Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials

Post by doginventer »

Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials | The Buffalo Chronicle ... officials/

In 2016, after Amy MacPherson was forced out of her job at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for making unsubstantiated claims and inferences in her reporting, she became a director of the Simcoe-Grey Federal Liberal Riding Association — where she claims to have encountered predatorial sexual exploitation of children by a Liberal Party of Canada official and political colleague. MacPherson insists her experience is indicative of much more systemic problems inside the Liberal Party, and she details a stunning cover-up by party officials.

MacPherson is the cousin of Sophie Trudeau, the Prime Minister’s wife. A self-described ‘political animal’, MacPherson has been active in covering politics as a reporter and as an activist at the local level. She is open about her own experiences of sexual violence and of growing up as a Crown ward, which she explains has instilled in her a moral compass on child advocacy issues.

Despite providing evidence about the child exploitation to several party officials, she claims that her warnings were entirely ignored. On her blog, Free the Press Canada, she lamented that the information she provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to the Barrie Police Service, and to the Ontario Provincial Police had not been acted on.

After repeatedly informing public officials in writing — including then-Premier Kathleen Wynne— she penned a personal letter reiterating the urgency of the Liberal Party’s misconduct regarding child volunteers to Justin Trudeau himself. She even accused Trudeau of erecting a “communication barrier” to insulate himself from “some deeply troubling developments.”

MacPherson has been a fierce Liberal Party stalwart for many years. She is pictured above protesting outside of an event being held by Stephen Harper in 2012.
At the time, a senior party executive by the name of Jared Nolan was being investigated after several allegations of abuse emerged from children about whom Nolan had access to large amounts of data, both in his role as a hospital administrator and his access to party databases of child volunteers.

MacPherson wrote to Trudeau and law enforcement officials:

…I’m a peripheral witness in the matter of Jared Nolan, as well as a journalist and a former fellow executive on the same board of directors. I shared communications with the accused in the days before he was arrested and I made lengthy reports with both the Barrie Police Service (BPS) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), who’ve partnered for the sake of a larger criminal probe. The charges involve multiple youth complainants and allegations of child luring, child pornography, and distribution of child pornography. I have urgent information to provide the public, government and law enforcement, in an effort to protect more children who remain at risk due to institutional oversights and competing political agendas.

It’s not an internet myth and several criminal charges are laid, into the double-digits. Some of them were even against your flatmate, but that’s the part you did know. What I need to discuss is the growing number of child sex victims since he pleaded guilty, and the family looked away to cleanse its Liberal soul. Because everyone closed their eyes in an effort to shield you from that scandal, the abuses continued and kids are presently being harmed by additional members of our family. The thing about predation is that it’s an illness and it can’t be controlled by ignoring it. All that secrecy did was let the disease flourish within our own family…
“Children are being exploited either in your name or on your watch, and you’re the only one who can stop this,” MacPherson alleged in a letter dated March 22, 2018. “The Trudeau stamp is on these crimes, through and through. It’s just that you’re blinded to how.”

The 17,000-word letter detailed her concerns that Nolan’s access to data regarding child volunteers was being used to further target and victimize children — databases that included volunteers’ schedules, interests, and even emotional vulnerabilities, she alleged.

Jared Nolan served as the Liberal Party of Canada’s Executive Vice President for the Simcoe-Grey riding.
The letter did not shy from directly linking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the scandalous allegations:

…I know you believe that your part of the family is more civilized than mine and that sexual abuse can’t infect the silver spoon; but in this example the privileged members of our clan are preying on the most vulnerable, precisely because they have no resources to defend themselves. The abuse of power in your image is so great that it’s upsetting. Watching them use your money and power to scare, brutalize, and/or silence the kids is nearly paralyzing. This relates to stalking women in our family too…
In another blog post, dated February 19, 2018, MacPherson alleges media bias on the part of CTV News. She claims to have approached CTV to amend and expand its story about Nolan abusing his access to patient data at the Alliston hospital to lure children and distribute child pornography. A special police task force was established to investigate. By July, Nolan had pled guilty to child luring. That December he was sentenced to 18-months in prison and two-years probation.

… The problem is that I knew Mr. Nolan personally, as a political colleague. I had information that was incredibly relevant to his case, as well as the Liberal Party of Canada. We worked together on the riding’s board of directors when he was criminally charged and I was aware he had access to thousands more children through the party and its Liberalist database. He had the highest level of access to every child volunteer and member of the Young Liberals across the entire country. He also led groups of youth volunteers during the last federal election….
Nolan had no experience in healthcare before taking a senior position at the hospital — a position that reported to the board of directors. He wasn’t known to the local riding association before taking an executive position with the SGFLRA, either. But Nolan was close to the Liberal Party’s candidate in the Simcoe riding, and that candidate sat on the hospital’s board of directors. Nolan, at age 35, seemed to become a ‘big-wig’ overnight, and all of a sudden the Liberal riding association and the Alliston hospital were being run by the same three people.

