok has HEAVY ties to the CCP.

I suspect the trans agenda has connections to Baphomet worship.
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