Fuck you YouTube. Look at what YouTube is hiding.

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Fuck you YouTube. Look at what YouTube is hiding.

Post by gamepwn22 »

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Re: Fuck you YouTube. Look at what YouTube is hiding.

Post by La_Chalupacabra »

That was one of the last, great exposes of 8/pol/: pedos using the emoji system to tag videos so others of their ilk could find it while also evading the automated word filter.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Fuck you YouTube. Look at what YouTube is hiding.

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

I don't want to click but fyi shortly before she was suicided, Tracy Twyman (one of the smartest researchers ever) deciphered a pedo code on YT. She went to the fbi and they refused to speak to her, then the gang stalking started, then she was dead. Not many people know she had an account on oldvoat. I communicated with her a few times.
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