The consummate Liberal Party activist, MacPherson worked hard to unseat Conservative MP Kelly Leitch during the 2015 election cycle.
The police claim that they weren’t aware that Nolan had access to more sensitive information about a much greater number of children through the party. A sophisticated software program known as The Liberalist is an extensive database that can track child volunteers in real-time. In some cases, MacPherson explains, that the software knows if the kids are dating, what their schedules look like, what their home situation is like, and if they have emotional vulnerabilities.

… In the meantime a forensic warrant was executed and at that very moment, someone tampered with the evidence. All of Jared Nolan’s connections to the Liberal Party of Canada were altered or outright deleted. I have proof of that as well. It caused so much concern that I contacted Anna Gainey as an LPC official, to have the party intervene for the sake of protecting due process. It surely wouldn’t help if another individual was charged for obstructing a forensic warrant and the LPC sincerely needed to protect the children in our riding…
Instead of acting on MacPherson’s complaints, the party actively covered-up its relationship with Nolan and declined to intervene or assist in any investigations. The party declined to let anyone know an election campaign official was criminally charged with heinous sex crimes against children that were alleged to happen over the course of that campaign. The party also refused to notify the parents of children who volunteered with Nolan during that time.

The party didn’t even remove Nolan as the Simcoe-Grey Federal Liberal Riding Association’s Executive Vice President. While incarcerated awaiting bail and under house arrest, Nolan maintained access to the Liberalist database for another two months, before he willingly stepped down from the position.

It was during that time that, MacPherson alleges, “disturbing photos of children connecting him to the other campaign executive began appearing on social media.”

MacPherson claims that Anna Gainey threatened and intimidated her. When she tried to raise the issue at a riding association general meeting, officials immediately shut down the procedure, revoking the party’s constitution and procedural rules entirely, in order to prevent her from speaking to the general membership.

She posted a video of the encounter on her website and to Youtube.

MacPherson sees herself as a survivor of sexual violence, which has inspired her advocacy for children.
MacPherson claims that party officials ordered CTV News to stop recording the meeting and threatened to charge CTV for trespassing if they filmed. After this happened, the CTV reporter was reassigned and not allowed to pursue the story. He wished to proceed and continued working with MacPherson to obtain more information, however, another party executive convinced the producers to drop the story.

CTV refused to tell the world that a child sex predator was a Liberal Party executive working closely with children during the election campaign at the time of these allegations. The Canadian media blatantly censored Nolan’s position with the party from any of its reporting — even in outlets that did cover it, like The Toronto Sun.

…This situation is so unfortunate that I gave CTV News an earful last year. When the reporter in my example pushed to complete the story, he was told to cultivate children from our riding to interview as prospective victims. This is the only way CTV would release the information about Jared Nolan’s status with the Liberals. It didn’t matter that he was already under house arrest for prosecution as a child predator. Management required that a small flock of kids be located to canvass for new allegations, before they would alert the public about the danger that was already thoroughly established. They wished to create their own ‘exclusive’ by blindsiding local children and prodding them for salacious tips…
In Simcoe-Grey, MacPherson claims that the political interference in the investigation involved the OPP. Mike MacEachern, the Liberal Party candidate who oversaw Nolan’s work at the hospital as well as the election campaign, also sat on the OPP’s board of directors. In the past, MacEachern has publicly boasted of his influence over this particular police agency.

Perhaps coincidentally, the OPP refused to accept MacPherson’s evidence of Nolan’s access to children through the Liberal Party of Canada. They charged him with luring children from the hospital and subsequently for child pornography, but the lead investigator refused to investigate possible victims from the party’s youth volunteering program.

The police took a 2-hour statement from MacPherson prior to party officials intervening in the investigation. She alleges that the OPP then changed its tune and aggressively refused to take official statements. Officers refused to provide a report number from the report she already submitted and the agency became unable to locate the officer who took her initial report.

Officers also declined to inform the Crown prosecutor of this new evidence.

“I’ve had to digest that our police won’t act on political sex issues unless the political news decides it can be reported and potential victims consent to being publicly exploited. In this experience regarding Jared Nolan, it seems the LPC determines what CTV can report, then CTVdecides if it will cajole the police to investigate,” MacPherson explains.

“Maybe if we confront this circle-jerk we can begin to sort it out,” she concludes.

Liberal candidate for Parliament Mike MacEachern posing with Conservative MP Kellie Leitch. He narrowly lost the riding in 2015, with a vote of 37-to-49 percent.
Links from comments:

Former Alliston hospital manager sentenced for luring ... or-luring/

Former Alliston hospital worker sentenced to jail time | CTV News ... -1.4209689

Former Simcoe North Liberal candidate charged with child pornography offences | ... rnography/


Justin Trudeau's Best Friend Found Guilty Of Child Porn Charges, Directing World Wide Child Porn Ring — Dean Blundell's Sports, News, Podcast Network ... porn-ring/
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Re: Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Thanks for posting this, @doginventer. It was posted on OV, a few times. But no one made a post to any of the PG subs. - ... on&nsfw=on -
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Re: Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials

Post by doginventer »

shewhomustbeobeyed wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:12 pm Thanks for posting this, @doginventer. It was posted on OV, a few times. But no one made a post to any of the PG subs. - ... on&nsfw=on -
I didn’t know that.
You are such an asset to the community SWMBO.
Thank you :)
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