Top Aide To Hillary Clinton ARRESTED For Raping 11-Year-Old Girl DURING Clinton Presidential Campaign

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Top Aide To Hillary Clinton ARRESTED For Raping 11-Year-Old Girl DURING Clinton Presidential Campaign

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Here’s yet another criminal act from the Democrats that the media has refused to cover.

A top aide of Hillary Clinton was arrested for the brutal rape of at least one child while serving on her Presidential campaign.

G. Steven Pigeon was charged with rape and sexual assault of an incredibly young child on December 2, 2021.

Pigeon raped an 11-year-old girl between November and December 2016, when Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was winding down, according to the District Attorney.

Pigeon was charged with two counts of sexual assault against a child, one count of rape, one count of criminal sexual act, one count of sexual abuse, and one count of endangering the welfare of a child by the Eric County District Attorney. For these crimes, Pigeon risks a life sentence.

District Attorney John J. Flynn, Jr. said, “This is big boy stuff here. OK? This is rape; this isn’t child molestation. This is rape, and so when we’re talking at that level, all right, we’re talking life in prison.”

According to Flynn, the girl told her mother about the rape four and a half years after it occurred.

mother told her lawyer, who in turn called him.

“After the lawyer called me,” Flynn said, “I then gave it to my investigators and gave it to my attorneys, and they went from there.” reports: Pigeon has had a long career as a lawyer, consultant, strategist, campaign manager, and fundraiser. He worked for presidential candidates from 1972 to 2012, starting as a volunteer for George McGovern’s campaign in Buffalo.

In 1980, Pigeon worked on Ted Kennedy’s New Hampshire primary effort. Afterward, he returned to Buffalo to help him in the primary there.

When Kennedy ended his campaign, Pigeon worked on Carter’s presidential campaign.

He served in Gary Hart’s presidential campaign in 1984.

Voters elected Pigeon to the Erie County Legislature in 1988 and re-elected him in 1990.

He served in Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1991.

He was executive assistant to Donna Shalala, the US Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Clinton administration, in 1993.

He also served on the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, headed by Hillary Clinton.

1996, the elected committee members elected Pigeon as the Democratic Chairman of Erie County.

He was one of the only county chairmen in New York State to endorse Charles Schumer for US Senate over the mainstream party’s choice, Geraldine Ferraro.

He also endorsed another longshot, Eliot Spitzer, for NYS Attorney General in 1998. Both candidates won office.

His leadership style as a party boss earned him friends and enemies, including Michael Pietruszka. The source of hostility is that Pigeon endorsed Eugene Fahey over Pietruszka for the New York State Supreme Court, when both were judges at Buffalo City Court.

Pigeon’s support, Fahey was elected to the NY State Supreme Court and later appointed to the New York State Court of Appeals. Pietruszka had to settle for a judgeship in Erie County.

A coalition of Democrats, the Task Force to Renew the Democratic Party, was organized in 2000 to oust Pigeon as party chairman. One of the coalition leaders was Michael Keane. He had sought Pigeon’s endorsement for Buffalo Comptroller but Pigeon endorsed another candidate instead. Keane is the current Deputy District Attorney, the second in command under Flynn, and is expected to run for DA in 2024.

Pigeon survived the coup attempt, and in a controversial vote, committee members again reelected Pigeon as their party chairman.

Pigeon started working with Andrew Cuomo during the administration of his late father, Mario Cuomo.

was one of the only county chairmen to support Andrew Cuomo’s unsuccessful gubernatorial primary bid in 2002.

The coalition to oust Pigeon came back in full force in 2002, and Pigeon decided not to run for re-election.

After retiring as party boss, Pigeon became an enemy of the local Democratic Party. He supported candidates to run against endorsed Democrats in primaries. Sometimes, he supported Republicans in general elections.

In 2003, Pigeon helped B. Thomas Golisano, the billionaire founder of Paychex Corp, one of his friends and business associates, rescue the NHL hockey team, the Buffalo Sabres, from bankruptcy. Golisano’s purchase of the Sabres prevented the franchise from moving outside Western NY.

Pigeon worked as a senior member of longtime family friedd, Dick Gephardt’s presidential campaign in 2004.

was one of the early supporters of Byron Brown, Buffalo’s current mayor.

He was one of the nation’s top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Over the years, he helped raise millions for the Clinton campaigns and their foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative. Billionaire Golisano was one of the founding donors.

Pigeon raised money for Obama’s presidential run after he defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary. In addition, he helped secure a donation of $1 million for the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

Sentencing Delayed

On December 14, 2021, Pigeon was to be sentenced for his federal charges and in January 2022, for the state charges.

Pigeon’s sentencing dates were adjourned after the child’s rape charge. The trial is unlikely to start until 2023.

=> <=

Last edited by EricKaliberhall on Wed May 11, 2022 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Top Aide To Hillary Clinton ARRESTED For Raping 11-Year-Old Girl DURING Clinton Presidential Campaign

Post by Tallest_Skil »

>arrested 2018

>no trial until 2023

Zero chance of him ever being punished.
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Re: Top Aide To Hillary Clinton ARRESTED For Raping 11-Year-Old Girl DURING Clinton Presidential Campaign

Post by brwn »

I guess when you raise millions nothing else matters 😞
Btw a lot of corrupt people in above article
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