Hunter Biden Comet Ping Pong emails?

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Hunter Biden Comet Ping Pong emails?

Post by Heisenberg123 »

We now have alleged Hunter Biden emails and we are finding new ties with Comet Pizza. ... 1040_79646
Subject:Wade's Group
From:"Eric Schwerin"
To:"Hunter Biden"
CC:"Anne Marie Person"
Date:2011-03-07 16:10
FYI, this is the group Wade thought you might want to get in front of.

If you want to stop by their dinner/reception on the 15th of next week, he'll introduce you to a few people. They are also doing a panel discussion if you wanted to be on it but I am not sure that makes a lot of sense.

There are two things on your calendar that night - a Stone Soup reception at Comet Ping Pong and the Galifinakis reception. If you did the Galifinakis reception you could do the Wade thing afterwards (they very around the corner from each other). Obviously, Comet Ping Pong is further away.

Let's discuss. Wade doesn't feel strongly - opportunity if we want it. ... 1607_52959
Subject:Putala for Hillary
From:"Eric Schwerin"
To:"Hunter Biden"
Date:2016-03-30 15:16
PRESIDENTIAL PIZZA: Maddy Beckwith, Ezekiel Emanuel, Tony Podesta and Chris Putala are hosting a pizza party for Hillary Clinton next month, featuring campaign chair John Podesta, senior policy adviser Maya Harris, and pizza chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong. A maximum $2,7000 contribution includes a special reception with John Podesta. And all Clinton logo haters need to check out this version, which has pepperoni pizza slices for the arrow...

Lets dig: ... php?page=1
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Re: Hunter Biden Comet Ping Pong emails?

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Above present ties of Christopher Boutlier, close friend of James, to Biden family and Spanish monarchy.
Before graduating in 2009, he began working full time for one of his instructors, Lisa Adams, principal of Adams Design in Georgetown, contributing to design projects for the Biden family and a member of Spanish royalty. ... 03845.html
And heres my topic on this from 1.6 year ago: ... 6611555328
Breaking: Senate report slams Bidens for conflicts of interest, flags possible criminal activity. GOP-led investigation cites evidence of Burisma bribe, suspicious foreign money transfers and sex trafficking. | Just The News ... king-ring/?
Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring ... ipated-sex
Meanwhile, according to US government records cited in the report, concerns were raised over potential ties to sex and human trafficking rings.

"Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring," the report reads.
Biden family interior designer - Christopher Boutlier, friend of Pizzagate fame James Alefantis from D.C. ... 40c6a7.png ... 03845.html
Before graduating in 2009, he began working full time for one of his instructors, Lisa Adams, principal of Adams Design in Georgetown, contributing to design projects for the Biden family and a member of Spanish royalty ... 48d387.png

Christopher Boutlier saying about picture of back of van with sealed off windows:
Yes, it appears archerobert has discovered there is $$ in human trafficking. I Think I'm on my way to Uzbekistan.. #soldforfivedollars
Obviously James Alefantis under alias jimmycomet liked that picture.

Interestingly Uzbekistan borders Kazakhstan where Biden family were making transactions with possible link to criminal activity: ... s-from-it/
The Treasury records acquired by the Chairmen show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals,” the report reads.
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Re: Hunter Biden Comet Ping Pong emails?

Post by Heisenberg123 » ... hoice/amp/

James Alefantis on the same pro abortion list as Hunter Biden:
Vice President’s son on NARAL abortion rights guest list: ‘Men for Choice’

The inaugural of NARAL’s, the lobbying group for abortion rights, “Men for Choice and the Women Who Love Them” fundraiser is scheduled to take place Sept. 18.

The guest list includes Hunter Biden, son of Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., Nathan Daschle, son of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., Joe Lockhart, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton, Bill Burton, former campaign press secretary for President Barack Obama, Brian Wolff, former executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and former Rep. Tom Perriello, D-Va.

NARAL lists them as part of their HOST COMMITTEE:

Abiye Abebe, James Alefantis, Aniello Alioto, Jesse Berney, Hunter Biden, John Blandford, Paul Booth, Lyndon K. Boozer, David Boundy, Bill Burton, Matt Butler, Sachin Chheda, Phillipe Cousteau, Nathan Daschle, Scott Dworkin, Josh Field, Trevor Fitzgibbon, Nick Galifianakis, Doug Gordon, Chad Gosselink, Jack Jacobson, John Jameson, Seth Johnson, Gary F. Jonas, Bruce Kieloch, Andrew Kline, Brian Komar, Michael Kosmides, Theo LeCompte, Roy Lee, Tom Lopach, Sergio Lopez, Mike Lux, Tom Manatos, Tom Matzzie, Michael Meehan, Keith Mestrich, John Neffinger, Stephen Neuman, Reilly O’Connor, Jim Papa, Josh Peck, Tom Perriello, Darren Peters, Khalid Pitts, Jesse Price, Will Robinson, Chuck Rocha, Eric Schwerin, Soroush Shehabi, Sean Sinclair, Bill Smith, Darren Thomas, Eddie Vale, Jeffrey Wexler, Bryan Whitaker, Jimmy Williams, Brian Wolff, Nick Wunder ... choice2013
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Re: Hunter Biden Comet Ping Pong emails?

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Apparently theres a leak of Hunter Biden pic with underage girls. Cannot confirm, cannot deny, looks like him. Rather be careful with posting it.


Apparently the pic was posted in this thread in 2018:
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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